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An Anderson-localized random nanolaser

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 نشر من قبل Pedro David Garcia Fernandez
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Precision is a virtue throughout science in general and in optics in particular where carefully fabricated nanometer-scale devices hold great promise for both classical and quantum photonics [1-6]. In such nanostructures, unavoidable imperfections often impose severe performance limits but, in certain cases, disorder may enable new functionalities [7]. Here we demonstrate on-chip random nanolasers where the cavity feedback is provided by the intrinsic disorder in a semiconductor photonic-crystal waveguide, leading to Anderson localization of light [8]. This enables highly efficient and broadband tunable lasers with very small mode volumes. We observe an intriguing interplay between gain, dispersion-controlled slow light, and disorder, which determines the cross-over from ballistic transport to Anderson localization. Such a behavior is a unique feature of non-conservative random media that enables the demonstration of all-optical control of random lasing. Our statistical analysis shows a way towards ultimate thresholdless random nanolasers.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study wave transmission through one-dimensional random nonlinear structures and predict a novel effect resulting from an interplay of nonlinearity and disorder. We reveal that, while weak nonlinearity does not change the typical exponentially smal l transmission in the regime of the Anderson localization, it affects dramatically the disorder-induced localized states excited inside the medium leading to {em bistable} and {em nonreciprocal} resonant transmission. Our numerical modelling shows an excellent agreement with theoretical predictions based on the concept of a high-Q resonator associated with each localized state. This offers a new way of all-optical light control employing statistically-homogeneous random media without regular cavities.
We report on the transition between an Anderson localized regime and a conductive regime in a 1D scattering system with correlated disorder. We show experimentally that when long-range correlations, in the form of a power-law spectral density with po wer larger than 2, are introduced the localization length becomes much bigger than the sample size and the transmission peaks typical of an Anderson localized system merge into a pass band. As other forms of long-range correlations are known to have the opposite effect, i.e. to enhance localization, our results show that care is needed when discussing the effects of correlations, as different kinds of long-range correlations can give rise to very different behavior.
Optical nanostructures have proven to be meritorious for tailoring the emission properties of quantum emitters. However, unavoidable fabrication imperfections may represent a nuisance. Quite remarkably, disorder offers new opportunities since light c an be efficiently confined by random multiple scattering leading to Anderson localization. Here we investigate the effect of such disorder-induced cavities on the emission dynamics of single quantum dots embedded in disordered photonic-crystal waveguides. We present time-resolved measurements of both the total emission from Anderson-localized cavities and from single emitters that are coupled to the cavities. We observe both strongly inhibited and enhanced decay rates relative to the rate of spontaneous emission in a homogeneous medium. From a statistical analysis, we report an average Purcell factor of 2 in without any control on the quantum dot - cavity detuning. By spectrally tuning individual quantum dots into resonance with Anderson-localized modes, a maximum Purcell factor of 23.8 is recorded, which lies at the onset of the strong coupling regime. The presented data quantify the potential of naturally occurring Anderson-localized cavities for controlling and enhancing the light-matter interaction strength, which is of relevance not only for cavity quantum-electrodynamics experiments but potentially also for efficient energy harvesting and controllable random lasing.
258 - Z.H.Zhu , H.Liu , S.M.Wang 2009
We propose and analyze theoretically a double magnetic plasmon resonance nanolaser, in which Ytterbium-erbium co-doped material is used as the gain medium. Through design of the double magnetic resonance modes, pumping light (980nm) can be resonantly absorbed and laser light (1550nm) can be resonantly generated simultaneously. We introduce a set of rate equations combined to describe the operation of the laser and predict the lasing condition. According to our calculations, the disadvantage that pumping light is difficult to be absorbed by a thin slab of gain materials can be overcome.
Mode-locking is predicted in a nanolaser cavity forming an effective photonic harmonic potential. The cavity is substantially more compact than a Fabry-Perot resonator with comparable pulsing period, which is here controlled by the potential. In the limit of instantaneous gain and absorption saturation, mode-locking corresponds to a stable dissipative soliton, which it very well approximated by the coherent state of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator. This property is robust against non-instantaneous material response and non-zero phase-intensity coupling.
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