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Spin-polarized angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the so-predicted Kondo topological insulator SmB6

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 نشر من قبل Hidenori Fujiwara
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Undoped and slightly Eu-doped SmB6 show the opening of a gap with decreasing temperature below ~150 K. The spectral shapes near the Fermi level (EF) at 15 K have shown strong increase in intensity of a peak at a binding energy (EB) of around 12 meV with decreasing the photon energy (hn) from 17 eV down to 7 eV. Angle resolved spectra of SmB6 measured at hn = 35 eV just after the in-situ cleavage showed clear dispersions of several bands in the EB region from EF to 4 eV. Spin-polarized photoelectron spectra were then measured at 12 K and light incidence angle of ~50 deg. In contrast to the lack of spin polarization for the linearly polarized light excitation, clear spin polarization was observed in the case of circularly polarized light excitation. The two prominent peaks at EB~12 and ~150 meV have shown opposite signs of spin polarization which are reversed when the helicity of the light is reversed. The sign and the magnitude of spin- polarization are consistent with a theoretical prediction for the 6H5/2 and 6H7/2 states.

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We present a detailed investigation of the temperature and depth dependence of the magnetic properties of 3D topological Kondo insulator SmB6 , in particular near its surface. We find that local magnetic field fluctuations detected in the bulk are su ppressed rapidly with decreasing depths, disappearing almost completely at the surface. We attribute the magnetic excitations to spin excitons in bulk SmB6 , which produce local magnetic fields of about ~1.8 mT fluctuating on a time scale of ~60 ns. We find that the excitonic fluctuations are suppressed when approaching the surface on a length scale of 40-90 nm, accompanied by a small enhancement in static magnetic fields. We associate this length scale to the size of the excitonic state.
The Kondo insulator compound SmB6 has emerged as a strong candidate for the realization of a topologically nontrivial state in a strongly correlated system, a topological Kondo insulator, which can be a novel platform for investigating the interplay between nontrivial topology and emergent correlation driven phenomena in solid state systems. Electronic transport measurements on this material, however, so far showed only the robust surface dominated charge conduction at low temperatures, lacking evidence of its connection to the topological nature by showing, for example, spin polarization due to spin momentum locking. Here, we find evidence for surface state spin polarization by electrical detection of a current induced spin chemical potential difference on the surface of a SmB6 single crystal. We clearly observe a surface dominated spin voltage, which is proportional to the projection of the spin polarization onto the contact magnetization, is determined by the direction and magnitude of the charge current and is strongly temperature dependent due to the crossover from surface to bulk conduction. We estimate the lower bound of the surface state net spin polarization as 15 percent based on the quantum transport model providing direct evidence that SmB6 supports metallic spin helical surface states.
Bulk and surface state contributions to the electrical resistance of single-crystal samples of the topological Kondo insulator compound SmB6 are investigated as a function of crystal thickness and surface charge density, the latter tuned by ionic liq uid gating with electrodes patterned in a Corbino disk geometry on a single surface. By separately tuning bulk and surface conduction channels, we show conclusive evidence for a model with an insulating bulk and metallic surface states, with a crossover temperature that depends solely on the relative contributions of each conduction channel. The surface conductance, on the order of 100 e^2/h and electron-like, exhibits a field-effect mobility of 133 cm^2/V/s and a large carrier density of ~2x10^{14}/cm^2, in good agreement with recent photoemission results. With the ability to gate-modulate surface conduction by more than 25%, this approach provides promise for both fundamental and applied studies of gate-tuned devices structured on bulk crystal samples.
570 - G. Berner , M. Sing , F. Pfaff 2014
The electronic and magnetic properties of epitaxial LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices can be tuned by layer thickness and substrate-induced strain. Here, we report on direct measurements of the k-space-resolved electronic structure of buried nickelate laye rs in superlattices under compressive strain by soft x-ray photoemission. After disentangling strong extrinsic contributions to the angle-dependent signal caused by photoelectron diffraction, we are able to extract Fermi surface information from our data. We find that with decreasing LaNiO3 thickness down to two unit cells (2 uc) quasiparticle coherence becomes strongly reduced, in accord with the dimension-induced metal-to-insulator transition seen in transport measurements. Nonetheless, on top of a strongly incoherent background a residual Fermi surface can be identified in the 2 uc superlattice whose nesting properties are consistent with the spin-density wave (SDW) instability recently reported. The overall behavior of the Ni 3d spectra and the absence of a complete gap opening indicate that the SDW phase is dominated by strong order parameter fluctuations.
177 - N. Xu , P. K. Biswas , J. H. Dil 2014
The concept of a topological Kondo insulator (TKI) has been brought forward as a new class of topological insulators in which non-trivial surface states reside in the bulk Kondo band gap at low temperature due to the strong spin-orbit coupling [1-3]. In contrast to other three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators (e.g. Bi2Se3), a TKI is truly insulating in the bulk [4]. Furthermore, strong electron correlations are present in the system, which may interact with the novel topological phase. Applying spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) to the Kondo insulator SmB6, a promising TKI candidate, we reveal that the surface states of SmB6 are spin polarized, and the spin is locked to the crystal momentum. Counter-propagating states (i.e. at k and -k) have opposite spin polarizations protected by time-reversal symmetry. Together with the odd number of Fermi surfaces of surface states between the 4 time-reversal invariant momenta in the surface Brillouin zone [5], these findings prove, for the first time, that SmB6 can host non-trivial topological surface states in a full insulating gap in the bulk stemming from the Kondo effect. Hence our experimental results establish that SmB6 is the first realization of a 3D TKI. It can also serve as an ideal platform for the systematic study of the interplay between novel topological quantum states with emergent effects and competing order induced by strongly correlated electrons.
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