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Non-equilibrium statistical field theory for classical particles: Basic kinetic theory

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 نشر من قبل Celia Viermann
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Recently Mazenko and Das and Mazenko introduced a non-equilibrium field theoretical approach to describe the statistical properties of a classical particle ensemble starting from the microscopic equations of motion of each individual particle. We use this theory to investigate the transition from those microscopic degrees of freedom to the evolution equations of the macroscopic observables of the ensemble. For the free theory, we recover the continuity and Jeans equations of a collisionless gas. For a theory containing two-particle interactions in a canonical perturbation series, we find the macroscopic evolution equations to be described by the Born-Bogoliubov-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy (BBGKY hierarchy) with a truncation criterion depending on the order in perturbation theory. This establishes a direct link between the classical and the field-theoretical approaches to kinetic theory that might serve as a starting point to investigate kinetic theory beyond the classical limits.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We use the non-equilibrium statistical field theory for classical particles recently developed by Mazenko and Das and Mazenko, together with the free generating functional for particles initially correlated in phase space derived in Bartelmann et al. to study the impact of initial correlations on the equation of state of real gases. We first show that we can reproduce the well known van der Waals equation of state for uncorrelated initial conditions using this approach. We then impose correlated initial conditions and study their qualitative and quantitative effect on the equation of state of a van der Waals gas. The correlations impose a significant correction to the pressure of an ideal gas which is an order of magnitude larger than the correction due to particle interactions.
We show that the kinetic theory of quantum and classical Calogero particles reduces to the free-particle Boltzmann equation. We reconcile this simple emergent behaviour with the strongly interacting character of the model by developing a Bethe-Lax co rrespondence in the classical case. This demonstrates explicitly that the freely propagating degrees of freedom are not bare particles, but rather quasiparticles corresponding to eigenvectors of the Lax matrix. We apply the resulting kinetic theory to classical Calogero particles in external trapping potentials and find excellent agreement with numerical simulations in all cases, both for harmonic traps that preserve integrability and exhibit perfect revivals, and for anharmonic traps that break microscopic integrability. Our framework also yields a simple description of multi-soliton solutions in a harmonic trap, with solitons corresponding to sharp peaks in the quasiparticle density. Extensions to quantum systems of Calogero particles are discussed.
We report the study of a new experimental granular Brownian motor, inspired to the one published in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 248001 (2010)], but different in some ingredients. As in that previous work, the motor is constituted by a rotating pawl whose surfaces break the rotation-inversion symmetry through alternated patches of different inelasticity, immersed in a gas of granular particles. The main novelty of our experimental setup is in the orientation of the main axis, which is parallel to the (vertical) direction of shaking of the granular fluid, guaranteeing an isotropic distribution for the velocities of colliding grains, characterized by a variance $v_0^2$. We also keep the granular system diluted, in order to compare with Boltzmann-equation-based kinetic theory. In agreement with theory, we observe for the first time the crucial role of Coulomb friction which induces two main regimes: (i) rare collisions (RC), with an average drift $ < omega > sim v_0^3$, and (ii) frequent collisions (FC), with $ < omega > sim v_0$. We also study the fluctuations of the angle spanned in a large time interval, $Delta theta$, which in the FC regime is proportional to the work done upon the motor. We observe that the Fluctuation Relation is satisfied with a slope which weakly depends on the relative collision frequency.
We examine how systems in non-equilibrium steady states close to a continuous phase transition can still be described by a Landau potential if one forgoes the assumption of analyticity. In a system simultaneously coupled to several baths at different temperatures, the non-analytic potential arises from the different density of states of the baths. In periodically driven-dissipative systems, the role of multiple baths is played by a single bath transferring energy at different harmonics of the driving frequency. The mean-field critical exponents become dependent on the low-energy features of the two most singular baths. We propose an extension beyond mean field.
In this work, we introduce an effective model for both ideal and viscous fluid dynamics within the framework of kinetic field theory (KFT). The main application we have in mind is cosmic structure formation where gaseous components need to be gravita tionally coupled to dark matter. However, we expect that the fluid model is much more widely applicable. The idea behind the effective model is similar to that of smoothed particle hydrodynamics. By introducing mesoscopic particles equipped with a position, a momentum, and an enthalpy, we construct a free theory for such particles and derive suitable interaction operators. We then show that the model indeed leads to the correct macroscopic evolution equations, namely the continuity, Euler, Navier-Stokes, and energy conservation equations of both ideal and viscous hydrodynamics.
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