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Preferential orientation of NV defects in CVD diamond films grown on (113) substrates

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 نشر من قبل Vincent Jacques
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Thick CVD diamond layers were successfully grown on (113)-oriented substrates. They exhibited smooth surface morphologies and a crystalline quality comparable to (100) electronic grade material, and much better than (111)-grown layers. High growth rates (15-50 {mu}m/h) were obtained while nitrogen doping could be achieved in a fairly wide range without seriously imparting crystalline quality. Electron spin resonance measurements were carried out to determine NV centers orientation and concluded that one specific orientation has an occurrence probability of 73 % when (100)-grown layers show an equal distribution in the 4 possible directions. A spin coherence time of around 270 {mu}s was measured which is equivalent to that reported for material with similar isotopic purity. Although a higher degree of preferential orientation was achieved with (111)-grown layers (almost 100 %), the ease of growth and post-processing of the (113) orientation make it a potentially useful material for magnetometry or other quantum mechanical applications.

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We show that the orientation of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond can be efficiently controlled through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth on a (111)-oriented diamond substrate. More precisely, we demonstrate that spontaneously generated N V defects are oriented with a ~ 97 % probability along the [111] axis, corresponding to the most appealing orientation among the four possible crystallographic axes. Such a nearly perfect preferential orientation is explained by analyzing the diamond growth mechanism on a (111)-oriented substrate and could be extended to other types of defects. This work is a significant step towards the design of optimized diamond samples for quantum information and sensing applications.
The electronic spins of the nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV centers) in Chemical-Vapor-Deposition (CVD) grown diamonds form ideal probes of magnetic fields and temperature, as well as promising qu-bits for quantum information processing. Studying and co ntrolling the magnetic environment of NV centers in such high purity crystals is thus essential for these applications. We demonstrate optical detection of paramagnetic species, such as hydrogen-related complexes, in a CVD-grown diamond. The resonant transfer of the NV centers polarized electronic spins to the electronic spins of these species generates conspicuous features in the NV photoluminescence by employing magnetic field scans along the [100] crystal direction. Our results offer prospects for more detailed studies of CVD-grown processes as well as for coherent control of the spin of novel classes of hyper-polarized paramagnetic species.
Synthetic diamond production is key to the development of quantum metrology and quantum information applications of diamond. The major quantum sensor and qubit candidate in diamond is the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center. This lattice defect comes in four different crystallographic orientations leading to an intrinsic inhomogeneity among NV centers that is undesirable in some applications. Here, we report a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor decomposition (MPCVD) diamond growth technique on (111)-oriented substrates that yields perfect alignment ($94pm2%$) of as-grown NV centers along a single crystallographic direction. In addition, clear evidence is found that the majority ($74pm4%$) of the aligned NV centers were formed by the nitrogen being first included in the (111) growth surface and then followed by the formation of a neighboring vacancy on top. The achieved homogeneity of the grown NV centers will tremendously benefit quantum information and metrology applications.
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