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GSE spectra in uni-directional quantum systems

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 نشر من قبل Maram Akila
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Generically, spectral statistics of spinless systems with time reversal invariance (TRI) and chaotic dynamics are well described by the Gaussian Orthogonal ensemble (GOE). However, if an additional symmetry is present, the spectrum can be split into independent sectors which statistics depend on the type of the groups irreducible representation. In particular, this allows the construction of TRI quantum graphs with spectral statistics characteristic of the Gaussian Symplectic ensembles (GSE). To this end one usually has to use groups admitting pseudo-real irreducible representations. In this paper we show how GSE spectral statistics can be realized in TRI systems with simpler symmetry groups lacking pseudo-real representations. As an application, we provide a class of quantum graphs with only $C_4$ rotational symmetry possessing GSE spectral statistics.

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اقرأ أيضاً

An approximate exponential quantum projection filtering scheme is developed for a class of open quantum systems described by Hudson- Parthasarathy quantum stochastic differential equations, aiming to reduce the computational burden associated with on line calculation of the quantum filter. By using a differential geometric approach, the quantum trajectory is constrained in a finite-dimensional differentiable manifold consisting of an unnormalized exponential family of quantum density operators, and an exponential quantum projection filter is then formulated as a number of stochastic differential equations satisfied by the finite-dimensional coordinate system of this manifold. A convenient design of the differentiable manifold is also presented through reduction of the local approximation errors, which yields a simplification of the quantum projection filter equations. It is shown that the computational cost can be significantly reduced by using the quantum projection filter instead of the quantum filter. It is also shown that when the quantum projection filtering approach is applied to a class of open quantum systems that asymptotically converge to a pure state, the input-to-state stability of the corresponding exponential quantum projection filter can be established. Simulation results from an atomic ensemble system example are provided to illustrate the performance of the projection filtering scheme. It is expected that the proposed approach can be used in developing more efficient quantum control methods.
202 - A. A. Kuznetsova 2010
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The quantum theory of indirect measurements in physical systems is studied. The example of an indirect measurement of an observable represented by a self-adjoint operator $mathcal{N}$ with finite spectrum is analysed in detail. The Hamiltonian genera ting the time evolution of the system in the absence of direct measurements is assumed to be given by the sum of a term commuting with $mathcal{N}$ and a small perturbation not commuting with $mathcal{N}$. The system is subject to repeated direct (projective) measurements using a single instrument whose action on the state of the system commutes with $mathcal{N}$. If the Hamiltonian commutes with the observable $mathcal{N}$ (i.e., if the perturbation vanishes) the state of the system approaches an eigenstate of $mathcal{N}$, as the number of direct measurements tends to $infty$. If the perturbation term in the Hamiltonian does textit{not} commute with $mathcal{N}$ the system exhibits jumps between different eigenstates of $mathcal{N}$. We determine the rate of these jumps to leading order in the strength of the perturbation and show that if time is re-scaled appropriately a maximum likelihood estimate of $mathcal{N}$ approaches a Markovian jump process on the spectrum of $mathcal{N}$, as the strength of the perturbation tends to $0$.
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