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Astrophysical data analysis with information field theory

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 نشر من قبل Torsten Ensslin
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Torsten En{ss}lin

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Non-parametric imaging and data analysis in astrophysics and cosmology can be addressed by information field theory (IFT), a means of Bayesian, data based inference on spatially distributed signal fields. IFT is a statistical field theory, which permits the construction of optimal signal recovery algorithms. It exploits spatial correlations of the signal fields even for nonlinear and non-Gaussian signal inference problems. The alleviation of a perception threshold for recovering signals of unknown correlation structure by using IFT will be discussed in particular as well as a novel improvement on instrumental self-calibration schemes. IFT can be applied to many areas. Here, applications in in cosmology (cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure) and astrophysics (galactic magnetism, radio interferometry) are presented.

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The standard noise model in gravitational wave (GW) data analysis assumes detector noise is stationary and Gaussian distributed, with a known power spectral density (PSD) that is usually estimated using clean off-source data. Real GW data often depar t from these assumptions, and misspecified parametric models of the PSD could result in misleading inferences. We propose a Bayesian semiparametric approach to improve this. We use a nonparametric Bernstein polynomial prior on the PSD, with weights attained via a Dirichlet process distribution, and update this using the Whittle likelihood. Posterior samples are obtained using a blocked Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler. We simultaneously estimate the reconstruction parameters of a rotating core collapse supernova GW burst that has been embedded in simulated Advanced LIGO noise. We also discuss an approach to deal with non-stationary data by breaking longer data streams into smaller and locally stationary components.
We derive a method to reconstruct Gaussian signals from linear measurements with Gaussian noise. This new algorithm is intended for applications in astrophysics and other sciences. The starting point of our considerations is the principle of minimum Gibbs free energy which was previously used to derive a signal reconstruction algorithm handling uncertainties in the signal covariance. We extend this algorithm to simultaneously uncertain noise and signal covariances using the same principles in the derivation. The resulting equations are general enough to be applied in many different contexts. We demonstrate the performance of the algorithm by applying it to specific example situations and compare it to algorithms not allowing for uncertainties in the noise covariance. The results show that the method we suggest performs very well under a variety of circumstances and is indeed qualitatively superior to the other methods in cases where uncertainty in the noise covariance is present.
In this work, we introduce a new methodology for inferring the interaction structure of discrete valued time series which are Poisson distributed. While most related methods are premised on continuous state stochastic processes, in fact, discrete and counting event oriented stochastic process are natural and common, so called time-point processes (TPP). An important application that we focus on here is gene expression. Nonparameteric methods such as the popular k-nearest neighbors (KNN) are slow converging for discrete processes, and thus data hungry. Now, with the new multi-variate Poisson estimator developed here as the core computational engine, the causation entropy (CSE) principle, together with the associated greedy search algorithm optimal CSE (oCSE) allows us to efficiently infer the true network structure for this class of stochastic processes that were previously not practical. We illustrate the power of our method, first in benchmarking with synthetic datum, and then by inferring the genetic factors network from a breast cancer micro-RNA (miRNA) sequence count data set. We show the Poisson oCSE gives the best performance among the tested methods anfmatlabd discovers previously known interactions on the breast cancer data set.
We present here Nested_fit, a Bayesian data analysis code developed for investigations of atomic spectra and other physical data. It is based on the nested sampling algorithm with the implementation of an upgraded lawn mower robot method for finding new live points. For a given data set and a chosen model, the program provides the Bayesian evidence, for the comparison of different hypotheses/models, and the different parameter probability distributions. A large database of spectral profiles is already available (Gaussian, Lorentz, Voigt, Log-normal, etc.) and additional ones can easily added. It is written in Fortran, for an optimized parallel computation, and it is accompanied by a Python library for the results visualization.
In this paper, we present a critical overview of statistical fiber bundles models. We discuss relevant aspects, like assumptions and consequences stemming from models in the literature and propose new ones. This is accomplished by concentrating on bo th the physical and statistical aspects of a specific load-sharing example, the breakdown (BD) for circuits of capacitors and related dielectrics. For series and parallel/series circuits (series/parallel reliability systems) of ordinary capacitors, the load-sharing rules are derived from the electrical laws. This with the BD formalism is then used to obtain the BD distribution of the circuit. The BD distribution and Gibbs measure are given for a series circuit and the size effects are illustrated for simulations of series and parallel/series circuits. This is related to the finite weakest link adjustments for the BD distribution that arise in large series/parallel reliability load-sharing systems, such as dielectric BD, from their extreme value approximations. An elementary but in-depth discussion of the physical aspects of SiO$_2$ and HfO$_2$ dielectrics and cell models is given. This is used to study a load-sharing cell model for the BD of HfO$_2$ dielectrics and the BD formalism. The latter study is based on an analysis of Kim and Lee (2004)s data for such dielectrics. Here, several BD distributions are compared in the analysis and proportional hazard regression models are used to study the BD formalism. In addition, some areas of open research are discussed.
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