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Thermal rounding exponent of the depinning transition of an elastic string in a random medium

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 نشر من قبل Sebastian Bustingorry
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study numerically thermal effects at the depinning transition of an elastic string driven in a two-dimensional uncorrelated disorder potential. The velocity of the string exactly at the sample critical force is shown to behave as $V sim T^psi$, with $psi$ the thermal rounding exponent. We show that the computed value of the thermal rounding exponent, $psi = 0.15$, is robust and accounts for the different scaling properties of several observables both in the steady-state and in the transient relaxation to the steady-state. In particular, we show the compatibility of the thermal rounding exponent with the scaling properties of the steady-state structure factor, the universal short-time dynamics of the transient velocity at the sample critical force, and the velocity scaling function describing the joint dependence of the steady-state velocity on the external drive and temperature.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study numerically the depinning transition of driven elastic interfaces in a random-periodic medium with localized periodic-correlation peaks in the direction of motion. The analysis of the moving interface geometry reveals the existence of severa l characteristic lengths separating different length-scale regimes of roughness. We determine the scaling behavior of these lengths as a function of the velocity, temperature, driving force, and transverse periodicity. A dynamical roughness diagram is thus obtained which contains, at small length scales, the critical and fast-flow regimes typical of the random-manifold (or domain wall) depinning, and at large length-scales, the critical and fast-flow regimes typical of the random-periodic (or charge-density wave) depinning. From the study of the equilibrium geometry we are also able to infer the roughness diagram in the creep regime, extending the depinning roughness diagram below threshold. Our results are relevant for understanding the geometry at depinning of arrays of elastically coupled thin manifolds in a disordered medium such as driven particle chains or vortex-line planar arrays. They also allow to properly control the effect of transverse periodic boundary conditions in large-scale simulations of driven disordered interfaces.
289 - A. B. Kolton , E. A. Jagla 2020
The thermal rounding of the depinning transition of an elastic interface sliding on a washboard potential is studied through analytic arguments and very accurate numerical simulations. We confirm the standard view that well below the depinning thresh old the average velocity can be calculated considering thermally activated nucleation of forward moving defects. However, we find that the straightforward extension of this analysis to near or above the depinning threshold does not fully describe the physics of the thermally assisted motion. In particular, we find that exactly at the depinning point the average velocity does not follow a pure power-law of the temperature as naively expected by the analogy with standard phase transitions but presents subtle logarithmic corrections. We explain the physical mechanisms behind these corrections and argue that they are non-peculiar collective effects which may also apply to the case of interfaces sliding on uncorrelated disordered landscapes.
We present a quantitative and comparative study of magnetic field driven domain wall depinning transition in different ferromagnetic ultrathin films over a wide range of temperature. We reveal a universal scaling function accounting for both drive an d thermal effects on the depinning transition, including critical exponents. The consistent description we obtain for both the depinning and subthreshold thermally activated creep motion should shed light on the universal glassy dynamics of thermally fluctuating elastic objects pinned by disordered energy landscapes.
By extending the Kac-Rice approach to manifolds of finite internal dimension, we show that the mean number $leftlanglemathcal{N}_mathrm{tot}rightrangle$ of all possible equilibria (i.e. force-free configurations, a.k.a. equilibrium points) of an elas tic line (directed polymer), confined in a harmonic well and submitted to a quenched random Gaussian potential in dimension $d=1+1$, grows exponentially $leftlanglemathcal{N}_mathrm{tot}rightranglesimexp{(r,L)}$ with its length $L$. The growth rate $r$ is found to be directly related to the generalised Lyapunov exponent (GLE) which is a moment-generating function characterising the large-deviation type fluctuations of the solution to the initial value problem associated with the random Schrodinger operator of the 1D Anderson localization problem. For strong confinement, the rate $r$ is small and given by a non-perturbative (instanton, Lifshitz tail-like) contribution to GLE. For weak confinement, the rate $r$ is found to be proportional to the inverse Larkin length of the pinning theory. As an application, identifying the depinning with a landscape topology trivialization phenomenon, we obtain an upper bound for the depinning threshold $f_c$, in the presence of an applied force, for elastic lines and $d$-dimensional manifolds, expressed through the mean modulus of the spectral determinant of the Laplace operators with a random potential. We also discuss the question of counting of stable equilibria. Finally, we extend the method to calculate the asymptotic number of equilibria at fixed energy (elastic, potential and total), and obtain the (annealed) distribution of the energy density over these equilibria (i.e. force-free configurations). Some connections with the Larkin model are also established.
We investigate the scattering of elastic waves off a disordered region described by a one-dimensional random-phase sine-Gordon model. The collective pinning results in an effective static disorder potential with universal and non-Gaussian correlation s, acting on propagating waves. We find signatures of the correlations in the wave transmission in a wide frequency range, which covers both the weak and strong localization regimes. Our theory elucidates the dynamics of collectively-pinned phases occurring in any natural or synthetic elastic medium. The latter one is exemplified by a one-dimensional array of Josephson junctions, for which we specify our results. The obtained results provide benchmarks for the array-enabled quantum simulations addressing the dynamics in broader and yet-unexplored domains of individual pinning and quantum Bose glass.
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