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Bayesian semiparametric power spectral density estimation with applications in gravitational wave data analysis

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Charles Edwards
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The standard noise model in gravitational wave (GW) data analysis assumes detector noise is stationary and Gaussian distributed, with a known power spectral density (PSD) that is usually estimated using clean off-source data. Real GW data often depart from these assumptions, and misspecified parametric models of the PSD could result in misleading inferences. We propose a Bayesian semiparametric approach to improve this. We use a nonparametric Bernstein polynomial prior on the PSD, with weights attained via a Dirichlet process distribution, and update this using the Whittle likelihood. Posterior samples are obtained using a blocked Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler. We simultaneously estimate the reconstruction parameters of a rotating core collapse supernova GW burst that has been embedded in simulated Advanced LIGO noise. We also discuss an approach to deal with non-stationary data by breaking longer data streams into smaller and locally stationary components.

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We present a Gaussian regression method for time series with missing data and stationary residuals of unknown power spectral density (PSD). The missing data are efficiently estimated by their conditional expectation as in universal Kriging, based on the circulant approximation of the complete data covariance. After initialization with an autoregessive fit of the noise, a few iterations of estimation/reconstruction steps are performed until convergence of the regression and PSD estimates, in a way similar to the expectation-conditional-maximization algorithm. The estimation can be performed for an arbitrary PSD provided that it is sufficiently smooth. The algorithm is developed in the framework of the MICROSCOPE space mission whose goal is to test the weak equivalence principle (WEP) with a precision of $10^{-15}$. We show by numerical simulations that the developed method allows us to meet three major requirements: to maintain the targeted precision of the WEP test in spite of the loss of data, to calculate a reliable estimate of this precision and of the noise level, and finally to provide consistent and faithful reconstructed data to the scientific community.
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160 - Michele Vallisneri 2011
Gravitational-wave astronomers often wish to characterize the expected parameter-estimation accuracy of future observations. The Fisher matrix provides a lower bound on the spread of the maximum-likelihood estimator across noise realizations, as well as the leading-order width of the posterior probability, but it is limited to high signal strengths often not realized in practice. By contrast, Monte Carlo Bayesian inference provides the full posterior for any signal strength, but it is too expensive to repeat for a representative set of noises. Here I describe an efficient semianalytical technique to map the exact sampling distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator across noise realizations, for any signal strength. This technique can be applied to any estimation problem for signals in additive Gaussian noise.
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