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Autonomously and Simultaneously Refining Deep Neural Network Parameters by Generative Adversarial Networks

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 نشر من قبل Burak Kakillioglu
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The choice of parameters, and the design of the network architecture are important factors affecting the performance of deep neural networks. However, there has not been much work on developing an established and systematic way of building the structure and choosing the parameters of a neural network, and this task heavily depends on trial and error and empirical results. Considering that there are many design and parameter choices, such as the number of neurons in each layer, the type of activation function, the choice of using drop out or not, it is very hard to cover every configuration, and find the optimal structure. In this paper, we propose a novel and systematic method that autonomously and simultaneously optimizes multiple parameters of any given deep neural network by using a generative adversarial network (GAN). In our proposed approach, two different models compete and improve each other progressively with a GAN-based strategy. Our proposed approach can be used to autonomously refine the parameters, and improve the accuracy of different deep neural network architectures. Without loss of generality, the proposed method has been tested with three different neural network architectures, and three very different datasets and applications. The results show that the presented approach can simultaneously and successfully optimize multiple neural network parameters, and achieve increased accuracy in all three scenarios.

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The choice of parameters, and the design of the network architecture are important factors affecting the performance of deep neural networks. Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been used before to determine parameters of a network. Yet, GAs perform a finit e search over a discrete set of pre-defined candidates, and cannot, in general, generate unseen configurations. In this paper, to move from exploration to exploitation, we propose a novel and systematic method that autonomously and simultaneously optimizes multiple parameters of any deep neural network by using a GA aided by a bi-generative adversarial network (Bi-GAN). The proposed Bi-GAN allows the autonomous exploitation and choice of the number of neurons, for fully-connected layers, and number of filters, for convolutional layers, from a large range of values. Our proposed Bi-GAN involves two generators, and two different models compete and improve each other progressively with a GAN-based strategy to optimize the networks during GA evolution. Our proposed approach can be used to autonomously refine the number of convolutional layers and dense layers, number and size of kernels, and the number of neurons for the dense layers; choose the type of the activation function; and decide whether to use dropout and batch normalization or not, to improve the accuracy of different deep neural network architectures. Without loss of generality, the proposed method has been tested with the ModelNet database, and compared with the 3D Shapenets and two GA-only methods. The results show that the presented approach can simultaneously and successfully optimize multiple neural network parameters, and achieve higher accuracy even with shallower networks.
Recently, increasing works have proposed to drive evolutionary algorithms using machine learning models. Usually, the performance of such model based evolutionary algorithms is highly dependent on the training qualities of the adopted models. Since i t usually requires a certain amount of data (i.e. the candidate solutions generated by the algorithms) for model training, the performance deteriorates rapidly with the increase of the problem scales, due to the curse of dimensionality. To address this issue, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm driven by the generative adversarial networks (GANs). At each generation of the proposed algorithm, the parent solutions are first classified into real and fake samples to train the GANs; then the offspring solutions are sampled by the trained GANs. Thanks to the powerful generative ability of the GANs, our proposed algorithm is capable of generating promising offspring solutions in high-dimensional decision space with limited training data. The proposed algorithm is tested on 10 benchmark problems with up to 200 decision variables. Experimental results on these test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Recently, more and more works have proposed to drive evolutionary algorithms using machine learning models.Usually, the performance of such model based evolutionary algorithms is highly dependent on the training qualities of the adopted models.Since it usually requires a certain amount of data (i.e. the candidate solutions generated by the algorithms) for model training, the performance deteriorates rapidly with the increase of the problem scales, due to the curse of dimensionality.To address this issue, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm driven by the generative adversarial networks (GANs).At each generation of the proposed algorithm, the parent solutions are first classified into emph{real} and emph{fake} samples to train the GANs; then the offspring solutions are sampled by the trained GANs.Thanks to the powerful generative ability of the GANs, our proposed algorithm is capable of generating promising offspring solutions in high-dimensional decision space with limited training data.The proposed algorithm is tested on 10 benchmark problems with up to 200 decision variables.Experimental results on these test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
This work addresses the scarcity of annotated hyperspectral data required to train deep neural networks. Especially, we investigate generative adversarial networks and their application to the synthesis of consistent labeled spectra. By training such networks on public datasets, we show that these models are not only able to capture the underlying distribution, but also to generate genuine-looking and physically plausible spectra. Moreover, we experimentally validate that the synthetic samples can be used as an effective data augmentation strategy. We validate our approach on several public hyper-spectral datasets using a variety of deep classifiers.
Optimization for deep networks is currently a very active area of research. As neural networks become deeper, the ability in manually optimizing the network becomes harder. Mini-batch normalization, identification of effective respective fields, mome ntum updates, introduction of residual blocks, learning rate adoption, etc. have been proposed to speed up the rate of convergent in manual training process while keeping the higher accuracy level. However, the problem of finding optimal topological structure for a given problem is becoming a challenging task need to be addressed immediately. Few researchers have attempted to optimize the network structure using evolutionary computing approaches. Among them, few have successfully evolved networks with reinforcement learning and long-short-term memory. A very few has applied evolutionary programming into deep convolution neural networks. These attempts are mainly evolved the network structure and then subsequently optimized the hyper-parameters of the network. However, a mechanism to evolve the deep network structure under the techniques currently being practiced in manual process is still absent. Incorporation of such techniques into chromosomes level of evolutionary computing, certainly can take us to better topological deep structures. The paper concludes by identifying the gap between evolutionary based deep neural networks and deep neural networks. Further, it proposes some insights for optimizing deep neural networks using evolutionary computing techniques.
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