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Spontaneous mass generation due to phonons in a two-dimensional Dirac fermion system

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 نشر من قبل Andreas Sinner
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Fermions with one and two Dirac nodes are coupled to in-plane phonons to study a spontaneous transition into the Hall insulating phase. At sufficiently strong electron-phonon interaction a gap appears in the spectrum of fermions, signaling a transition into a phase with spontaneously broken parity and time-reversal symmetry. The structure of elementary excitations above the gap in the corresponding phase reveals the presence of scale invariant parity breaking terms which resemble Chern-Simons excitations. Evaluating the Kubo formula for both models we find quantized Hall plateaux in each case, with conductance of binodal model exactly twice as large as of the mononodal model.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study a lattice model of interacting Dirac fermions in $(2+1)$ dimension space-time with an SU(4) symmetry. While increasing interaction strength, this model undergoes a {it continuous} quantum phase transition from the weakly interacting Dirac se mimetal to a fully gapped and nondegenerate phase without condensing any Dirac fermion bilinear mass operator. This unusual mechanism for mass generation is consistent with recent studies of interacting topological insulators/superconductors, and also consistent with recent progresses in lattice QCD community.
What are the ground states of an interacting, low-density electron system? In the absence of disorder, it has long been expected that as the electron density is lowered, the exchange energy gained by aligning the electron spins should exceed the enha ncement in the kinetic (Fermi) energy, leading to a (Bloch) ferromagnetic transition. At even lower densities, another transition to a (Wigner) solid, an ordered array of electrons, should occur. Experimental access to these regimes, however, has been limited because of the absence of a material platform that supports an electron system with very high-quality (low disorder) and low density simultaneously. Here we explore the ground states of interacting electrons in an exceptionally-clean, two-dimensional electron system confined to a modulation-doped AlAs quantum well. The large electron effective mass in this system allows us to reach very large values of the interaction parameter $r_s$, defined as the ratio of the Coulomb to Fermi energies. As we lower the electron density via gate bias, we find a sequence of phases, qualitatively consistent with the above scenario: a paramagnetic phase at large densities, a spontaneous transition to a ferromagnetic state when $r_s$ surpasses 35, and then a phase with strongly non-linear current-voltage characteristics, suggestive of a pinned Wigner solid, when $r_s$ exceeds $simeq 38$. However, our sample makes a transition to an insulating state at $r_ssimeq 27$, preceding the onset of the spontaneous ferromagnetism, implying that, besides interaction, the role of disorder must also be taken into account in understanding the different phases of a realistic dilute electron system.
The electron microscope has been a powerful, highly versatile workhorse in the fields of material and surface science, micro and nanotechnology, biology and geology, for nearly 80 years. The advent of two-dimensional materials opens new possibilities for realising an analogy to electron microscopy in the solid state. Here we provide a perspective view on how a two-dimensional (2D) Dirac fermion-based microscope can be realistically implemented and operated, using graphene as a vacuum chamber for ballistic electrons. We use semiclassical simulations to propose concrete architectures and design rules of 2D electron guns, deflectors, tunable lenses and various detectors. The simulations show how simple objects can be imaged with well-controlled and collimated in-plane beams consisting of relativistic charge carriers. Finally, we discuss the potential of such microscopes for investigating edges, terminations and defects, as well as interfaces, including external nanoscale structures such as adsorbed molecules, nanoparticles or quantum dots.
279 - Bitan Roy , Pallab Goswami , 2017
We analyze emergent quantum multi-criticality for strongly interacting, massless Dirac fermions in two spatial dimensions ($d=2$) within the framework of Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models, by considering the competing order parameters that give rise to fully gapped (insulating or superconducting) ground states. We focus only on those competing orders, which can be rotated into each other by generators of an exact or emergent chiral symmetry of massless Dirac fermions, and break $O(S_1)$ and $O(S_2)$ symmetries in the ordered phase. Performing a renormalization group analysis by using the $epsilon=(3-d)$ expansion scheme, we show that all the coupling constants in the critical hyperplane flow toward a new attractive fixed point, supporting an emph{enlarged} $O(S_1+S_2)$ chiral symmetry. Such a fixed point acts as an exotic quantum multi-critical point (MCP), governing the emph{continuous} semimetal-insulator as well as insulator-insulator (for example antiferromagnet to valence bond solid) quantum phase transitions. In comparison with the lower symmetric semimetal-insulator quantum critical points, possessing either $O(S_1)$ or $O(S_2)$ chiral symmetry, the MCP displays enhanced correlation length exponents, and anomalous scaling dimensions for both fermionic and bosonic fields. We discuss the scaling properties of the ratio of bosonic and fermionic masses, and the increased dc resistivity at the MCP. By computing the scaling dimensions of different local fermion bilinears in the particle-hole channel, we establish that most of the four fermion operators or generalized density-density correlation functions display faster power law decays at the MCP compared to the free fermion and lower symmetric itinerant quantum critical points. Possible generalization of this scenario to higher dimensional Dirac fermions is also outlined.
117 - Yoni BenTov 2014
I study the prospect of generating mass for symmetry-protected fermions without breaking the symmetry that forbids quadratic mass terms in the Lagrangian. I focus on 1+1 spacetime dimensions in the hope that this can provide guidance for interacting fermions in 3+1 dimensions. I first review the SO(8) Gross-Neveu model and emphasize a subtlety in the triality transformation. Then I focus on the m = 0 manifold of the SO(7) Kitaev-Fidkowski model. I argue that this theory exhibits a phenomenon similar to parity doubling in hadronic physics, and this leads to the conclusion that the fermion propagator vanishes when p = 0. I also briefly explore a connection between this model and the two-channel, single-impurity Kondo effect. This paper may serve as an introduction to topological superconductors for high energy theorists, and perhaps as a taste of elementary particle physics for condensed matter theorists.
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