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Derivation of the Dirac Equation from Principles of Information Processing

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 نشر من قبل Paolo Perinotti Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show how the Dirac equation in three space-dimensions emerges from the large-scale dynamics of the minimal nontrivial quantum cellular automaton satisfying unitariety, locality, homogeneity, and discrete isotropy, without using the relativity principle. The Dirac equation is recovered for small wave-vector and inertial mass, whereas Lorentz covariance is distorted in the ultra-relativistic limit. The automaton can thus be regarded as a theory unifying scales from Planck to Fermi. A simple asymptotic approach leads to a dispersive Schroedinger equation describing the evolution of narrow-band states at all scales.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In this work we present a derivation of Diracs equation in a curved space-time starting from a Weyl-invariant action principle in 4+K dimensions. The Weyl invariance of Diracs equation (and of Quantum Mechanics in general) is made possible by observi ng that the difference between the Weyl and the Riemann scalar curvatures in a metric space is coincident with Bohms Quantum potential. This circumstance allows a completely geometrical formulation of Quantum Mechanics, the Conformal Quantum Geometrodynamics (CQG), which was proved to be useful, for example, to clarify some aspects of the quantum paradoxes and to simplify the demonstration of difficult theorems as the Spin-Statistics connection. The present work extends our previous derivation of Diracs equation from the flat Minkowski space-time to a general curved space-time. Charge and the e.m. fields are introduced by adding extra-coordinates and then gauging the associated group symmetry. The resulting Diracs equation yields naturally to the correct gyromagnetic ratio $g_e=2$ for the electron, but differs from the one derived in the Standard Quantum Mechanics (SQM) in two respects. First, the coupling with the space-time Riemann scalar curvature is found to be about 1/4 in the CQG instead of 1/2 as in the SQM and, second, in the CQG result two very small additional terms appear as scalar potentials acting on the particle. One depends on the derivatives of the e.m. field tensor and the other is the scalar Kretschmann term $R_{mu urhosigma}R^{mu urhosigma}$. Both terms, not present in the SQM, become appreciable only at distances of the order of the electron Compton length or less. The Kretschmann term, in particular, is the only one surviving in an external gravitational field obeying Einsteins equations in vacuum. These small differences render the CQG theory confutable by very accurate experiments, at least in principle.
We discuss the structure of the Dirac equation and how the nilpotent and the Majorana operators arise naturally in this context. This provides a link between Kauffmans work on discrete physics, iterants and Majorana Fermions and the work on nilpotent structures and the Dirac equation of Peter Rowlands. We give an expression in split quaternions for the Majorana Dirac equation in one dimension of time and three dimensions of space. Majorana discovered a version of the Dirac equation that can be expressed entirely over the real numbers. This led him to speculate that the solutions to his version of the Dirac equation would correspond to particles that are their own anti-particles. It is the purpose of this paper to examine the structure of this Majorana-Dirac Equation, and to find basic solutions to it by using the nilpotent technique. We succeed in this aim and describe our results.
A rigorous textit{ab initio} derivation of the (square of) Diracs equation for a single particle with spin is presented. The general Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the particle expressed in terms of a background Weyls conformal geometry is found to be linearized, exactly and in closed form, by an textit{ansatz} solution that can be straightforwardly interpreted as the quantum wave function $psi_4$ of the 4-spinor Diracs equation. In particular, all quantum features of the model arise from a subtle interplay between the conformal curvature of the configuration space acting as a potential and Weyls pre-potential, closely related to $psi_4$, which acts on the particle trajectory. The theory, carried out here by assuming a Minkowsky metric, can be easily extended to arbitrary space-time Riemann metric, e.g. the one adopted in the context of General Relativity. This novel theoretical scenario, referred to as Affine Quantum Mechanics, appears to be of general application and is expected to open a promising perspective in the modern endeavor aimed at the unification of the natural forces with gravitation.
A nonlinear Schrodinger equation, that had been obtained within the context of the maximum uncertainty principle, has the form of a difference-differential equation and exhibits some interesting properties. Here we discuss that equation in the regime where the nonlinearity length scale is large compared to the deBroglie wavelength; just as in the perturbative regime, the equation again displays some universality. We also briefly discuss stationary solutions to a naturally induced discretisation of that equation.
In this work we present a general derivation of relativistic fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation using the method of moments. The main difference between our approach and the traditional 14-moment approximation is that we will not close the fl uid-dynamical equations of motion by truncating the expansion of the distribution function. Instead, we keep all terms in the moment expansion. The reduction of the degrees of freedom is done by identifying the microscopic time scales of the Boltzmann equation and considering only the slowest ones. In addition, the equations of motion for the dissipative quantities are truncated according to a systematic power-counting scheme in Knudsen and inverse Reynolds number. We conclude that the equations of motion can be closed in terms of only 14 dynamical variables, as long as we only keep terms of second order in Knudsen and/or inverse Reynolds number. We show that, even though the equations of motion are closed in terms of these 14 fields, the transport coefficients carry information about all the moments of the distribution function. In this way, we can show that the particle-diffusion and shear-viscosity coefficients agree with the values given by the Chapman-Enskog expansion.
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