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Pseudo-differential operators with nonlinear quantizing functions

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 نشر من قبل Michael Ruzhansky
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we develop the calculus of pseudo-differential operators corresponding to the quantizations of the form $$ Au(x)=int_{mathbb{R}^n}int_{mathbb{R}^n}e^{i(x-y)cdotxi}sigma(x+tau(y-x),xi)u(y)dydxi, $$ where $tau:mathbb{R}^ntomathbb{R}^n$ is a general function. In particular, for the linear choices $tau(x)=0$, $tau(x)=x$, and $tau(x)=frac{x}{2}$ this covers the well-known Kohn-Nirenberg, anti-Kohn-Nirenberg, and Weyl quantizations, respectively. Quantizations of such type appear naturally in the analysis on nilpotent Lie groups for polynomial functions $tau$ and here we investigate the corresponding calculus in the model case of $mathbb{R}^n$. We also give examples of nonlinear $tau$ appearing on the polarised and non-polarised Heisenberg groups, inspired by the recent joint work with Marius Mantoiu.

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165 - A.Yu. Khrennikov 2011
This paper is devoted to wavelet analysis on adele ring $bA$ and the theory of pseudo-differential operators. We develop the technique which gives the possibility to generalize finite-dimensional results of wavelet analysis to the case of adeles $bA$ by using infinite tensor products of Hilbert spaces. The adele ring is roughly speaking a subring of the direct product of all possible ($p$-adic and Archimedean) completions $bQ_p$ of the field of rational numbers $bQ$ with some conditions at infinity. Using our technique, we prove that $L^2(bA)=otimes_{e,pin{infty,2,3,5,...}}L^2({bQ}_{p})$ is the infinite tensor product of the spaces $L^2({bQ}_{p})$ with a stabilization $e=(e_p)_p$, where $e_p(x)=Omega(|x|_p)in L^2({bQ}_{p})$, and $Omega$ is a characteristic function of the unit interval $[0,,1]$, $bQ_p$ is the field of $p$-adic numbers, $p=2,3,5,...$; $bQ_infty=bR$. This description allows us to construct an infinite family of Haar wavelet bases on $L^2(bA)$ which can be obtained by shifts and multi-delations. The adelic multiresolution analysis (MRA) in $L^2(bA)$ is also constructed. In the framework of this MRA another infinite family of Haar wavelet bases is constructed. We introduce the adelic Lizorkin spaces of test functions and distributions and give the characterization of these spaces in terms of wavelet functions. One class of pseudo-differential operators (including the fractional operator) is studied on the Lizorkin spaces. A criterion for an adelic wavelet function to be an eigenfunction for a pseudo-differential operator is derived. We prove that any wavelet function is an eigenfunction of the fractional operator. These results allow one to create the necessary prerequisites for intensive using of adelic wavelet bases and pseudo-differential operators in applications.
We consider a smooth hyper-surface Z of a closed Riemannian manifold X. Let P be the Poisson operator associating to a smooth function on Z its harmonic extension on XZ. If A is a pseudo-differential operator on X of degree <3, we prove that B=P^* A P is a pseudo-differential operator on Z and calculate the principal symbol of B.
In this article, we begin a systematic study of the boundedness and the nuclearity properties of multilinear periodic pseudo-differential operators and multilinear discrete pseudo-differential operators on $L^p$-spaces. First, we prove analogues of k nown multilinear Fourier multipliers theorems (proved by Coifman and Meyer, Grafakos, Tomita, Torres, Kenig, Stein, Fujita, Tao, etc.) in the context of periodic and discrete multilinear pseudo-differential operators. For this, we use the periodic analysis of pseudo-differential operators developed by Ruzhansky and Turunen. Later, we investigate the $s$-nuclearity, $0<s leq 1,$ of periodic and discrete pseudo-differential operators. To accomplish this, we classify those $s$-nuclear multilinear integral operators on arbitrary Lebesgue spaces defined on $sigma$-finite measures spaces. We also study similar properties for periodic Fourier integral operators. Finally, we present some applications of our study to deduce the periodic Kato-Ponce inequality and to examine the $s$-nuclearity of multilinear Bessel potentials as well as the $s$-nuclearity of periodic Fourier integral operators admitting suitable types of singularities.
Infinite order differential operators appear in different fields of Mathematics and Physics and in the last decades they turned out to be of fundamental importance in the study of the evolution of superoscillations as initial datum for Schrodinger eq uation. Inspired by the operators arising in quantum mechanics, in this paper we investigate the continuity of a class of infinite order differential operators acting on spaces of entire hyperholomorphic functions. The two classes of hyperholomorphic functions, that constitute a natural extension of functions ofone complex variable to functions of paravector variables are illustrated by the Fueter-Sce-Qian mapping theorem. We show that, even though the two notions of hyperholomorphic functions are quite different from each other, entire hyperholomorphic functions with exponential bounds play a crucial role in the continuity of infinite order differential operators acting on these two classes of entire hyperholomorphic functions. We point out the remarkable fact that the exponential function of a paravector variable is not in the kernel of the Dirac operator but entire monogenic functions with exponential bounds play an important role in the theory.
Given a compact (Hausdorff) group $G$ and a closed subgroup $H$ of $G,$ in this paper we present symbolic criteria for pseudo-differential operators on compact homogeneous space $G/H$ characterizing the Schatten-von Neumann classes $S_r(L^2(G/H))$ fo r all $0<r leq infty.$ We go on to provide a symbolic characterization for $r$-nuclear, $0< r leq 1,$ pseudo-differential operators on $L^{p}(G/H)$-space with applications to adjoint, product and trace formulae. The criteria here are given in terms of the concept of matrix-valued symbols defined on noncommutative analogue of phase space $G/H times widehat{G/H}.$ Finally, we present applications of aforementioned results in the context of heat kernels.
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