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Minimal dynamical systems on connected odd dimensional spaces

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 نشر من قبل Huaxin Lin
 تاريخ النشر 2014
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Let $beta: S^{2n+1}to S^{2n+1}$ be a minimal homeomorphism ($nge 1$). We show that the crossed product $C(S^{2n+1})rtimes_{beta} Z$ has rational tracial rank at most one. More generally, let $Omega$ be a connected compact metric space with finite covering dimension and with $H^1(Omega, Z)={0}.$ Suppose that $K_i(C(Omega))=Zoplus G_i$ for some finite abelian group $G_i,$ $i=0,1.$ Let $beta: OmegatoOmega$ be a minimal homeomorphism. We also show that $A=C(Omega)rtimes_{beta}Z$ has rational tracial rank at most one and is classifiable. In particular, this applies to the minimal dynamical systems on odd dimensional real projective spaces. This was done by studying the minimal homeomorphisms on $Xtimes Omega,$ where $X$ is the Cantor set.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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Let $X$ be an infinite compact metric space with finite covering dimension and let $alpha, beta : Xto X$ be two minimal homeomorphisms. We prove that the crossed product $C^*$-algebras $C(X)rtimes_alphaZ$ and $C(X)rtimes_beltaZ$ are isomorphic if and only if they have isomorphic Elliott invariant. In a more general setting, we show that if $X$ is an infinite compact metric space and if $alpha: Xto X$ is a minimal homeomorphism such that $(X, alpha)$ has mean dimension zero, then the tensor product of the crossed product with a UHF-algebra of infinite type has generalized tracial rank at most one. This implies that the crossed product is in a classifiable class of amenable simple $C^*$-algebras.
87 - Francesco Fidaleo 2020
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312 - Gabor Szabo 2016
In this paper, we accomplish two objectives. Firstly, we extend and improve some results in the theory of (semi-)strongly self-absorbing C*-dynamical systems, which was introduced and studied in previous work. In particular, this concerns the theory when restricted to the case where all the semi-strongly self-absorbing actions are assumed to be unitarily regular, which is a mild technical condition. The central result in the first part is a strengthened version of the equivariant McDuff-type theorem, where equivariant tensorial absorption can be achieved with respect to so-called very strong cocycle conjugacy. Secondly, we establish completely new results within the theory. This mainly concerns how equivariantly $cal Z$-stable absorption can be reduced to equivariantly UHF-stable absorption with respect to a given semi-strongly self-absorbing action. Combining these abstract results with known uniqueness theorems due to Matui and Izumi-Matui, we obtain the following main result. If $G$ is a torsion-free abelian group and $cal D$ is one of the known strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras, then strongly outer $G$-actions on $cal D$ are unique up to (very strong) cocycle conjugacy. This is new even for $mathbb{Z}^3$-actions on the Jiang-Su algebra.
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