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A conservative, skew-symmetric Finite Difference Scheme for the compressible Navier--Stokes Equations

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 نشر من قبل Julius Reiss
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a fully conservative, skew-symmetric finite difference scheme on transformed grids. The skew-symmetry preserves the kinetic energy by first principles, simultaneously avoiding a central instability mechanism and numerical damping. In contrast to other skew-symmetric schemes no special averaging procedures are needed. Instead, the scheme builds purely on point-wise operations and derivatives. Any explicit and central derivative can be used, permitting high order and great freedom to optimize the scheme otherwise. This also allows the simple adaption of existing finite difference schemes to improve their stability and damping properties.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In this paper we present a fourth-order in space and time block-structured adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for the compressible multicomponent reacting Navier-Stokes equations. The algorithm uses a finite volume approach that incorporates a fourth -order discretization of the convective terms. The time stepping algorithm is based on a multi-level spectral deferred corrections method that enables explicit treatment of advection and diffusion coupled with an implicit treatment of reactions. The temporal scheme is embedded in a block-structured adaptive mesh refinement algorithm that includes subcycling in time with spectral deferred correction sweeps applied on levels. Here we present the details of the multi-level scheme paying particular attention to the treatment of coarse-fine boundaries required to maintain fourth-order accuracy in time. We then demonstrate the convergence properties of the algorithm on several test cases including both nonreacting and reacting flows. Finally we present simulations of a vitiated dimethyl ether jet in 2D and a turbulent hydrogen jet in 3D, both with detailed kinetics and transport.
283 - Songze Chen , Zhaoli Guo , Kun Xu 2019
The hydrostatic equilibrium state is the consequence of the exact hydrostatic balance between hydrostatic pressure and external force. Standard finite volume or finite difference schemes cannot keep this balance exactly due to their unbalanced trunca tion errors. In this study, we introduce an auxiliary variable which becomes constant at isothermal hydrostatic equilibrium state and propose a well-balanced gas kinetic scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations with a global reconstruction. Through reformulating the convection term and the force term via the auxiliary variable, zero numerical flux and zero numerical source term are enforced at the hydrostatic equilibrium state instead of the balance between hydrostatic pressure and external force. Several problems are tested numerically to demonstrate the accuracy and the stability of the new scheme, and the results confirm that, the new scheme can preserve the exact hydrostatic solution. The small perturbation riding on hydrostatic equilibria can be calculated accurately. The viscous effect is also illustrated through the propagation of small perturbation and the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. More importantly, the new scheme is capable of simulating the process of converging towards hydrostatic equilibrium state from a highly non-balanced initial condition. The ultimate state of zero velocity and constant temperature is achieved up to machine accuracy. As demonstrated by the numerical experiments, the current scheme is very suitable for small amplitude perturbation and long time running under gravitational potential.
A computational technique has been developed to perform compressible flow simulations involving moving boundaries using an embedded boundary approach within the block-structured adaptive mesh refinement framework of AMReX. A conservative, unsplit, cu t-cell approach is utilized and a ghost-cell approach is developed for computing the flux on the moving, embedded boundary faces. Various test cases are performed to validate the method, and compared with analytical, experimental, and other numerical results in literature. Inviscid and viscous test cases are performed that span a wide regime of flow speeds $-$ acoustic (harmonically pulsating sphere), smooth flows (expansion fan created by a receding piston) and flows with shocks (shock-cylinder interaction, shock-wedge interaction, pitching NACA 0012 airfoil and shock-cone interaction). A closed system with moving boundaries $-$ an oscillating piston in a cylinder, showed that the percentage error in mass within the system decreases with refinement, demonstrating the conservative nature of the moving boundary algorithm. Viscous test cases involve that of a horizontally moving cylinder at $Re=40$, an inline oscillating cylinder at $Re=100$, and a transversely oscillating cylinder at $Re=185$. The judicious use of adaptive mesh refinement with appropriate refinement criteria to capture the regions of interest leads to well-resolved flow features, and good quantitative comparison is observed with the results available in literature.
142 - Julius Reiss 2014
A simple scheme for incompressible, constant density flows is presented, which avoids odd-even decoupling for the Laplacian on a collocated grids. Energy stability is implied by maintaining strict energy conservation. Momentum is conserved. Arbitrary order in space and time can easily be obtained. The conservation properties hold on transformed grids.
A dynamic procedure for the Lagrangian Averaged Navier-Stokes-$alpha$ (LANS-$alpha$) equations is developed where the variation in the parameter $alpha$ in the direction of anisotropy is determined in a self-consistent way from data contained in the simulation itself. The dynamic model is initially tested in forced and decaying isotropic turbulent flows where $alpha$ is constant in space but it is allowed to vary in time. It is observed that by using the dynamic LANS-$alpha$ procedure a more accurate simulation of the isotropic homogeneous turbulence is achieved. The energy spectra and the total kinetic energy decay are captured more accurately as compared with the LANS-$alpha$ simulations using a fixed $alpha$. In order to evaluate the applicability of the dynamic LANS-$alpha$ model in anisotropic turbulence, a priori test of a turbulent channel flow is performed. It is found that the parameter $alpha$ changes in the wall normal direction. Near a solid wall, the length scale $alpha$ is seen to depend on the distance from the wall with a vanishing value at the wall. On the other hand, away from the wall, where the turbulence is more isotropic, $alpha$ approaches an almost constant value. Furthermore, the behavior of the subgrid scale stresses in the near wall region is captured accurately by the dynamic LANS-$alpha$ model. The dynamic LANS-$alpha$ model has the potential to extend the applicability of the LANS-$alpha$ equations to more complicated anisotropic flows.
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