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Multigap superconductivity in sesquicarbides La$_2$C$_3$ and Y$_2$C$_3$

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 نشر من قبل Sogo Kuroiwa
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A complex structure of the superconducting order parameter in $Ln_2$C$_3$ ($Ln$ = La, Y) is demonstrated by muon spin relaxation ($mu$SR) measurements in their mixed state. The muon depolarization rate [$sigma_{rm v}(T)$] exhibits a characteristic temperature dependence that can be perfectly described by a phenomenological double-gap model for nodeless superconductivity. While the magnitude of two gaps is similar between La$_2$C$_3$ and Y$_2$C$_3$, a significant difference in the interband coupling between those two cases is clearly observed in the behavior of $sigma_{rm v}(T)$.

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We report on the superconducting (SC) properties of Y$_2$C$_3$ with a relatively high transition temperature $T_{rm c}=15.7$ K investigated by $^{13}$C nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) measurements under a magnetic field. The $^{13}$C Knight shift ha s revealed a significant decrease below $T_{rm c}$, suggesting a spin-singlet superconductivity. From an analysis of the temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate $1/T_1$ in the SC state, Y$_2$C$_3$ is demonstrated to be a multigap superconductor that exhibits a large gap $2Delta/k_{rm B}T_{rm c}=5$ at the main band and a small gap $2Delta/k_{rm B}T_{rm c}=2$ at other bands. These results have revealed that Y$_2$C$_3$ is a unique multigap s-wave superconductor similar to MgB$_2$.
The electron paramagnetic resonance study for an organic superconductor $beta$-(BEDT-TTF)$_{4}$[(H$_3$O)Ga(C$_2$O$_4$)$_3$]$cdot$C$_6$H$_5$NO$_2$ reveals that superconductivity coexists uniformly with the charge ordered state in one material. In the charge ordered state, the interplane spin exchange is gapped, while the in-plane conductivity is not significantly modified. This anisotropic behavior is explained by the exotic charge ordered state, in which molecular-site selective carrier localization coexists with conducting carriers on other molecules. Relationship between superconductivity and this conductive charge ordered state is investigated.
The superconducting properties of a recently discovered high $T_{rm c}$ superconductor, Sr/ammonia-intercalated FeSe, have been measured using pulsed magnetic fields down to $4.,rm {K}$ and muon spin spectroscopy down to $1.5,rm K$. This compound exh ibits intrinsic disorder resulting from random stacking of the FeSe layers along the $c$-axis that is not present in other intercalates of the same family. This arises because the coordination requirements of the intercalated Sr and ammonia moieties imply that the interlayer stacking (along $c$) involves a translation of either ${bf a}/2$ or ${bf b}/2$ which locally breaks tetragonal symmetry. The result of this stacking arrangement is that the Fe ions in this compound describe a body-centred tetragonal lattice in contrast to the primitive arrangement of Fe ions described in all other Fe-based superconductors. In pulsed magnetic fields the upper critical field $H_{text{c2}}$ was found to increase on cooling with an upwards curvature that is commonly seen in type-II superconductors of a multi-band nature. Fitting the data to a two-band model and extrapolation to absolute zero gave a maximum upper critical field ${mu_0H_{rm c2}(0)}$ of ${33(2),rm T}$. A clear superconducting transition with a diamagnetic shift was also observed in transverse-field muon measurements at ${T_{text c}approx36.3(2),rm K}$. These results demonstrate that robust superconductivity in these intercalated FeSe systems does not rely on perfect structural coherence along the $c$-axis.
Coupling between $sigma$-bonding electrons and phonons is generally very strong. To metallize $sigma$-electrons provides a promising route to hunt for new high-T$_c$ superconductors. Based on this picture and first-principles density functional calcu lation with Wannier interpolation for electronic structure and lattice dynamics, we predict that trilayer film LiB$_2$C$_2$ is a good candidate to realize this kind of high-T$_c$ superconductivity. By solving the anisotropic Eliashberg equations, we find that free-standing trilayer LiB$_2$C$_2$ is a phonon-mediated superconductor with T$_c$ exceeding the liquid-nitrogen temperature at ambient pressure. The transition temperature can be further raised to 125 K by applying a biaxial tensile strain.
Following the discovery of superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional K$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$ containing [(Cr$_3$As$_3$)$^{2-}$]$_{infty}$ chains [J. K. Bao et al., arXiv: 1412.0067 (2014)], we succeeded in synthesizing an analogous compound, Rb$_2$Cr$_3$A s$_3$, which also crystallizes in a hexagonal lattice. The replacement of K by Rb results in an expansion of $a$ axis by 3%, indicating a weaker interchain coupling in Rb$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$. Bulk superconductivity emerges at 4.8 K, above which the normal-state resistivity shows a linear temperature dependence up to 35 K. The estimated upper critical field at zero temperature exceeds the Pauli paramagnetic limit by a factor of two. Furthermore, the electronic specific-heat coefficient extrapolated to zero temperature in the mixed state increases with $sqrt{H}$, suggesting existence of nodes in the superconducting energy gap. Hence Rb$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$ manifests itself as another example of unconventional superconductor in the Cr$_3$As$_3$-chain based system.
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