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We have experimentally observed the emergence of spontaneous antiferromagnetic spatial order in a sodium spinor Bose-Einstein condensate that was quenched through a magnetic phase transition. For negative values of the quadratic Zeeman shift, a gas initially prepared in the F = 1, mF = 0 state collapsed into a dynamically evolving superposition of all 3 spin projections, mF = 0, +/-1. The quench gave rise to rich, nonequilibrium behavior where both nematic and magnetic spin waves were generated. We characterized the spatiotemporal evolution through two particle correlations between atoms in each pair of spin states. These revealed dramatic differences between the dynamics of the spin correlations and those of the spin populations.
We observe the joint spin-spatial (spinor) self-organization of a two-component BEC strongly coupled to an optical cavity. This unusual nonequilibrium Hepp-Lieb-Dicke phase transition is driven by an off-resonant two-photon Raman transition formed fr
Dynamical fermionization refers to the phenomenon in Tonks-Girardeau (TG) gases where, upon release from harmonic confinement, the gass momentum density profile evolves asymptotically to that of an ideal Fermi gas in the initial trap. This phenomenon
We simulate a balanced attractively interacting two-component Fermi gas in a one-dimensional lattice perturbed with a moving potential well or barrier. Using the time-evolving block decimation method, we study different velocities of the perturbation
We experimentally study the dynamics of a degenerate one-dimensional Bose gas that is subject to a continuous outcoupling of atoms. Although standard evaporative cooling is rendered ineffective by the absence of thermalizing collisions in this system
Large spin systems can exhibit unconventional types of magnetic ordering different from the ferromagnetic or Neel-like antiferromagnetic order commonly found in spin 1/2 systems. Spin-nematic phases, for instance, do not break time-reversal invarianc