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A study on tuning parameter selection for the high-dimensional lasso

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 نشر من قبل Daniel McDonald
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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High-dimensional predictive models, those with more measurements than observations, require regularization to be well defined, perform well empirically, and possess theoretical guarantees. The amount of regularization, often determined by tuning parameters, is integral to achieving good performance. One can choose the tuning parameter in a variety of ways, such as through resampling methods or generalized information criteria. However, the theory supporting many regularized procedures relies on an estimate for the variance parameter, which is complicated in high dimensions. We develop a suite of information criteria for choosing the tuning parameter in lasso regression by leveraging the literature on high-dimensional variance estimation. We derive intuition showing that existing information-theoretic approaches work poorly in this setting. We compare our risk estimators to existing methods with an extensive simulation and derive some theoretical justification. We find that our new estimators perform well across a wide range of simulation conditions and evaluation criteria.

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98 - Yunan Wu , Lan Wang 2019
Penalized (or regularized) regression, as represented by Lasso and its variants, has become a standard technique for analyzing high-dimensional data when the number of variables substantially exceeds the sample size. The performance of penalized regr ession relies crucially on the choice of the tuning parameter, which determines the amount of regularization and hence the sparsity level of the fitted model. The optimal choice of tuning parameter depends on both the structure of the design matrix and the unknown random error distribution (variance, tail behavior, etc). This article reviews the current literature of tuning parameter selection for high-dimensional regression from both theoretical and practical perspectives. We discuss various strategies that choose the tuning parameter to achieve prediction accuracy or support recovery. We also review several recently proposed methods for tuning-free high-dimensional regression.
383 - Xin Gao , Daniel Q. Pu , Yuehua Wu 2009
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132 - Amit Meir , Mathias Drton 2017
Applying standard statistical methods after model selection may yield inefficient estimators and hypothesis tests that fail to achieve nominal type-I error rates. The main issue is the fact that the post-selection distribution of the data differs fro m the original distribution. In particular, the observed data is constrained to lie in a subset of the original sample space that is determined by the selected model. This often makes the post-selection likelihood of the observed data intractable and maximum likelihood inference difficult. In this work, we get around the intractable likelihood by generating noisy unbiased estimates of the post-selection score function and using them in a stochastic ascent algorithm that yields correct post-selection maximum likelihood estimates. We apply the proposed technique to the problem of estimating linear models selected by the lasso. In an asymptotic analysis the resulting estimates are shown to be consistent for the selected parameters and to have a limiting truncated normal distribution. Confidence intervals constructed based on the asymptotic distribution obtain close to nominal coverage rates in all simulation settings considered, and the point estimates are shown to be superior to the lasso estimates when the true model is sparse.
Inferring causal relationships or related associations from observational data can be invalidated by the existence of hidden confounding. We focus on a high-dimensional linear regression setting, where the measured covariates are affected by hidden c onfounding and propose the {em Doubly Debiased Lasso} estimator for individual components of the regression coefficient vector. Our advocated method simultaneously corrects both the bias due to estimation of high-dimensional parameters as well as the bias caused by the hidden confounding. We establish its asymptotic normality and also prove that it is efficient in the Gauss-Markov sense. The validity of our methodology relies on a dense confounding assumption, i.e. that every confounding variable affects many covariates. The finite sample performance is illustrated with an extensive simulation study and a genomic application.
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