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The purpose of this this paper is to generalize the functors arising from the theory of Witt vectors duto to Cartier. Given a polynomial $g(q)in mathbb Z[q]$, we construct a functor ${overline {W}}^{g(q)}$ from the category of $mathbb Z[q]$-algebras to that of commutative rings. When $q$ is specialized into an integer $m$, it produces a functor from the category of commutative rings with unity to that of commutative rings. In a similar way, we also construct several functors related to ${overline { W}}^{g(q)}$. Functorial and structural properties such as induction, restriction, classification and unitalness will be investigated intensively.
We describe infinite-dimensional Leibniz algebras whose associated Lie algebra is the Witt algebra and we prove the triviality of low-dimensional Leibniz cohomology groups of the Witt algebra with the coefficients in itself.
In this paper, we construct a $q$-deformation of the Witt-Burnside ring of a profinite group over a commutative ring, where $q$ ranges over the set of integers. When $q=1$, it coincides with the Witt-Burnside ring introduced by A. Dress and C. Sieben
We determine the universal deformation over reduced base rings of the Witt ring scheme enhanced by a Frobenius lift and Verschiebung. It agrees with a q-deformation earlier introduced by the second author, for which we also give a simpler description
We prove a version of the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for profinite pronilpotent Lie algebras in which their symmetric and universal enveloping algebras are replaced with appropriate formal analogues and discuss some immediate corollaries of this result.
We show how the Connes-Moscovicis bialgebroid construction naturally provides universal objects for Lie algebras acting on non-commutative algebras.