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The effect of scattering loss on connections between classical and quantum processes in second-order nonlinear waveguides

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 نشر من قبل Lukas Helt
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that a useful connection exists between spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) and sum frequency generation in nonlinear optical waveguides with arbitrary scattering loss, while the same does not hold true for SPDC and difference frequency generation. This result deepens the relationship between quantum and classical second-order nonlinear optical processes in waveguides, and identifies the most accurate characterization of their quantum performance in the presence of loss based solely on classical measurements.

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In this paper, we demonstrate the generation of high-performance entangled photon-pairs in different degrees of freedom from a single piece of fiber pigtailed periodically poled LiNbO$_3$ (PPLN) waveguide. We utilize cascaded second-order nonlinear o ptical processes, i.e. second-harmonic generation (SHG) and spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC), to generate photon-pairs. Previously, the performance of the photon pairs is contaminated by Raman noise photons from the fiber pigtails. Here by integrating the PPLN waveguide with noise rejecting filters, we obtain a coincidence-to-accidental ratio (CAR) higher than 52,600 with photon-pair generation and detection rate of 52.3 kHz and 3.5 kHz, respectively. Energy-time, frequency-bin and time-bin entanglement is prepared by coherently superposing correlated two-photon states in these degrees of freedom, respectively. The energy-time entangled two-photon states achieve the maximum value of CHSH-Bell inequality of S=2.708$pm$0.024 with a two-photon interference visibility of 95.74$pm$0.86%. The frequency-bin entangled two-photon states achieve fidelity of 97.56$pm$1.79% with a spatial quantum beating visibility of 96.85$pm$2.46%. The time-bin entangled two-photon states achieve the maximum value of CHSH-Bell inequality of S=2.595$pm$0.037 and quantum tomographic fidelity of 89.07$pm$4.35%. Our results provide a potential candidate for quantum light source in quantum photonics.
We show that the main difference between classical and quantum systems can be understood in terms of information entropy. Classical systems can be considered the ones where the internal dynamics can be known with arbitrary precision while quantum sys tems can be considered the ones where the internal dynamics cannot be accessed at all. As information entropy can be used to characterize how much the state of the whole system identifies the state of its parts, classical systems can have arbitrarily small information entropy while quantum systems cannot. This provides insights that allow us to understand the analogies and differences between the two theories.
Intense efforts have been made in recent years to realize nonlinear optical interactions at the single-photon level. Much of this work has focused on achieving strong third-order nonlinearities, such as by using single atoms or other quantum emitters while the possibility of achieving strong second-order nonlinearities remains unexplored. Here, we describe a novel technique to realize such nonlinearities using graphene, exploiting the strong per-photon fields associated with tightly confined graphene plasmons in combination with spatially nonlocal nonlinear optical interactions. We show that in properly designed graphene nanostructures, these conditions enable extremely strong internal down-conversion between a single quantized plasmon and an entangled plasmon pair, or the reverse process of second harmonic generation. A separate issue is how such strong internal nonlinearities can be observed, given the nominally weak coupling between these plasmon resonances and free-space radiative fields. On one hand, by using the collective coupling to radiation of nanostructure arrays, we show that the internal nonlinearities can manifest themselves as efficient frequency conversion of radiative fields at extremely low input powers. On the other hand, the development of techniques to efficiently couple to single nanostructures would allow these nonlinear processes to occur at the level of single input photons.
Waveguides in nonlinear materials are a key component for photon pair sources and offer promising solutions to interface quantum memories through frequency conversion. To bring these technologies closer to every-day life, it is still necessary to gua rantee a reliable and efficient fabrication of these devices. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the technological limitations of nonlinear waveguiding devices is paramount. In this paper, we study the link between fabrication errors of waveguides in nonlinear crystals and the final performance of such devices. In particular, we first derive a mathematical expression to qualitatively assess the technological limitations of any nonlinear waveguide. We apply this tool to study the impact of fabrication imperfections on the phasematching properties of different quantum processes realized in titanium-diffused lithium niobate waveguides. Finally, we analyse the effect of waveguide imperfections on quantum state generation and manipulation for few selected cases. We find that the main source of phasematching degradation is the correlated variation of the waveguides dispersion properties and suggest different possible strategies to reduce the impact of fabrication imperfections.
A new model of quantum computation is considered, in which the connections between gates are programmed by the state of a quantum register. This new model of computation is shown to be more powerful than the usual quantum computation, e. g. in achiev ing the programmability of permutations of N different unitary channels with 1 use instead of N uses per channel. For this task, a new elemental resource is needed, the quantum switch, which can be programmed to switch the order of two channels with a single use of each one.
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