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Brane bending and monopole moduli

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 نشر من قبل Andrew Royston
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study intersecting brane systems that realize a class of singular monopole configurations in four-dimensional Yang-Mills-Higgs theory. Singular monopoles are solutions to the Bogomolny equation on R^3 with a prescribed number of singularities corresponding to the insertion of t Hooft defects. We use the brane construction to motivate a recent conjecture on the conditions for which the moduli space of solutions is non-empty. We also show how branes provide physical intuition for various aspects of the dimension formula derived in {arXiv:1404.5616}, including the contribution to the dimension from the defects and its invariance under Weyl reflections of the t Hooft charges. Along the way we uncover and illustrate new dynamical phenomena for the brane systems, including a description of smooth monopole extraction and bubbling from t Hooft defects.

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اقرأ أيضاً

182 - N.D. Lambert 2002
We discuss the worldvolume description of intersecting D-branes, including the metric on the moduli space of deformations. We impose a choice of static gauge that treats all the branes on an equal footing and describes the intersection of D-branes as an embedded special Lagrangian three-surface. Some explicit solutions to these equations are given and their interpretation in terms of a superpotential on moduli space is discussed. These surfaces arise from flat direction of a non-Abelian superpotential and imply the existance of non-compact G_2 manifolds.
Warped string compactifications are central to many attempts to stabilize moduli and connect string theory with cosmology and particle phenomenology. We present a first-principles derivation of the low-energy 4D effective theory from dimensional redu ction of a D3-brane in a warped Calabi-Yau compactification of type IIB string theory with imaginary self-dual 3-form flux, including effects of D3-brane motion beyond the probe approximation, and find the metric on the moduli space of brane positions, the universal volume modulus, and axions descending from the 4-form potential. As D3-branes may be considered as carrying either electric or magnetic charges for the self-dual 5-form field strength, we present calculations in both duality frames. Our results are consistent with, but extend significantly, earlier results on the low-energy effective theory arising from D3-branes in string compactifications.
We analyze the quantum-corrected moduli space of D7-brane position moduli with special emphasis on inflationary model building. D7-brane deformation moduli are key players in two recently proposed inflationary scenarios: The first, D7-brane chaotic i nflation, is a variant of axion monodromy inflation which allows for an effective 4d supergravity description. The second, fluxbrane inflation, is a stringy version of D-term hybrid inflation. Both proposals rely on the fact that D7-brane coordinates enjoy a shift-symmetric Kahler potential at large complex structure of the Calabi-Yau threefold, making them naturally lighter than other fields. This shift symmetry is inherited from the mirror-dual Type IIA Wilson line on a D6-brane at large volume. The inflaton mass can be provided by a tree-level term in the flux superpotential. It induces a monodromy and, if tuned to a sufficiently small value, can give rise to a large-field model of inflation. Alternatively, by a sensible flux choice one can completely avoid a tree-level mass term, in which case the inflaton potential is induced via loop corrections. The positive vacuum energy can then be provided by a D-term, leading to a small-field model of hybrid natural inflation. In the present paper, we continue to develop a detailed understanding of the D7-brane moduli space focusing among others on shift-symmetry-preserving flux choices, flux-induced superpotential in Type IIB/F-theory language, and loop corrections. While the inflationary applications represent our main physics motivation, we expect that some of our findings will be useful for other phenomenological issues involving 7-branes in Type IIB/F-theory constructions.
We discuss the structure of the framed moduli space of Bogomolny monopoles for arbitrary symmetry breaking and extend the definition of its stratification to the case of arbitrary compact Lie groups. We show that each stratum is a union of submanifol ds for which we conjecture that the natural $L^2$ metric is hyperKahler. The dimensions of the strata and of these submanifolds are calculated, and it is found that for the latter, the dimension is always a multiple of four.
208 - Adam R. Brown 2017
We survey barrier penetration by quantum tunneling for four cases: nonrelativistic point particles, scalar fields, relativistic point particles, and DBI branes. We examine two novel features that arise for DBI brane tunneling: the rate can sometimes increase as the barrier gets higher; and the instanton wrinkles. We show that these features can be understood as the effect of the quantum sea of virtual brane-antibrane pairs. This sea exponentially augments the decay rate, with possible cosmological consequences.
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