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Anomalously Robust Valley Polarization and Valley Coherence in Bilayer WS2

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 نشر من قبل Bairen Zhu
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Coherence is a crucial requirement to realize quantum manipulation through light-matter interactions. Here we report the observation of anomalously robust valley polarization and valley coherence in bilayer WS2. The polarization of the photoluminescence from bilayer WS2 inherits that of the excitation source with both circularly and linearly polarized and retains even at room temperature. The near unity circular polarization of the luminescence reveals the coupling of spin, layer and valley degree of freedom in bilayer system, while the linear polarized photoluminescence manifests quantum coherence between the two inequivalent band extrema in momentum space, namely, the valley quantum coherence in atomically thin bilayer WS2. This observation opens new perspectives for quantum manipulation in atomically thin semiconductors.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study theoretically interaction of a bilayer graphene with a circularly polarized ultrafast optical pulse of a single oscillation at an oblique incidence. The normal component of the pulse breaks the inversion symmetry of the system and opens up a dynamical band-gap, due to which a valley-selective population of the conduction band becomes sensitive to the angle of incident of the pulse. We show that the magnitude of the valley polarization can be controlled by the angle of incidence, the amplitude, and the angle of in-plane polarization of the chiral optical pulse. Subsequently, a sequence of a circularly polarized pulse followed by a linearly polarized femtosecond-long pulse can be used to control the valley polarization created by the preceding pulse. Generally, the linearly polarized pulse depolarizes the system. The magnitude of such a depolarization depends on the amplitude, and the in-plane polarization angle of the linearly polarized pulse. Our protocol provides a favorable platform for applications in valleytronics.
Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) substrate can exhibit an anomalous Hall effect at 3/4 filling due to the spontaneous valley polarization in valley resolved moire bands with opposite Chern number [Science 367 , 900 (2020), Science 365, 605 (2019)]. It was observed that a small DC current is able to switch the valley polarization and reverse the sign of the Hall conductance [Science 367, 900 (2020), Science 365, 605 (2019)]. Here, we discuss the mechanism of the current switching of valley polarization near the transition temperature, where bulk dissipative transport dominates. We show that for a sample with rotational symmetry breaking, a DC current may generate an electron density difference between the two valleys (valley density difference). The current induced valley density difference in turn induces a first order transition in the valley polarization. We emphasize that the inter-valley scattering plays a central role since it is the channel for exchanging electrons between the two valleys. We further estimate the valley density difference in the TBG/h-BN system with a microscopic model, and find a significant enhancement of the effect in the magic angle regime.
We study transport in twisted bilayer graphene and show that electrostatic barriers can act as valley splitters, where electrons from the $K$ ($K$) valley are transmitted only to e.g. the top (bottom) layer, leading to valley-layer locked currents. W e show that such a valley splitter is obtained when the barrier varies slowly on the moire scale and induces a Lifshitz transition across the junction, i.e. a change in the Fermi surface topology. Furthermore, we show that for a given valley the reflected and transmitted current are transversely deflected, as time-reversal symmetry is effectively broken in each valley separately, resulting in valley-selective transverse focusing at zero magnetic field.
Breaking space-time symmetries in two-dimensional crystals (2D) can dramatically influence their macroscopic electronic properties. Monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are prime examples where the intrinsically broken crystal inversion symmetry permits the generation of valley-selective electron populations, even though the two valleys are energetically degenerate, locked by time-reversal symmetry. Lifting the valley degeneracy in these materials is of great interest because it would allow for valley-specific band engineering and offer additional control in valleytronic applications. While applying a magnetic field should in principle accomplish this task, experiments to date have observed no valley-selective energy level shifts in fields accessible in the laboratory. Here we show the first direct evidence of lifted valley degeneracy in the monolayer TMD WS2. By applying intense circularly polarized light, which breaks time-reversal symmetry, we demonstrate that the exciton level in each valley can be selectively tuned by as much as 18 meV via the optical Stark effect. These results offer a novel way to control valley degree of freedom, and may provide a means to realize new valley-selective Floquet topological phases in 2D TMDs.
The emerging field of valleytronics aims to exploit the valley pseudospin of electrons residing near Bloch band extrema as an information carrier. Recent experiments demonstrating optical generation and manipulation of exciton valley coherence (the s uperposition of electron-hole pairs at opposite valleys) in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) provide a critical step towards control of this quantum degree of freedom. The charged exciton (trion) in TMDs is an intriguing alternative to the neutral exciton for control of valley pseudospin because of its long spontaneous recombination lifetime, its robust valley polarization, and its coupling to residual electronic spin. Trion valley coherence has however been unexplored due to experimental challenges in accessing it spectroscopically. In this work, we employ ultrafast two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy to resonantly generate and detect trion valley coherence in monolayer MoSe$_2$ demonstrating that it persists for a few-hundred femtoseconds. We conclude that the underlying mechanisms limiting trion valley coherence are fundamentally different from those applicable to exciton valley coherence. Based on these observations, we suggest possible strategies for extending valley coherence times in two-dimensional materials.
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