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Poisson-de Rham homology of hypertoric varieties and nilpotent cones

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 نشر من قبل Travis Schedler
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We prove a conjecture of Etingof and the second author for hypertoric varieties, that the Poisson-de Rham homology of a unimodular hypertoric cone is isomorphic to the de Rham cohomology of its hypertoric resolution. More generally, we prove that this conjecture holds for an arbitrary conical variety admitting a symplectic resolution if and only if it holds in degree zero for all normal slices to symplectic leaves. The Poisson-de Rham homology of a Poisson cone inherits a second grading. In the hypertoric case, we compute the resulting 2-variable Poisson-de Rham-Poincare polynomial, and prove that it is equal to a specialization of an enrichment of the Tutte polynomial of a matroid that was introduced by Denham. We also compute this polynomial for S3-varieties of type A in terms of Kostka polynomials, modulo a previous conjecture of the first author, and we give a conjectural answer for nilpotent cones in arbitrary type, which we prove in rank less than or equal to 2.

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