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Emergence of Soft Communities from Geometric Preferential Attachment

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 نشر من قبل Konstantin Zuev M
 تاريخ النشر 2015
والبحث باللغة English

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All real networks are different, but many have some structural properties in common. There seems to be no consensus on what the most common properties are, but scale-free degree distributions, strong clustering, and community structure are frequently mentioned without question. Surprisingly, there exists no simple generative mechanism explaining all the three properties at once in growing networks. Here we show how latent network geometry coupled with preferential attachment of nodes to this geometry fills this gap. We call this mechanism geometric preferential attachment (GPA), and validate it against the Internet. GPA gives rise to soft communities that provide a different perspective on the community structure in networks. The connections between GPA and cosmological models, including inflation, are also discussed.

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We use the information present in a bipartite network to detect cores of communities of each set of the bipartite system. Cores of communities are found by investigating statistically validated projected networks obtained using information present in the bipartite network. Cores of communities are highly informative and robust with respect to the presence of errors or missing entries in the bipartite network. We assess the statistical robustness of cores by investigating an artificial benchmark network, the co-authorship network, and the actor-movie network. The accuracy and precision of the partition obtained with respect to the reference partition are measured in terms of the adjusted Rand index and of the adjusted Wallace index respectively. The detection of cores is highly precise although the accuracy of the methodology can be limited in some cases.
In this article we presented a brief study of the main network models with growth and preferential attachment. Such models are interesting because they present several characteristics of real systems. We started with the classical model proposed by B arabasi and Albert: nodes are added to the network connecting preferably to other nodes that are more connected. We also presented models that consider more representative elements from social perspectives, such as the homophily between the vertices or the fitness that each node has to build connections. Furthermore, we showed a version of these models including the Euclidean distance between the nodes as a preferential attachment rule. Our objective is to investigate the basic properties of these networks as distribution of connectivity, degree correlation, shortest path, cluster coefficient and how these characteristics are affected by the preferential attachment rules. Finally, we also provided a comparison of these synthetic networks with real ones. We found that characteristics as homophily, fitness and geographic distance are significant preferential attachment rules to modeling real networks. These rules can change the degree distribution form of these synthetic network models and make them more suitable to model real networks.
A variation of the preferential attachment random graph model of Barabasi and Albert is defined that incorporates planted communities. The graph is built progressively, with new vertices attaching to the existing ones one-by-one. At every step, the i ncoming vertex is randomly assigned a label, which represents a community it belongs to. This vertex then chooses certain vertices as its neighbors, with the choice of each vertex being proportional to the degree of the vertex multiplied by an affinity depending on the labels of the new vertex and a potential neighbor. It is shown that the fraction of half-edges attached to vertices with a given label converges almost surely for some classes of affinity matrices. In addition, the empirical degree distribution for the set of vertices with a given label converges to a heavy tailed distribution, such that the tail decay parameter can be different for different communities. Our proof method may be of independent interest, both for the classical Barabasi -Albert model and for other possible extensions.
303 - Menghui Li , Liang Gao , Ying Fan 2009
Global degree/strength based preferential attachment is widely used as an evolution mechanism of networks. But it is hard to believe that any individual can get global information and shape the network architecture based on it. In this paper, it is f ound that the global preferential attachment emerges from the local interaction models, including distance-dependent preferential attachment (DDPA) evolving model of weighted networks(M. Li et al, New Journal of Physics 8 (2006) 72), acquaintance network model(J. Davidsen et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 128701) and connecting nearest-neighbor(CNN) model(A. Vazquez, Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 056104). For DDPA model and CNN model, the attachment rate depends linearly on the degree or strength, while for acquaintance network model, the dependence follows a sublinear power law. It implies that for the evolution of social networks, local contact could be more fundamental than the presumed global preferential attachment. This is onsistent with the result observed in the evolution of empirical email networks.
Background: Zipfs law and Heaps law are two representatives of the scaling concepts, which play a significant role in the study of complexity science. The coexistence of the Zipfs law and the Heaps law motivates different understandings on the depend ence between these two scalings, which is still hardly been clarified. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this article, we observe an evolution process of the scalings: the Zipfs law and the Heaps law are naturally shaped to coexist at the initial time, while the crossover comes with the emergence of their inconsistency at the larger time before reaching a stable state, where the Heaps law still exists with the disappearance of strict Zipfs law. Such findings are illustrated with a scenario of large-scale spatial epidemic spreading, and the empirical results of pandemic disease support a universal analysis of the relation between the two laws regardless of the biological details of disease. Employing the United States(U.S.) domestic air transportation and demographic data to construct a metapopulation model for simulating the pandemic spread at the U.S. country level, we uncover that the broad heterogeneity of the infrastructure plays a key role in the evolution of scaling emergence. Conclusions/Significance: The analyses of large-scale spatial epidemic spreading help understand the temporal evolution of scalings, indicating the coexistence of the Zipfs law and the Heaps law depends on the collective dynamics of epidemic processes, and the heterogeneity of epidemic spread indicates the significance of performing targeted containment strategies at the early time of a pandemic disease.
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