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Topological Marker Currents in Chern Insulators

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 نشر من قبل Marcello Davide Caio
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Topological states of matter exhibit many novel properties due to the presence of robust topological invariants such as the Chern index. These global characteristics pertain to the system as a whole and are not locally defined. However, local topological markers can distinguish between topological phases, and they can vary in space. In equilibrium, we show that the topological marker can be used to extract the critical behavior of topological phase transitions. Out of equilibrium, we show that the topological marker spreads via a flow of currents, with a bounded maximum propagation speed. We discuss the possibilities for measuring the topological marker and its flow in experiment.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Topological states of matter were first introduced for non-interacting fermions on an infinite uniform lattice. Since then, substantial effort has been made to generalize these concepts to more complex settings. Recently, local markers have been deve loped that can describe the topological state of systems without translational symmetry and well-defined gap. However, no local marker for interacting matter has been proposed yet that is capable of directly addressing an interacting system. Here we suggest such a many-body local marker based on the single-particle Greens function. Using this marker we identify topological transitions in finite lattices of a Chern insulator with Anderson disorder and Hubbard interactions. Importantly, our proposal can be straightforwardly generalised to non-equilibrium systems.
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We detect the topological properties of Chern insulators with strong Coulomb interactions by use of cluster perturbation theory and variational cluster approach. The common scheme in previous studies only involves the calculation of the interacting b ulk Chern number within the natural unit cell by means of the so-called topological Hamiltonian. With close investigations on a prototype model, the half-filled Haldane Hubbard model, which is subject to both periodic and open boundary conditions, we uncover the unexpected failure of this scheme due to the explicit breaking of the translation symmetry. Instead, we assert that the faithful interacting bulk Chern number in the framework of quantum cluster approaches can be computed in the enlarged unit cell, which is free of the fault caused by the explicit translation symmetry breaking and consistent with the interacting bulk-edge correspondence.
We explore the non-equilibrium response of Chern insulators. Focusing on the Haldane model, we study the dynamics induced by quantum quenches between topological and non-topological phases. A notable feature is that the Chern number, calculated for a n infinite system, is unchanged under the dynamics following such a quench. However, in finite geometries, the initial and final Hamiltonians are distinguished by the presence or absence of edge modes. We study the edge excitations and describe their impact on the experimentally-observable edge currents and magnetization. We show that, following a quantum quench, the edge currents relax towards new equilibrium values, and that there is light-cone spreading of the currents into the interior of the sample.
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