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Piezo-Magnetoelectric Effect of Spin Origin in Dysprosium Orthoferrite

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 نشر من قبل Taro Nakajima
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Piezo-magnetoelectric effect, namely simultaneous induction of both the ferromagnetic moment and electric polarization by an application of uniaxial stress, was achieved in the non-ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic ground state of DyFeO$_3$. The induced electric polarization and ferromagnetic moment are coupled with each other, and monotonically increase with increasing uniaxial stress. The present work provides a new way to design spin-driven multiferroic states, that is, magnetic symmetry breaking forced by external uniaxial stress.

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We report a theoretical study of the non-linear magnetoelectric response of GdFeO$_3$ through an analytical approach combined with a Heisenberg model which is fitted against first-principles calculations. Our theory reproduces the non-linear change o f polarization under applied magnetic field reported experimentally such that it allows to analyze the origin of the large responses in the different directions. We show that the non-linear character of the response in these materials originates from the fact that the antiferromagnetic order of Gd atoms changes non-linearly with respect to the applied magnetic field. Our model can be generalized to other materials in which the antiferromagnetic ordering breaks inversion symmetry.
Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments were performed to investigate the spin dynamics in magnetoelectric effect (ME) LiCoPO$_4$ single crystals. Weak dispersion was detected in the magnetic excitation spectra along the three principal crysta llographic axes measured around the (0 1 0) magnetic reflection. Analysis of the data using linear spin-wave theory indicate that single-ion anisotropy in LiCoPO$_4$ is as important as the strongest nearest-neighbor exchange coupling. Our results suggest that Co$^{2+}$ single-ion anisotropy plays an important role in the spin dynamics of LiCoPO$_4$ and must be taken into account in understanding its physical properties. High resolution INS measurements reveal an anomalous low energy excitation that we hypothesize may be related to the magnetoelectric effect of LiCoPO$_4$.
We present the results of muon-spin relaxation (muSR) measurements on the hexagonal manganite HoMnO3. Features in the temperature-dependent relaxation rate, lambda, correlate with the magnetic transitions at 76 K, 38 K and 34 K. The highest temperatu re transition, associated with the ordering of Mn3+ moments has the largest effect on lambda. The application of a static electric field of E=10^4 Vm^-1 below T=50 K causes a small reduction in lambda which is suggestive of coupling between ferroelectric and magnetic domain walls in the ordered state of the material.
We report the discovery of linear magnetoelectric effect in the well-known green phase compound, Sm2BaCuO5, which crystallizes in the centrosymmetric orthorhombic (Pnma) structure. Magnetization and specific heat measurements reveal the long-range an tiferromagnetic ordering of Cu2+ and Sm3+-ions moments at TN1 = 23 K and TN2 = 5 K, respectively. Applied magnetic field induces dielectric anomaly at TN1 whose magnitude increases with field, which results in significant (1.7%) magnetocapacitance effect. On the other hand, the dielectric anomaly observed in zero-applied magnetic field at TN2 shows a small (0.4%) magnetocapacitance effect. Interestingly, applied magnetic field induces an electric polarization below TN1 and the polarization varies linearly up to the maximum applied field of 9 T with the magnetoelectric coefficient {alpha} ~ 4.4 ps/m, demonstrating high magnetoelectric coupling. Below TN2, the electric polarization decreases from 35 to 29 {mu}C/m2 at 2 K and 9 T due to ordering of Sm-sublattice. The observed linear magnetoelectricity in Sm2BaCuO5 is explained using symmetry analysis.
We report on a topological Hall effect possibly induced by scalar spin chirality in a quasi-two- dimensional helimagnet Fe$_{1+x}$Sb. In the low-temperature region where the spins on interstitial- Fe (concentration $x=0.3$) intervening the $120^circ$ spin-ordered triangular planes tend to freeze, a non-trivial component of Hall resistivity with opposite sign of the conventional anomalous Hall term is observed under magnetic field applied perpendicular to the triangular-lattice plane. The observed unconventional Hall effect is ascribed to the scalar spin chirality arising from the heptamer spin-clusters around the interstitial-Fe sites, which can be induced by the spin modulation by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction.
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