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Strong Electronic Interaction and Signatures of Nodal Superconductivity in Zr$_5$Pt$_3$C$_x$

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 نشر من قبل Ant\\^onio Lucas Rigotti Manesco
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The physical properties of the Zr$_5$Pt$_3$ compound with interstitial carbon in hexagonal D8$_8$-structure was investigated. A set of macroscopic measurements reveal a bulk superconducting at approximately 7 K for Zr$_5$Pt$_3$C$_{0.3}$ close to Zr$_5$Pt$_3$, also with a correlate anomalous resistivity behavior. However, both the signatures of strong electron-electron interaction, and the electronic contribution to specific heat, increase dramatically with the C doping. For the first time the x-ray photoelectron spectra compared with DFT/PWLO calculations of electronic structure show a complex Fermi surface with high density of states for Zr$_5$Pt$_3$. Also results show the signature of unconventional superconductivity. Indeed, was observed an unusual behavior for lower and upper critical field diagrams of Zr$_5$Pt$_3$C$_{0.3}$. The temperature dependence of penetration length and electronic contribution to specific heat suggests that electronic pairing deviates of $s$-wave the BCS scenario.

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In the present work we demonstrate that C-doped Zr$_{5}$Pt$_{3}$ is an electron-phonon superconductor (with critical temperature T$_mathrm{C}$ = 3.7,K) with a nonsymmorphic topological Dirac nodal-line semimetal state, which we report here for the fi rst time. The superconducting properties of Zr$_{5}$Pt$_{3}$C$_{0.5}$ have been investigated by means of magnetization and muon spin rotation and relaxation ($mu$SR) measurements. We find that at low temperatures the depolarization rate is almost constant and can be well described by a single-band $s-$wave model with a superconducting gap of $2Delta(0)/k_mathrm{B}T_mathrm{C}$ = 3.84, close to the value of BCS theory. From transverse field $mu$SR analysis we estimate the London penetration depth $lambda_{L}$ = 469 nm, superconducting carrier density $n_{s}$ = 2$times$10$^{26}$ $m^{-3}$, and effective mass m$^{*}$ = 1.584 $m_{e}$. Zero field $mu$SR confirms the absence of any spontaneous magnetic moment in the superconducting ground state. To gain additional insights into the electronic ground state of C-doped Zr$_5$Pt$_3$, we have also performed first-principles calculations within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The observed homogenous electronic character of the Fermi surface as well as the mutual decrease of $T_mathrm{C}$ and density of states at the Fermi level are consistent with the experimental findings. However, the band structure reveals the presence of robust, gapless fourfold-degenarate nodal lines protected by $6_{3}$ screw rotations and glide mirror planes. Therefore, Zr$_5$Pt$_3$ represents a novel, unprecedented condensed matter system to investigate the intricate interplay between superconductivity and topology.
We have determined the superconducting and magnetic properties of four samples of Lu$_x$Zr$_{1-x}$B$_{12}$ ($x=0.04$, $0.07$, $0.17$, and $0.8$) using muon spin rotation ($mu$SR) and magnetometry measurements. We observed a strong magnetic signal in both the $mu$SR and magnetometry data in one sample ($x=0.07$), likely caused by the formation of static moments of size $approx 1,mu_{rm B}$ due to a clustering effect of the Lu$^{3+}$ ions. In all other samples, we find only a small magnetic signal in the $mu$SR data thought to originate from boron nuclei in the B$_{12}$ cages. The superconductivity is found to evolve with $x$, with a decrease in $x$ resulting in an increase in critical temperature and a decrease of the penetration depth. Most remarkably, we find the formation of nodes in the superconducting gap for $x leq 0.17$, providing a new example of an $s$-to-$d$-wave crossover in a superconductor.
121 - Y. Xu , S. Johr , L. Das 2020
By using mostly the muon-spin rotation/relaxation ($mu$SR) technique, we investigate the superconductivity (SC) of Nb$_5$Ir$_{3-x}$Pt$_x$O ($x = 0$ and 1.6) alloys, with $T_c = 10.5$ K and 9.1 K, respectively. At a macroscopic level, their supercondu ctivity was studied by electrical resistivity, magnetization, and specific-heat measurements. In both compounds, the electronic specific heat and the low-temperature superfluid density data suggest a nodeless SC. The superconducting gap value and the specific heat discontinuity at $T_c$ are larger than that expected from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory in the weak-coupling regime, indicating strong-coupling superconductivity in the Nb$_5$Ir$_{3-x}$Pt$_x$O family. In Nb$_5$Ir$_3$O, multigap SC is evidenced by the field dependence of the electronic specific heat coefficient and the superconducting Gaussian relaxation rate, as well as by the temperature dependence of the upper critical field. Pt substitution suppresses one of the gaps, and Nb$_5$Ir$_{1.4}$Pt$_{1.6}$O becomes a single-gap superconductor. By combining our extensive experimental results, we provide evidence for a multiple- to single-gap SC crossover in the Nb$_5$Ir$_{3-x}$Pt$_x$O family.
658 - S. Y. Zhou , X. L. Li , B. Y. Pan 2012
The thermal conductivity $kappa$ of superconductor Ir$_{1-x}$Pt$_{x}$Te$_2$ ($x$ = 0.05) single crystal with strong spin-orbital coupling was measured down to 50 mK. The residual linear term $kappa_0/T$ is negligible in zero magnetic field. In low ma gnetic field, $kappa_0/T$ shows a slow field dependence. These results demonstrate that the superconducting gap of Ir$_{1-x}$Pt$_{x}$Te$_2$ is nodeless, and the pairing symmetry is likely conventional s-wave, despite the existence of strong spin-orbital coupling and a quantum critical point.
A complex structure of the superconducting order parameter in $Ln_2$C$_3$ ($Ln$ = La, Y) is demonstrated by muon spin relaxation ($mu$SR) measurements in their mixed state. The muon depolarization rate [$sigma_{rm v}(T)$] exhibits a characteristic te mperature dependence that can be perfectly described by a phenomenological double-gap model for nodeless superconductivity. While the magnitude of two gaps is similar between La$_2$C$_3$ and Y$_2$C$_3$, a significant difference in the interband coupling between those two cases is clearly observed in the behavior of $sigma_{rm v}(T)$.
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