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$beta$-electron spectrum: static screened Coulomb field and exchange effects

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 نشر من قبل Bennaceur Najjari
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the energy spectrum of emitted electrons in $beta$-decay. Exact Coulomb Dirac wave functions describing the $beta$-electron in the Coulomb field of the daughter nucleus are used. Further, the improved wave functions which include the screening of the Coulomb field due to the atomic electron cloud are also used. Thus, the interaction between the $beta$-electron and the field due to the daughter atom is treated within a nonperturbative approach. Are shown the modifications due to the screening on the $beta$ spectra and shown that those effects are very important. In addition, are addressed the contributions to the $beta$ spectra due to the exchange terms and shown that the corresponding effects can be substantial. Higher orders arising from the multipole expansion are considered. A comparison of the theoretical results obtained in this work has been made with recent experimental data and a very good agreement was observed.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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In this work we show the advantages of using the Coulomb-hole plus screened-exchange (COHSEX) approach in the calculation of potential energy surfaces. In particular, we demonstrate that, unlike perturbative $GW$ and partial self-consistent $GW$ appr oaches, such as eigenvalue-self-consistent $GW$ and quasi-particle self-consistent $GW$, the COHSEX approach yields smooth potential energy surfaces without irregularities and discontinuities. Moreover, we show that the ground-state potential energy surfaces (PES) obtained from the Bethe-Salpeter equation, within the adiabatic connection fluctuation dissipation theorem, built with quasi-particle energies obtained from perturbative COHSEX on top of Hartree-Fock (BSE@COHSEX@HF) yield very accurate results for diatomic molecules close to their equilibrium distance. When self-consistent COHSEX quasi-particle energies and orbitals are used to build the BSE equation the results become independent of the starting point. We show that self-consistency worsens the total energies but improves the equilibrium distances with respect to BSE@COHSEX@HF. This is mainly due to changes in the screening inside the BSE.
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61 - Nida Haram , Han Xu , Igor Ivanov 2021
We investigate the influence of relativistic nondipole effects on the photoelectron spectra of argon, particularly in the low kinetic energy region (0 eV - 5 eV). In our experiment, we use intense linearly polarised 800 nm laser pulse to ionise Ar fr om a jet and we record photoelectron energy and momentum distributions using a reaction microscope (REMI). Our measurements show that nondipole effect can cause an energy-dependent asymmetry along the laser propagation direction in the photoelectron energy and momentum spectra. Model simulation based on time-dependent Dirac equation (TDDE) can reproduce our measurement results. The electron trajectory analysis based on classical model reveals that the photoelectron which obtains negative momentum shift along laser propagation direction is caused by the interplay between the Lorenz force induced radiation pressure during its free propagation in continuum and re-scattering by Coulomb potential of the parent ion when it is driven back by the laser field.
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