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A catalogue of bright (K < 9) M dwarfs

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 نشر من قبل James Frith
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using the Position and Proper Motion Extended-L (PPMXL) catalogue, we have used optical and near-infrared colour cuts together with a reduced proper motion cut to find bright M dwarfs for future exoplanet transit studies. PPMXLs low proper motion uncertainties allow us to probe down to smaller proper motions than previous similar studies. We have combined unique objects found with this method to that of previous work to produce 8479 K<9 M dwarfs. Low resolution spectroscopy was obtained of a sample of the objects found using this selection method to gain statistics on their spectral type and physical properties. Results show a spectral type range of K7-M4V. This catalogue is the most complete collection of K<9 M dwarfs currently available and is made available here.

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We report the detection of a transiting super-Earth-sized planet (R=1.39+-0.09 Rearth) in a 1.4-day orbit around L 168-9 (TOI-134),a bright M1V dwarf (V=11, K=7.1) located at 25.15+-0.02 pc. The host star was observed in the first sector of the Trans iting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission and, for confirmation and planet mass measurement, was followed up with ground-based photometry, seeing-limited and high-resolution imaging, and precise radial velocity (PRV) observations using the HARPS and PFS spectrographs. Combining the TESS data and PRV observations, we find the mass of L168-9 b to be 4.60+-0.56 Mearth, and thus the bulk density to be 1.74+0.44-0.33 times larger than that of the Earth. The orbital eccentricity is smaller than 0.21 (95% confidence). This planet is a Level One Candidate for the TESS Missions scientific objective - to measure the masses of 50 small planets - and is one of the most observationally accessible terrestrial planets for future atmospheric characterization.
The planet-metallicity correlation serves as a potential link between exoplanet systems as we observe them today and the effects of bulk composition on the planet formation process. Many observers have noted a tendency for Jovian planets to form arou nd stars with higher metallicities; however, there is no consensus on a trend for smaller planets. Here, we investigate the planet-metallicity correlation for rocky planets in single and multi-planet systems around Kepler M-dwarf and late K-dwarf stars. Due to molecular blanketing and the dim nature of these low mass stars, it is difficult to make direct elemental abundance measurements via spectroscopy. We instead use a combination of accurate and uniformly measured parallaxes and photometry to obtain relative metallicities and validate this method with a subsample of spectroscopically determined metallicities. We use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Anderson-Darling test to compare the compact multiple planetary systems with single transiting planet systems and systems with no detected transiting planets. We find that the compact multiple planetary systems are derived from a statistically more metal-poor population, with a p-value of 0.015 in the KS test, a p-value of 0.005 in the Mann-Whitney U test, and a value of 2.574 in the Anderson-Darling test statistic, which exceeds the derived threshold for significance by a factor of 25. We conclude that metallicity plays a significant role in determining the architecture of rocky planet systems. Compact multiples either form more readily, or are more likely to survive on Gyr timescales, around metal-poor stars.
We present observations of two bright M dwarfs (TOI-1634 and TOI-1685: $J=9.5-9.6$) hosting ultra-short period (USP) planets, identified by the TESS mission. The two stars are similar in temperature, mass, and radius ($T_mathrm{eff},approx,3500$ K, $ M_star,approx,0.45-0.46,M_odot$, and $R_starapprox 0.45-0.46,R_odot$), and the planets are both super-Earth-sized ($1.25,R_oplus<R_p<2.0,R_oplus$). For both systems, light curves from the ground-based photometry exhibit planetary transits, whose depths are consistent with those by the TESS photometry. We also refine the transit ephemerides based on the ground-based photometry, finding the orbital periods of $P=0.9893436pm0.0000020$ day and $P=0.6691416pm0.0000019$ day for TOI-1634b and TOI-1685b, respectively. Through intensive radial velocity (RV) observations using IRD on the Subaru 8.2m telescope, we confirm the planetary nature of the TOIs, and measure their masses: $10.14pm0.95,M_oplus$ and $3.43pm0.93,M_oplus$ for TOI-1634b and TOI-1685b, respectively, when the observed RVs are fitted with a single-planet circular-orbit model. Combining those with the planet radii of $R_p=1.749pm 0.079,R_oplus$ (TOI-1634b) and $1.459pm0.065,R_oplus$ (TOI-1685b), we find that both USP planets have mean densities consistent with an Earth-like internal composition, which is typical for small USP planets. TOI-1634b is currently the most massive USP planet in this category, and it resides near the radius valley, which makes it a benchmark planet in the context of discussing the size limit of rocky planet cores as well as testing the formation scenarios for USP planets. Excess scatter in the RV residuals for TOI-1685 suggests the presence of a possible secondary planet or unknown activity/instrumental noise in the RV data, but further observations are required to check those possibilities.
51 - E. Gaidos 2017
Recently revealed differences in planets around M dwarf vs. solar-type stars could arise from differences in their primordial disks, and surveys of T Tauri stars find a correlation between stellar mass and disk mass. Minimum disks have been reconstru cted for the Solar System and solar-type stars and here this exercise is performed for M dwarfs using Kepler-detected planets. Distribution of planet mass between current orbits produces a disk with total mass of ~0.009Msun and a power-law profile with index 2.2. Disk reconstruction from the output of a forward model of planet formation indicates that the effect of detection bias on disk profile is slight and that the observed scatter in planet masses and semi-major axes is consistent with a universal disk profile. This nominal M dwarf disk is more centrally concentrated than those inferred around the solar-type stars observed by Kepler, and the mass surface density beyond 0.02 AU is sufficient for in situ accretion of planets as single embryos. The mass of refractory solids within 0.5 AU is 5.6Mearth compared to 4Mearth for solar-type stars, in contrast with the trend with total disk mass. The total solids beyond 0.5 AU is sufficient for the core of at least one giant planet.
Context. CARMENES is a stabilised, high-resolution, double-channel spectrograph at the 3.5 m Calar Alto telescope. It is optimally designed for radial-velocity surveys of M dwarfs with potentially habitable Earth-mass planets. Aims. We prepare a list of the brightest, single M dwarfs in each spectral subtype observable from the northern hemisphere, from which we will select the best planet-hunting targets for CARMENES. Methods. In this first paper on the preparation of our input catalogue, we compiled a large amount of public data and collected low-resolution optical spectroscopy with CAFOS at the 2.2 m Calar Alto telescope for 753 stars. We derived accurate spectral types using a dense grid of standard stars, a double least-squares minimisation technique, and 31 spectral indices previously defined by other authors. Additionally, we quantified surface gravity, metallicity, and chromospheric activity for all the stars in our sample. Results. We calculated spectral types for all 753 stars, of which 305 are new and 448 are revised. We measured pseudo-equivalent widths of Halpha for all the stars in our sample, concluded that chromospheric activity does not affect spectral typing from our indices, and tabulated 49 stars that had been reported to be young stars in open clusters, moving groups, and stellar associations. Of the 753 stars, two are new subdwarf candidates, three are T Tauri stars, 25 are giants, 44 are K dwarfs, and 679 are M dwarfs. Many of the 261 investigated dwarfs in the range M4.0-8.0 V are among the brightest stars known in their spectral subtype. Conclusions. This collection of low-resolution spectroscopic data serves as a candidate target list for the CARMENES survey and can be highly valuable for other radial-velocity surveys of M dwarfs and for studies of cool dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood.
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