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Testing local position and fundamental constant invariance due to periodic gravitation and boost using long-term comparison of the SYRTE atomic fountains and H-masers

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 نشر من قبل Michael Edmund Tobar
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The frequencies of three separate Cs fountain clocks and one Rb fountain clock have been compared to various hydrogen masers to search for periodic changes correlated with the changing solar gravitational potential at the Earth and boost with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) rest frame. The data sets span over more than eight years. The main sources of long-term noise in such experiments are the offsets and linear drifts associated with the various H-masers. The drift can vary from nearly immeasurable to as high as 1.3*10^-15 per day. To circumvent these effects we apply a numerical derivative to the data, which significantly reduces the standard error when searching for periodic signals. We determine a standard error for the putative Local Position Invariance (LPI) coefficient with respect to gravity for a Cs-Fountain H-maser comparison of 4.8*10^-6 and 10^-5 for a Rb-Fountain H-maser comparison. From the same data the putative boost LPI coefficients were measured to a precision of up to parts in 10^11 with respect to the CMB rest frame. By combining these boost invariance experiments to a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator versus H-maser comparison, independent limits on all nine coefficients of the boost violation vector with respect to fundamental constant invariance (fine structure constant, electron mass and quark mass respectively), were determined to a precision of parts up to 10^10.

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The cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO) at the Paris Observatory has been continuously compared to various Hydrogen Masers since 2001. The early data sets were used to test Local Lorentz Invariance in the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl (RMS) framework by se arching for sidereal modulations with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background, and represent the best Kennedy-Thorndike experiment to date. In this work we present continuous operation over a period of greater than six years from September 2002 to December 2008 and present a more precise way to analyze the data by searching the time derivative of the comparison frequency. Due to the long-term operation we are able to search both sidereal and annual modulations. The results gives P_{KT} = beta_{RMS}-alpha_{RMS}-1 = -1.7(4.0) times 10^{-8} for the sidereal and -23(10) times 10^{-8} for the annual term, with a weighted mean of -4.8(3.7) times 10^{-8}, a factor of 8 better than previous. Also, we analyze the data with respect to a change in gravitational potential for both diurnal and annual variations. The result gives beta_{H-Maser} - beta_{CSO} = -2.7(1.4) times 10^{-4} for the annual and -6.9(4.0) times 10^{-4} for the diurnal terms, with a weighted mean of -3.2(1.3) times 10^{-4}. This result is two orders of magnitude better than other tests that use electromagnetic resonators. With respect to fundamental constants a limit can be provided on the variation with ambient gravitational potential and boost of a combination of the fine structure constant (alpha), the normalized quark mass (m_q), and the electron to proton mass ratio (m_e/m_p), setting the first limit on boost dependence of order 10^{-10}.
168 - Peter Wolf 2005
Lorentz Invariance (LI) is the founding postulate of Einsteins 1905 theory of relativity, and therefore at the heart of all accepted theories of physics. It characterizes the invariance of the laws of physics in inertial frames under changes of veloc ity or orientation. This central role, and indications from unification theories hinting toward a possible LI violation, have motivated tremendous experimental efforts to test LI. A comprehensive theoretical framework to describe violations of LI has been developed over the last decade: the Lorentz violating Standard Model Extension (SME). It allows a characterization of LI violations in all fields of present day physics using a large (but finite) set of parameters which are all zero when LI is satisfied. All classical tests (e.g. Michelson-Morley or Kennedy-Thorndike experiments) can be analyzed in the SME, but it also allows the conception of new types of experiments, not thought of previously. We have carried out such a conceptually new LI test, by comparing particular atomic transitions (particular orientations of the involved nuclear spins) in the $^{133}$Cs atom using a cold atomic fountain clock. This allows us to test LI in a previously largely unexplored region of the SME parameter space, corresponding to first measurements of four proton parameters and an improvement by 11 and 12 orders of magnitude on the determination of four others. In spite of the attained accuracies, and of having extended the search into a new region of the SME, we still find no indication of LI violation.
In this article, we report on the work done with the LNE-SYRTE atomic clock ensemble during the last 10 years. We cover progress made in atomic fountains and in their application to timekeeping. We also cover the development of optical lattice clocks based on strontium and on mercury. We report on tests of fundamental physical laws made with these highly accurate atomic clocks. We also report on work relevant to a future possible redefinition of the SI second.
In their Letter, Kentosh and Mohageg [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 110801 (2012)] seek to use data from clocks aboard global positioning system (GPS) satellites to place limits on local position invariance (LPI) violations of Plancks constant, h. It is the purpose of this comment to show that discussing limits on variation of dimensional constants (such as h) is not meaningful; that even within a correct framework it is not possible to extract limits on variation of fundamental constants from a single type of clock aboard GPS satellites; and to correct an important misconception in the authors interpretation of previous Earth-based LPI experiments.
147 - Jocelyne Guena 2012
We give an overview of the work done with the Laboratoire National de Metrologie et dEssais-Syst`emes de Reference Temps-Espace (LNE-SYRTE) fountain ensemble during the last five years. After a description of the clock ensemble, comprising three foun tains, FO1, FO2, and FOM, and the newest developments, we review recent studies of several systematic frequency shifts. This includes the distributed cavity phase shift, which we evaluate for the FO1 and FOM fountains, applying the techniques of our recent work on FO2. We also report calculations of the microwave lensing frequency shift for the three fountains, review the status of the blackbody radiation shift, and summarize recent experimental work to control microwave leakage and spurious phase perturbations. We give current accuracy budgets. We also describe several applications in time and frequency metrology: fountain comparisons, calibrations of the international atomic time, secondary representation of the SI second based on the 87Rb hyperfine frequency, absolute measurements of optical frequencies, tests of the T2L2 satellite laser link, and review fundamental physics applications of the LNE-SYRTE fountain ensemble. Finally, we give a summary of the tests of the PHARAO cold atom space clock performed using the FOM transportable fountain.
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