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The Stellar Mass of M31 as inferred by the Andromeda Optical & Infrared Disk Survey

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 نشر من قبل Jonathan Sick
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Our proximity and external vantage point make M31 an ideal testbed for understanding the structure of spiral galaxies. The Andromeda Optical and Infrared Disk Survey (ANDROIDS) has mapped M31s bulge and disk out to R=40 kpc in $ugriJK_s$ bands with CFHT using a careful sky calibration. We use Bayesian modelling of the optical-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) to estimate profiles of M31s stellar populations and mass along the major axis. This analysis provides evidence for inside-out disk formation and a declining metallicity gradient. M31s $i$-band mass-to-light ratio ($M/L_i^*$) decreases from 0.5 dex in the bulge to $sim 0.2$ dex at 40 kpc. The best-constrained stellar population models use the full $ugriJK_s$ SED but are also consistent with optical-only fits. Therefore, while NIR data can be successfully modelled with modern stellar population synthesis, NIR data do not provide additional constraints in this application. Fits to the $gi$-SED alone yield $M/L_i^*$ that are systematically lower than the full SED fit by 0.1 dex. This is still smaller than the 0.3 dex scatter amongst different relations for $M/L_i$ via $g-i$ colour found in the literature. We advocate a stellar mass of $M_*(30mathrm{kpc})=10.3^{+2.3}_{-1.7}times 10^{10}mathrm{M}_odot$ for the M31 bulge and disk.

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The Andromeda (M31) galaxy subtends nearly 100 sq. deg. on the sky, with severe contamination from the Milky Way halo stars whose surface density displays a steep gradient across the entire M31 field-of-view. Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are a population of stars firmly associated with M31, that are excellent tracers of light, chemistry and motion in galaxies. We present a 16 sq. deg. survey of the disk and inner halo of M31 with MegaCam@CFHT to identify PNe, characterize their luminosity-specific PN number and luminosity function (PNLF). PNe were identified based on their bright OIII 5007 $unicode{x212B}$ emission and absence of a continuum. Subsamples of the faint PNe were independently confirmed by matching with resolved Hubble Space Telescope sources from the PHAT survey and spectroscopic follow-up observations with HectoSpec@MMT. The current survey reaches 2 mag fainter than the previous most-sensitive survey. We identify 4289 PNe, of which only 1099 were previously known. By comparing the PN number density with the surface brightness profile of M31 out to ~30 kpc along the minor-axis, we find that the stellar population in the inner halo has a 7 times larger luminosity-specific PN number value than that of the disk. It indicates that the stellar population at deprojected minor-axis radii larger than ~10 kpc is different from that in the M31 disk. We measure the PNLF and find a bright cut-off and a slope consistent with the previous determination by Ciardullo et al. (1989). Interestingly, it shows a significant rise at the faint end, present in all radial bins covered by the survey, much steeper than that observed for the Magellanic clouds and Milky Way bulge. M31 shows two major episodes of star formation and the rise in the faint end of the PNLF is possibly associated with the older stellar population. It may also be a result of varying opacity of the PNe.
The nature of the Triangulum-Andromeda (TriAnd) system has been debated since the discovery of this distant, low-latitude Milky Way (MW) overdensity more than a decade ago. Explanations for its origin are either as a halo substructure from the disrup tion of a dwarf galaxy or a distant extension of the Galactic disk. We test these hypotheses using chemical abundances of a dozen TriAnd members from the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys 14th Data Release of Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) data to compare to APOGEE abundances of stars with similar metallicity from both the Sagittarius (Sgr) dSph, and the outer MW disk. We find that TriAnd stars are chemically distinct from Sgr across a variety of elements, (C+N), Mg, K, Ca, Mn, and Ni, with a separation in [X/Fe] of about 0.1 to 0.4 dex depending on the element. Instead, the TriAnd stars, with a median metallicity of about -0.8, exhibit chemical abundance ratios similar to those of the lowest metallicity ([Fe/H] ~ -0.7) stars in the outer Galactic disk, and are consistent with expectations of extrapolated chemical gradients in the outer disk of the MW. These results suggest that TriAnd is associated with the MW disk, and, therefore, that the disk extends to this overdensity --- i.e., past a Galactocentric radius of 24 kpc --- albeit vertically perturbed about 7 kpc below the nominal disk midplane in this region of the Galaxy.
We map the star formation history across M31 by fitting stellar evolution models to color-magnitude diagrams of each 83${times}$83$$ (0.3$times$1.4 kpc, deprojected) region of the PHAT survey outside of the innermost 6${times}$12$$ portion. We find t hat most of the star formation occurred prior to $sim$8 Gyr ago, followed by a relatively quiescent period until $sim$4 Gyr ago, a subsequent star formation episode about 2 Gyr ago and a return to relative quiescence. There appears to be little, if any, structure visible for populations with ages older than 2 Gyr, suggesting significant mixing since that epoch. Finally, assuming a Kroupa IMF from 0.1$-$100 M$_{odot}$, we find that the total amount of star formation over the past 14 Gyr in the area over which we have fit models is 5${times}$10$^{10}$ M$_{odot}$. Fitting the radial distribution of this star formation and assuming azimuthal symmetry, (1.5$pm$0.2)${times}$10$^{11}$ M$_{odot}$ of stars have formed in the M31 disk as a whole, (9$pm$2)${times}$10$^{10}$ M$_{odot}$ of which has likely survived to the present after accounting for evolutionary effects. This mass is about one fifth of the total dynamical mass of M31.
We have undertaken the largest systematic study of the high-mass stellar initial mass function (IMF) to date using the optical color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 85 resolved, young (4 Myr < t < 25 Myr), intermediate mass star clusters (10^3-10^4 Msun ), observed as part of the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) program. We fit each clusters CMD to measure its mass function (MF) slope for stars >2 Msun. For the ensemble of clusters, the distribution of stellar MF slopes is best described by $Gamma=+1.45^{+0.03}_{-0.06}$ with a very small intrinsic scatter. The data also imply no significant dependencies of the MF slope on cluster age, mass, and size, providing direct observational evidence that the measured MF represents the IMF. This analysis implies that the high-mass IMF slope in M31 clusters is universal with a slope ($Gamma=+1.45^{+0.03}_{-0.06}$) that is steeper than the canonical Kroupa (+1.30) and Salpeter (+1.35) values. Using our inference model on select Milky Way (MW) and LMC high-mass IMF studies from the literature, we find $Gamma_{rm MW} sim+1.15pm0.1$ and $Gamma_{rm LMC} sim+1.3pm0.1$, both with intrinsic scatter of ~0.3-0.4 dex. Thus, while the high-mass IMF in the Local Group may be universal, systematics in literature IMF studies preclude any definitive conclusions; homogenous investigations of the high-mass IMF in the local universe are needed to overcome this limitation. Consequently, the present study represents the most robust measurement of the high-mass IMF slope to date. We have grafted the M31 high-mass IMF slope onto widely used sub-solar mass Kroupa and Chabrier IMFs and show that commonly used UV- and Halpha-based star formation rates should be increased by a factor of ~1.3-1.5 and the number of stars with masses >8 Msun are ~25% fewer than expected for a Salpeter/Kroupa IMF. [abridged]
We present a study of spatial variations in the metallicity of old red giant branch stars in the Andromeda galaxy. Photometric metallicity estimates are derived by interpolating isochrones for over seven million stars in the Panchromatic Hubble Andro meda Treasury (PHAT) survey. This is the first systematic study of stellar metallicities over the inner 20 kpc of Andromedas galactic disk. We see a clear metallicity gradient of $-0.020pm0.004$ dex/kpc from $sim4-20$ kpc assuming a constant RGB age. This metallicity gradient is derived after correcting for the effects of photometric bias and completeness and dust extinction and is quite insensitive to these effects. The unknown age gradient in M31s disk creates the dominant systematic uncertainty in our derived metallicity gradient. However, spectroscopic analyses of galaxies similar to M31 show that they typically have small age gradients that make this systematic error comparable to the 1$sigma$ error on our metallicity gradient measurement. In addition to the metallicity gradient, we observe an asymmetric local enhancement in metallicity at radii of 3-6 kpc that appears to be associated with Andromedas elongated bar. This same region also appears to have an enhanced stellar density and velocity dispersion.
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