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Portfolio Optimization under Small Transaction Costs: a Convex Duality Approach

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 نشر من قبل Jan Kallsen
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider an investor with constant absolute risk aversion who trades a risky asset with general Ito dynamics, in the presence of small proportional transaction costs. Kallsen and Muhle-Karbe (2012) formally derived the leading-order optimal trading policy and the associated welfare impact of transaction costs. In the present paper, we carry out a convex duality approach facilitated by the concept of shadow price processes in order to verify the main results of Kallsen and Muhle-Karbe under well-defined regularity conditions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the problem of option hedging in a market with proportional transaction costs. Since super-replication is very costly in such markets, we replace perfect hedging with an expected loss constraint. Asymptotic analysis for small transactions is used to obtain a tractable model. A general expansion theory is developed using the dynamic programming approach. Explicit formulae are also obtained in the special cases of an exponential or power loss function. As a corollary, we retrieve the asymptotics for the exponential utility indifference price.
We investigate the general structure of optimal investment and consumption with small proportional transaction costs. For a safe asset and a risky asset with general continuous dynamics, traded with random and time-varying but small transaction costs , we derive simple formal asymptotics for the optimal policy and welfare. These reveal the roles of the investors preferences as well as the market and cost dynamics, and also lead to a fully dynamic model for the implied trading volume. In frictionless models that can be solved in closed form, explicit formulas for the leading-order corrections due to small transaction costs are obtained.
We study superhedging of contingent claims with physical delivery in a discrete-time market model with convex transaction costs. Our model extends Kabanovs currency market model by allowing for nonlinear illiquidity effects. We show that an appropria te generalization of Schachermayers robust no arbitrage condition implies that the set of claims hedgeable with zero cost is closed in probability. Combined with classical techniques of convex analysis, the closedness yields a dual characterization of premium processes that are sufficient to superhedge a given claim process. We also extend the fundamental theorem of asset pricing for general conical models.
This paper develops the first closed-form optimal portfolio allocation formula for a spot asset whose variance follows a GARCH(1,1) process. We consider an investor with constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility who wants to maximize the expecte d utility from terminal wealth under a Heston and Nandi (2000) GARCH (HN-GARCH) model. We obtain closed formulas for the optimal investment strategy, the value function and the optimal terminal wealth. We find the optimal strategy is independent of the development of the risky asset, and the solution converges to that of a continuous-time Heston stochastic volatility model, albeit under additional conditions. For a daily trading scenario, the optimal solutions are quite robust to variations in the parameters, while the numerical wealth equivalent loss (WEL) analysis shows good performance of the Heston solution, with a quite inferior performance of the Merton solution.
We study the design of portfolios under a minimum risk criterion. The performance of the optimized portfolio relies on the accuracy of the estimated covariance matrix of the portfolio asset returns. For large portfolios, the number of available marke t returns is often of similar order to the number of assets, so that the sample covariance matrix performs poorly as a covariance estimator. Additionally, financial market data often contain outliers which, if not correctly handled, may further corrupt the covariance estimation. We address these shortcomings by studying the performance of a hybrid covariance matrix estimator based on Tylers robust M-estimator and on Ledoit-Wolfs shrinkage estimator while assuming samples with heavy-tailed distribution. Employing recent results from random matrix theory, we develop a consistent estimator of (a scaled version of) the realized portfolio risk, which is minimized by optimizing online the shrinkage intensity. Our portfolio optimization method is shown via simulations to outperform existing methods both for synthetic and real market data.
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