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Running coupling and pomeron loop effects on inclusive and diffractive DIS cross sections

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 نشر من قبل Jo\\~ao Thiago de Santana Amaral
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Within the framework of a (1+1)--dimensional model which mimics high energy QCD, we study the behavior of the cross sections for inclusive and diffractive deep inelastic $gamma^*h$ scattering cross sections. We analyze the cases of both fixed and running coupling within the mean field approximation, in which the evolution of the scattering amplitude is described by the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation, and also through the pomeron loop equations, which include in the evolution the gluon number fluctuations. In the diffractive case, similarly to the inclusive one, the suppression of the diffusive scaling, as a consequence of the inclusion of the running of the coupling, is observed.

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We analyze contributions to the heavy vector meson production with large transverse momentum in proton--proton and diffractive photon--proton scattering driven by an exchange of two Balitsky--Fadin--Kuraev--Lipatov Pomerons in the squared amplitudes. The Pomerons couple to a single parton and form a Pomeron loop closed by the vector meson impact factors. For the photon--proton case the diffractive cut of the Pomeron loop contributes, and for the inclusive hadroproduction one finds the loop with two cut Pomerons. We compute both of these Pomeron loop contributions and study in detail their properties. The results are then used to calculate the cross sections for diffractive $J/psi$ photoproduction with large transverse momentum at HERA and the correlated two Pomeron contribution for inclusive $J/psi$ and $Upsilon$ production cross sections at the LHC. Within a unified approach a good description of the photoproduction data is found, but correlated two Pomeron mechanism gives only a small contribution to hadroproduction of the vector mesons at the LHC.
We describe the most recent data on the diffractive structure functions from the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations at HERA using four models. First, a Pomeron Structure Function (PSF) model, in which the Pomeron is considered as an object with parton distri bution functions. Then, the Bartels Ellis Kowalski Wusthoff (BEKW) approach is discussed, assuming the simplest perturbative description of the Pomeron using a two-gluon ladder. A third approach, the Bialas Peschanski (BP) model, based on the dipole formalism is then described. Finally, we discuss the Golec-Biernat-Wusthoff (GBW) saturation model which takes into account saturation effects. The best description of all avaible measurements can be achieved with either the PSF based model or the BEKW approach. In particular, the BEKW prediction allows to include the highest $beta$ measurements, which are dominated by higher twists effects and provide an efficient and compact parametrisation of the diffractive cross section. The two other models also give a good description of cross section measurements at small $x$ with a small number of parameters. The comparison of all predictions allows us to identify interesting differences in the behaviour of the effective pomeron intercept and in the shape of the longitudinal component of the diffractive structure functions. In this last part, we present some features that can be discriminated by new experimental measurements, completing the HERA program.
In this letter we report the direct perturbative QCD evaluation of twist-4 effects in diffractive DIS. They are large and have a strong impact on the $Q^2$ dependence of diffractive structure functions at large $beta$. Based on the AGK rules, we comm ent on the possible contribution from diffractive higher twists to $propto {1 over Q^{2}}$ corrections to proton structure function at small $x$. These corrections to the longitudinal structure function $F_{L}$ may be particularly large.
82 - D. Treleani , G. Calucci 2017
In a simplified model of Multiple Parton Interactions the inclusive cross sections, of processes with large momentum transfer exchange, acquire the statistical meaning of factorial moments of the distribution in multiplicity of interactions, while mo re exclusive cross sections, which can provide complementary information on the interaction dynamics, become experimentally viable. Inclusive and exclusive cross sections are linked by sum rules, which can be tested experimentally.
The characteristics of the thermal radiation are investigated using a two - component model, with the hard component being described by the Color Glass Condensate formalism. The inclusive transverse momentum spectra of charged hadrons produced in pro ton - proton and proton - nucleus collisions at LHC energies and large - $p_T$ are estimated using the running coupling $k_T$ - factorization formula and the solution of the Balitsky - Kovchegov equation. Our results indicate that the thermal term is necessary to describe the experimental data and that the effective thermal temperature has an energy dependence similar to the saturation scale. We demonstrate that the enhancement of the thermal temperature in $pPb$ collisions is consistent with that predicted by the saturation scale.
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