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Semiclassical and Quantum Analysis of a Focussing Free Particle Hermite Wavefunction

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 نشر من قبل Paul Strange
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Paul Strange

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In this paper we discuss a solution of the free particle Schru007fodinger equation in which the time and space dependence are not separable. The wavefunction is written as a product of exponential terms, Hermite polynomials and a phase. The peaks in the wavefunction decelerate and then accelerate around t = 0. We analyse this behaviour within both a quantum and a semi-classical regime. We show that the acceleration does not represent true acceleration of the particle but can be related to the envelope function of the allowed classical paths. Comparison with other accelerating wavefunctions is also made. The analysis provides considerable insight into the meaning of the quantum wavefunction.

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In this work we investigate methods to improve the efficiency and scalability of quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry applications. We propose a transformation of the electronic structure Hamiltonian in the second quantization framework into the particle-hole (p/h) picture, which offers a better starting point for the expansion of the trial wavefunction. The state of the molecular system at study is parametrized in a way to efficiently explore the sector of the molecular Fock space that contains the desired solution. To this end, we explore several trial wavefunctions to identify the most efficient parameterization of the molecular ground state. Taking advantage of known post-Hartree Fock quantum chemistry approaches and heuristic Hilbert space search quantum algorithms, we propose a new family of quantum circuits based on exchange-type gates that enable accurate calculations while keeping the gate count (i.e., the circuit depth) low. The particle-hole implementation of the Unitary Coupled Cluster (UCC) method within the Variational Quantum Eigensolver approach gives rise to an efficient quantum algorithm, named q-UCC , with important advantages compared to the straightforward translation of the classical Coupled Cluster counterpart. In particular, we show how a single Trotter step can accurately and efficiently reproduce the ground state energies of simple molecular systems.
65 - N.Barat , J.C.Kimball 2001
Theorems (most notably by Hegerfeldt) prove that an initially localized particle whose time evolution is determined by a positive Hamiltonian will violate causality. We argue that this apparent paradox is resolved for a free particle described by eit her the Dirac equation or the Klein-Gordon equation because such a particle cannot be localized in the sense required by the theorems.
Experiments involving single or few elementary particles are completely described by Quantum Mechanics. Notwithstanding the success of that quantitative description, various aspects of observations, as nonlocality and the statistical randomness of re sults, remain as mysterious properties apart from the quantum theory, and they are attributed to the strangeness of the microscopic world. Here we restart from the fundamental relations of uncertainty to reformulate the probability law of Born including the temporal variable. Considering that both the spatial and the temporal variables play a symmetric role in the wave-function Psi (x,t) , a temporal wavepacket is built and analysed. The probability density is written as p(x,t) = | Psi (x,t) |^2, where the probabilistic interpretation for the temporal wavepacket is equivalent to Borns law for the spatial variable, x. For the convenience of the discussion of the role of the temporal variable, we write p(x_0,t) = | Psi (x_0,t) |^2 for a free particle, expressing only the temporal wavepacket, then we discuss its spread. In the light of the evolution of this temporal wavepacket we analyse basic processes of matter-wave interaction, involving single and entangled entities. Nonlocality appears then as a consequence of the spread of the temporal wavepacket; and the position of each detected event in two-slits interferometry as due to the independent phases of the spatial and temporal wavepackets.
94 - Zhe Luo , E R Moan , 2021
A Sagnac atom interferometer can be constructed using a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a cylindrically symmetric harmonic potential. Using the Bragg interaction with a set of laser beams, the atoms can be launched into circular orbits, with two counterpropagating interferometers allowing many sources of common-mode noise to be excluded. In a perfectly symmetric and harmonic potential, the interferometer output would depend only on the rotation rate of the apparatus. However, deviations from the ideal case can lead to spurious phase shifts. These phase shifts have been theoretically analyzed for anharmonic perturbations up to quartic in the confining potential, as well as angular deviations of the laser beams, timing deviations of the laser pulses, and motional excitations of the initial condensate. Analytical and numerical results show the leading effects of the perturbations to be second order. The scaling of the phase shifts with the number of orbits and the trap axial frequency ratio are determined. The results indicate that sensitive parameters should be controlled at the $10^{-5}$ level to accommodate a rotation sensing accuracy of $10^{-9}$ rad/s. The leading-order perturbations are suppressed in the case of perfect cylindrical symmetry, even in the presence of anharmonicity and other errors. An experimental measurement of one of the perturbation terms is presented.
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