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Dynamical vertex approximation in its parquet implementation: application to Hubbard nano-rings

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 نشر من قبل Angelo Valli Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have implemented the dynamical vertex approximation (D$Gamma$A) in its full parquet-based version to include spatial correlations on all length scales and in {sl all} scattering channels. The algorithm is applied to study the electronic self-energies and the spectral properties of finite-size one-dimensional Hubbard models with periodic boundary conditions (nanoscopic Hubbard rings). From a methodological point of view, our calculations and their comparison to the results obtained within dynamical mean-field theory, plain parquet approximation, and the exact numerical solution, allow us to evaluate the performance of the D$Gamma$A algorithm in the most challenging situation of low dimensions. From a physical perspective, our results unveil how non-local correlations affect the spectral properties of nanoscopic systems of various sizes in different regimes of interaction strength.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In this work, we adapt the formalism of the dynamical vertex approximation (D$Gamma$A), a diagrammatic approach including many-body correlations beyond the dynamical mean-field theory, to the case of attractive onsite interactions. We start by exploi ting the ladder approximation of the D$Gamma$A scheme, in order to derive the corresponding equations for the non-local self-energy and vertex functions of the attractive Hubbard model. Second, we prove the validity of our derivation by showing that the results obtained in the particle-hole symmetric case fully preserve the exact mapping between the attractive and the repulsive models. It will be shown, how this property can be related to the structure of the ladders, which makes our derivation applicable for any approximation scheme based on ladder diagrams. Finally, we apply our D$Gamma$A algorithm to the attractive Hubbard model in three dimensions, for different fillings and interaction values. Specifically, we focus on the parameters region in the proximity of the second-order transition to the superconducting and charge-density wave phases, respectively, and calculate (i) their phase-diagrams, (ii) their critical behavior, as well as (iii) the effects of the strong non-local correlations on the single-particle properties.
We propose an approach for the ab initio calculation of materials with strong electronic correlations which is based on all local (fully irreducible) vertex corrections beyond the bare Coulomb interaction. It includes the so-called GW and dynamical m ean field theory and important non-local correlations beyond, with a computational effort estimated to be still manageable.
Taking the competition and the mutual screening of various bosonic fluctuations in correlated electron systems into account requires an unbiased approach to the many-body problem. One such approach is the self-consistent solution of the parquet equat ions, whose numerical treatment in lattice systems is however prohibitively expensive. In a recent article it was shown that there exists an alternative to the parquet decomposition of the four-point vertex function, which classifies the vertex diagrams according to the principle of single-boson exchange (SBE) [F. Krien, A. Valli, and M. Capone, arXiv:1907.03581 (2019)]. Here we show that the SBE decomposition leads to a closed set of equations for the Hedin three-leg vertex, the polarization, and the electronic self-energy, which sums self-consistently the diagrams of the Maki-Thompson type. This circumvents the calculation of four-point vertex functions and the inversion of the Bethe-Salpeter equations, which are the two major bottlenecks of the parquet equations. The convergence of the calculation scheme starting from a fully irreducible vertex is demonstrated for the Anderson impurity model.
We examine a central approximation of the recently introduced Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA) by example of the Hubbard model. By both analytical and numerical means we study non-compact and compact contributions to the thermodynamic potential. We show that approximating non-compact diagrams by their cluster analogs results in a larger systematic error as compared to the compact diagrams. Consequently, only the compact contributions should be taken from the cluster, whereas non-compact graphs should be inferred from the appropriate Dyson equation. The distinction between non-compact and compact diagrams persists even in the limit of infinite dimensions. Non-local corrections beyond the DCA exist for the non-compact diagrams, whereas they vanish for compact diagrams.
We find that imposing the crossing symmetry in the iteration process considerably extends the range of convergence for solutions of the parquet equations for the Hubbard model. When the crossing symmetry is not imposed, the convergence of both simple iteration and more complicated continuous loading (homotopy) methods are limited to high temperatures and weak interactions. We modify the algorithm to impose the crossing symmetry without increasing the computational complexity. We also imposed time reversal and a subset of the point group symmetries, but they did not further improve the convergence. We elaborate the details of the latency hiding scheme which can significantly improve the performance in the computational implementation. With these modifications, stable solutions for the parquet equations can be obtained by iteration more quickly even for values of the interaction that are a significant fraction of the bandwidth and for temperatures that are much smaller than the bandwidth. This may represent a crucial step towards the solution of two-particle field theories for correlated electron models.
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