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We explore excitation transport within a one-dimensional chain of atoms where the atomic transition dipoles are coupled to the free radiation field. When the atoms are separated by distances smaller or comparable to the wavelength of the transition, the exchange of virtual photons leads to the transport of the excitation through the lattice. Even though this is a strongly dissipative system, we find that the transport is subradiant, that is, the excitation lifetime is orders of magnitude longer than the one of an individual atom. In particular, we show that a subspace of the spectrum is formed by subradiant states with a linear dispersion relation, which allows for the dispersionless transport of wave packets over long distances with virtually zero decay rate. Moreover, the group velocity and direction of the transport can be controlled via an external uniform magnetic field while preserving its subradiant character. The simplicity and versatility of this system, together with the robustness of subradiance against disorder, makes it relevant for a range of applications such as lossless energy transport and long-time light storage.
A ring of sub-wavelength spaced dipole-coupled quantum emitters possesses only few radiant but many extraordinarily subradiant collective modes. These exhibit a 3D-confined spatial radiation field pattern forming a nano-scale high-Q optical resonator
We investigate a one-dimensional quantum emitter chain where transport of excitations and correlations takes place via nearest neighbor, dipole-dipole interactions. In the presence of collective radiative emission, we show that a phase imprinting wav
Coherent transport of excitations along chains of coupled quantum systems represents an interesting problem with a number of applications ranging from quantum optics to solar cell technology. A convenient tool for studying such processes are quantum
We study the collective decay rates of multi-dimensional quantum networks in which one-dimensional waveguides form an intersecting hyper-rectangular lattice, with qubits located at the lattice points. We introduce and motivate the emph{dimensional re
Dickes original thought experiment with two spins coupled to a photon mode has recently been experimentally realized. We propose extending this experiment to N spins and show that it naturally gives rise to highly entangled states. In particular, it