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Derivation of transient relativistic fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation

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 نشر من قبل Gabriel Denicol
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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In this work we present a general derivation of relativistic fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation using the method of moments. The main difference between our approach and the traditional 14-moment approximation is that we will not close the fluid-dynamical equations of motion by truncating the expansion of the distribution function. Instead, we keep all terms in the moment expansion. The reduction of the degrees of freedom is done by identifying the microscopic time scales of the Boltzmann equation and considering only the slowest ones. In addition, the equations of motion for the dissipative quantities are truncated according to a systematic power-counting scheme in Knudsen and inverse Reynolds number. We conclude that the equations of motion can be closed in terms of only 14 dynamical variables, as long as we only keep terms of second order in Knudsen and/or inverse Reynolds number. We show that, even though the equations of motion are closed in terms of these 14 fields, the transport coefficients carry information about all the moments of the distribution function. In this way, we can show that the particle-diffusion and shear-viscosity coefficients agree with the values given by the Chapman-Enskog expansion.

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Fluid-dynamical equations of motion can be derived from the Boltzmann equation in terms of an expansion around a single-particle distribution function which is in local thermodynamical equilibrium, i.e., isotropic in momentum space in the rest frame of a fluid element. However, in situations where the single-particle distribution function is highly anisotropic in momentum space, such as the initial stage of heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies, such an expansion is bound to break down. Nevertheless, one can still derive a fluid-dynamical theory, called anisotropic dissipative fluid dynamics, in terms of an expansion around a single-particle distribution function, $hat{f}_{0bf k}$, which incorporates (at least parts of) the momentum anisotropy via a suitable parametrization. We construct such an expansion in terms of polynomials in energy and momentum in the direction of the anisotropy and of irreducible tensors in the two-dimensional momentum subspace orthogonal to both the fluid velocity and the direction of the anisotropy. From the Boltzmann equation we then derive the set of equations of motion for the irreducible moments of the deviation of the single-particle distribution function from $hat{f}_{0bf k}$. Truncating this set via the 14-moment approximation, we obtain the equations of motion of anisotropic dissipative fluid dynamics.
[Background] Experimental data from heavy-ion experiments at RHIC-BNL and LHC-CERN are quantitatively described using relativistic fluid dynamics. Even p+A and p+p collisions show signs of collective behavior describable in the same manner. Neverthel ess, small system sizes and large gradients strain the limits of applicability of fluid-dynamical methods. [Purpose] The range of applicability of fluid dynamics for the description of the collective behavior, and in particular of the elliptic flow, of small systems needs to be explored. [Method] Results of relativistic fluid-dynamical simulations are compared with solutions of the Boltzmann equation in a longitudinally boost-invariant picture. As initial condition, several different transverse energy-density profiles for equilibrated matter are investigated. [Results] While there is overall a fair agreement of energy- and particle-density profiles, components of the shear-stress tensor are more sensitive to details of the implementation. The highest sensitivity is exhibited by quantities influenced by properties of the medium at freeze-out. [Conclusions] For some quantities, like the shear-stress tensor, agreement between fluid dynamics and transport theory extends into regions of Knudsen numbers and inverse Reynolds numbers where relativistic fluid dynamics is believed to fail.
In Molnar et al. [Phys. Rev. D 93, 114025 (2016)] the equations of anisotropic dissipative fluid dynamics were obtained from the moments of the Boltzmann equation based on an expansion around an arbitrary anisotropic single-particle distribution func tion. In this paper we make a particular choice for this distribution function and consider the boost-invariant expansion of a fluid in one dimension. In order to close the conservation equations, we need to choose an additional moment of the Boltzmann equation. We discuss the influence of the choice of this moment on the time evolution of fluid-dynamical variables and identify the moment that provides the best match of anisotropic fluid dynamics to the solution of the Boltzmann equation in the relaxation-time approximation.
We derive the equations of motion of relativistic, resistive, second-order dissipative magnetohydrodynamics from the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation using the method of moments. We thus extend our previous work [Phys. Rev. D 98, 076009 (2018)], where we on ly considered the non-resistive limit, to the case of finite electric conductivity. This requires keeping terms proportional to the electric field $E^mu$ in the equations of motions and leads to new transport coefficients due to the coupling of the electric field to dissipative quantities. We also show that the Navier-Stokes limit of the charge-diffusion current corresponds to Ohms law, while the coefficients of electrical conductivity and charge diffusion are related by a type of Wiedemann-Franz law.
190 - U. Heinz 2015
Several recent results are reported from work aiming to improve the quantitative precision of relativistic viscous fluid dynamics for relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The dense matter created in such collisions expands in a highly anisotropic manne r. Due to viscous effects this also renders the local momentum distribution anisotropic. Optimized hydrodynamic approaches account for these anisotropies already at leading order in a gradient expansion. Recently discovered exact solutions of the relativistic Boltzmann equation in anisotropically expanding systems provide a powerful testbed for such improved hydrodynamic approximations. We present the latest status of our quest for a formulation of relativistic viscous fluid dynamics that is optimized for applications to relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
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