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Impact of ordering competition on the global phase diagram of iron pnictides

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 نشر من قبل Guo-Zhu Liu
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the impact of the competition among superconductivity, spin density wave, and nematic order in iron pnictides, and show that the ordering competition substantially reshapes the global phase diagram. We perform a detailed renormalization group analysis of an effective field theory of iron pnictides and derive the flow equations of all the physical parameters. Using these results, we find that superconductivity can be strongly suppressed by the ordering competition, and also extract the $T$-dependence of superfluid density. Moreover, the phase transitions may become first order. Interestingly, our RG analysis reveal that the nematic order exists only in an intermediate temperature region $T_{m}< T < T_{n}$, but is destroyed at $T > T_{n}$ by thermal fluctuation and at $T < T_{m}$ by ordering competition. This anomalous existence of nematic order leads to a back-bending of the nematic transition line on the phase diagram, consistent with the observed reentrance of tetragonal structure at low temperatures. A modified phase diagram is obtained based on the RG results.

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