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F-Theory and N=1 SCFTs in Four Dimensions

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 نشر من قبل David R. Morrison
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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Using the F-theory realization, we identify a subclass of 6d (1,0) SCFTs whose compactification on a Riemann surface leads to N = 1 4d SCFTs where the moduli space of the Riemann surface is part of the moduli space of the theory. In particular we argue that for a special case of these theories (dual to M5 branes probing ADE singularities), we obtain 4d N = 1 theories whose space of marginal deformations is given by the moduli space of flat ADE connections on a Riemann surface.

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اقرأ أيضاً

61 - Jeong-Hyuck Park 1997
N=1, d=4 superconformal group is studied and its representations are discussed. Under superconformal transformations, left invariant derivatives and some class of superfields, including supercurrents, are shown to follow these representations. In oth er words, these superfields are quasi-primary by analogy with two dimensional conformal field theory. Based on these results, we find the general forms of the two-point and the three-point correlation functions of the quasi-primary superfields in a group theoretical way. In particular, we show that the two-point function of the supercurrent is unique up to a constant and the general form of the three-point function of the supercurrent has two free parameters.
We explore consequences of the Averaged Null Energy Condition (ANEC) for scaling dimensions $Delta$ of operators in four-dimensional $mathcal{N}=1$ superconformal field theories. We show that in many cases the ANEC bounds are stronger than the corres ponding unitarity bounds on $Delta$. We analyze in detail chiral operators in the $(frac12 j,0)$ Lorentz representation and prove that the ANEC implies the lower bound $Deltagefrac32j$, which is stronger than the corresponding unitarity bound for $j>1$. We also derive ANEC bounds on $(frac12 j,0)$ operators obeying other possible shortening conditions, as well as general $(frac12 j,0)$ operators not obeying any shortening condition. In both cases we find that they are typically stronger than the corresponding unitarity bounds. Finally, we elucidate operator-dimension constraints that follow from our $mathcal{N}=1$ results for multiplets of $mathcal{N}=2,4$ superconformal theories in four dimensions. By recasting the ANEC as a convex optimization problem and using standard semidefinite programming methods we are able to improve on previous analyses in the literature pertaining to the nonsupersymmetric case.
268 - Mitsutoshi Fujita 2011
We compute the holographic entanglement entropy in the gravity with higher curvature terms dual to d=4 N=2 SCFTs in F-theory using the method proposed in arXiv:1011.5819. The log term of this entanglement entropy reproduces the A-type anomaly of the dual SCFTs in F- theory using the gravity dual with the higher derivative term, which, using the field redefinition, can be transformed to the Gauss-Bonnet term in the subleading order of a derivative expansion. Our analysis shows that the 1/N^2 correction for the central charges should be produced from the gravity including higher derivative terms up to curvature squared terms. To obtain consistent results, we discuss the holographic c-theorem.
114 - I. Jack , D.R.T. Jones 2021
Recently it was shown that the scaling dimension of the operator $phi^n$ in $lambda(barphiphi)^2$ theory may be computed semiclassically at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in $d=4-epsilon$, for generic values of $lambda n$, and this was verified to two loop order in perturbation theory at leading and subleading $n$. This result was subsequently generalised to operators of fixed charge $Q$ in $O(N)$ theory and verified up to four loops in perturbation theory at leading and subleading $Q$. More recently, similar semiclassical calculations have been performed for the classically scale-invariant $U(N)times U(N)$ theory in four dimensions, and verified up to two loops, once again at leading and subleading $Q$. Here we extend this verification to four loops. We also consider the corresponding classically scale-invariant theory in three dimensions, similarly verifying the leading and subleading semiclassical results up to four loops in perturbation theory.
Motivated by applications to soft supersymmetry breaking, we revisit the expansion of the Seiberg-Witten solution around the multi-monopole point on the Coulomb branch of pure $SU(N)$ $mathcal{N}=2$ gauge theory in four dimensions. At this point $N-1 $ mutually local magnetic monopoles become massless simultaneously, and in a suitable duality frame the gauge couplings logarithmically run to zero. We explicitly calculate the leading threshold corrections to this logarithmic running from the Seiberg-Witten solution by adapting a method previously introduced by DHoker and Phong. We compare our computation to existing results in the literature; this includes results specific to $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ gauge theories, the large-$N$ results of Douglas and Shenker, as well as results obtained by appealing to integrable systems or topological strings. We find broad agreement, while also clarifying some lingering inconsistencies. Finally, we explicitly extend the results of Douglas and Shenker to finite $N$, finding exact agreement with our first calculation.
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