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Momentum distribution of 1D Bose gases at the quasi-condensation crossover: theoretical and experimental investigation

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 نشر من قبل Isabelle Bouchoule
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Thibaut Jacqmin

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We investigate the momentum distribution of weakly interacting 1D Bose gases at thermal equilibrium both experimentally and theoretically. Momentum distribution of single 1D Bose gases is measured using a focusing technique, whose resolution we improve via a guiding scheme. The momentum distribution compares very well with quantum Monte Carlo calculations for the Lieb-Liniger model at finite temperature, allowing for an accurate thermometry of the gas that agrees with (and improves upon) the thermometry based on in situ density fluctuation measurements. The quasi-condensation crossover is investigated via two different experimental parameter sets, corresponding to the two different sides of the crossover. Classical field theory is expected to correctly describe the quasi-condensation crossover of weakly interacting gases. We derive the condition of validity of the classical field theory, and find that, in typical experiments, interactions are too strong for this theory to be accurate. This is confirmed by a comparison between the classical field predictions and the numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo calculations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate the coherence properties of an array of one-dimensional Bose gases with short-scale phase fluctuations. The momentum distribution is measured using Bragg spectroscopy and an effective coherence length of the whole ensemble is defined. In addition, we propose and demonstrate that time-of-flight absorption imaging can be used as a simple probe to directly measure the coherence-length of 1D gases in the regime where phase-fluctuations are strong. This method is suitable for future studies such as investigating the effect of disorder on the phase coherence.
The Lieb-Liniger model is a prototypical integrable model and has been turned into the benchmark physics in theoretical and numerical investigations of low dimensional quantum systems. In this note, we present various methods for calculating local and nonlocal $M$-particle correlation functions, momentum distribution and static structure factor. In particular, using the Bethe ansatz wave function of the strong coupling Lieb-Liniger model, we analytically calculate two-point correlation function, the large moment tail of momentum distribution and static structure factor of the model in terms of the fractional statistical parameter $alpha =1-2/gamma$, where $gamma$ is the dimensionless interaction strength. We also discuss the Tans adiabatic relation and other universal relations for the strongly repulsive Lieb-Liniger model in term of the fractional statistical parameter.
The dynamics of strongly interacting many-body quantum systems are notoriously complex and difficult to simulate. A new theory, generalized hydrodynamics (GHD), promises to efficiently accomplish such simulations for nearly-integrable systems. It pre dicts the evolution of the distribution of rapidities, which are the momenta of the quasiparticles in integrable systems. GHD was recently tested experimentally for weakly interacting atoms, but its applicability to strongly interacting systems has not been experimentally established. Here we test GHD with bundles of one-dimensional (1D) Bose gases by performing large trap quenches in both the strong and intermediate coupling regimes. We measure the evolving distribution of rapidities, and find that theory and experiment agree well over dozens of trap oscillations, for average dimensionless coupling strengths that range from 0.3 to 9.3. By also measuring momentum distributions, we gain experimental access to the interaction energy and thus to how the quasiparticles themselves evolve. The accuracy of GHD demonstrated here confirms its wide applicability to the simulation of nearly-integrable quantum dynamical systems. Future experimental studies are needed to explore GHD in spin chains, as well as the crossover between GHD and regular hydrodynamics in the presence of stronger integrability breaking perturbations.
BEC of exciton-polaritons and related effects such as superfluidity1,2, spontaneous symmetry breaking3,4 and quantised vortices5,6 open way to creation of novel light sources7 and optical logic elements8. Remarkable observations of exciton-polariton BEC in microcavities9-12 have been reported in the recent ten years. Very recently, thermalisation and subsequent condensation of cavity photons in a dye-filled microcavity have been observed13. Here we show that BEC of both exciton-polaritons and photons can be created in the same system under different optical excitation conditions. A dynamic phase transition between a photon and a polariton BEC takes place after a single high-power excitation pulse and we find both condensed states in thermal equilibrium with the excited states. At the crossover, photons and polaritons coexist, which results in a decrease in the long-range spatial coherence. Build-up and successive depinning of polarisation is observed at the threshold of both polariton and photon condensation.
Due to the vast growth of the many-body level density with excitation energy, its smoothed form is of central relevance for spectral and thermodynamic properties of interacting quantum systems. We compute the cumulative of this level density for conf ined one-dimensional continuous systems with repulsive short-range interactions. We show that the crossover from an ideal Bose gas to the strongly correlated, fermionized gas, i.e., partial fermionization, exhibits universal behavior: Systems with very few up to many particles share the same underlying spectral features. In our derivation we supplement quantum cluster expansions with short-time dynamical information. Our nonperturbative analytical results are in excellent agreement with numerics for systems of experimental relevance in cold atom physics, such as interacting bosons on a ring (Lieb-Liniger model) or subject to harmonic confinement. Our method provides predictions for excitation spectra that enable access to finite-temperature thermodynamics in large parameter ranges.
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