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Systematic study of (p,gamma) reactions on Ni isotopes

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 نشر من قبل Anna Simon
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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A systematic study of the radiative proton capture reaction for all stable nickel isotopes is presented. The results were obtained using 2.0 - 6.0 MeV protons from the 11 MV tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at the University of Notre Dame. The gamma-rays were detected by the NSCL SuN detector utilising the gamma-summing technique. The results are compared to a compilation of earlier measurements and discrepancies between the previous data are resolved. The experimental results are also compared to the theoretical predictions obtained using the NON-SMOKER and SMARAGD codes. Based on these comparisons an improved set of astrophysical reaction rates is proposed for the (p,gamma) reactions on the stable nickel isotopes as well as for the 56Ni(p,gamma)57Cu reaction.

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Proton captures on Mg isotopes play an important role in the Mg-Al cycle active in stellar H shell burning. In particular, the strengths of low-energy resonances with E < 200 keV in 25Mg(p,gamma)26Al determine the production of 26Al and a precise kno wledge of these nuclear data is highly desirable. Absolute measurements at such low-energies are often very difficult and hampered by gamma-ray background as well as changing target stoichiometry during the measurements. The latter problem can be partly avoided using higher energy resonances of the same reaction as a normalization reference. Hence the parameters of suitable resonances have to be studied with adequate precision. In the present work we report on new measurements of the resonance strengths omega_gamma of the E = 214, 304, and 326 keV resonances in the reactions 24Mg(p,gamma)25Al, 25Mg(p,gamma)26Al, and 26Mg(p,gamma)27Al, respectively. These studies were performed at the LUNA facility in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory using multiple experimental techniques and provided results with a higher accuracy than previously achieved.
261 - Z. Korkulu , N. Ozkan , G. G. Kiss 2018
The aim of the present work is to measure the $^{121}$Sb($alpha,gamma$)$^{125}$I, $^{121}$Sb($alpha$,n)$^{124}$I, and $^{123}$Sb($alpha$,n)$^{126}$I reaction cross sections. The $alpha$-induced reactions on natural and enriched antimony targets were investigated using the activation technique. The ($alpha$,$gamma$) cross sections of $^{121}$Sb were measured and are reported for first time. To determine the cross section of the $^{121}$Sb($alpha$,$gamma$)$^{125}$I, $^{121}$Sb($alpha$,n)$^{124}$I, and $^{123}$Sb($alpha$,n)$^{126}$I reactions, the yields of $gamma$-rays following the $beta$-decay of the reaction products were measured. For the measurement of the lowest cross sections, the characteristic X-rays were counted with a LEPS (Low Energy Photon Spectrometer) detector. The cross section of the $^{121}$Sb($alpha$,$gamma$)$^{125}$I, $^{121}$Sb($alpha$,n)$^{124}$I and $^{123}$Sb($alpha$,n)$^{126}$I reactions were measured with high precision in an energy range between 9.74 MeV to 15.48 MeV, close to the astrophysically relevant energy window. The results are compared with the predictions of statistical model calculations. The ($alpha$,n) data show that the $alpha$ widths are predicted well for these reactions. The ($alpha$,$gamma$) results are overestimated by the calculations but this is due to the applied neutron- and $gamma$ widths. Relevant for the astrophysical reaction rate is the $alpha$ width used in the calculations.While for other reactions the $alpha$ widths seem to have been overestimated and their energy dependence was not described well in the measured energy range, this is not the case for the reactions studied here. The result is consistent with the proposal that additional reaction channels, such as Coulomb excitation, may have led to the discrepancies found in other reactions.
High-statistics differential cross sections for the reactions gamma p -> p eta and gamma p -> p eta-prime have been measured using the CLAS at Jefferson Lab for center-of-mass energies from near threshold up to 2.84 GeV. The eta-prime results are the most precise to date and provide the largest energy and angular coverage. The eta measurements extend the energy range of the worlds large-angle results by approximately 300 MeV. These new data, in particular the eta-prime measurements, are likely to help constrain the analyses being performed to search for new baryon resonance states.
In the present work, we report our in depth study of 12C(p,pgamma)12C reaction both experimentally and theoretically with proton beam energy ranging from 8 MeV to 22 MeV. The angular distributions were measured at six different angles. We discuss the gamma angular distributions, total cross sections values for 4.438, 9.64, 12.7 and 15.1 MeV states. We also describe the theoretical interpretation of our measurements using optical model analysis. We also report the branching ratios from our measurements. For the first time, we have measured the the cross section and branching ratio for the 9.64 MeV state.
Existing measurements of the angular distributions of the ground-state to ground-state transitions of the 12C(d,p)13C and 13C(p,d)12C neutron-transfer reactions have been analyzed systematically using the Johnson-Soper adiabatic and distorted-wave th eories. When using a consistent set of physical inputs the deduced spectroscopic factors are consistent to within 20% for incident deuteron energies from 6 to 60 MeV. By contrast, original analyses of many of these data quoted spectroscopic factors that differed by up to a factor of five. The present analysis provides an important reference point from which to assess the requirements of future spectroscopic analyses of transfer reactions measured in inverse kinematics using rare nuclei.
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