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Local Tadpole Galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Debra Elmegreen
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Tadpole galaxies have a giant star-forming region at the end of an elongated intensity distribution. Here we use SDSS data to determine the ages, masses, and surface densities of the heads and tails in 14 local tadpoles selected from the Kiso and Michigan surveys of UV-bright galaxies, and we compare them to tadpoles previously studied in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. The young stellar mass in the head scales linearly with restframe galaxy luminosity, ranging from ~10^5 M_solar at galaxy absolute magnitude U=-13 mag to 10^9 M_solar at U=-20 mag. The corresponding head surface density increases from several M_solar pc^{-2} locally to 10-100 M_solar pc^{-2} at high redshift, and the star formation rate per unit area in the head increases from ~0.01 M_solar yr^{-1} kpc^{-2} locally to ~1 M_solar yr^{-1} kpc^{-2} at high z. These local values are normal for star-forming regions, and the increases with redshift are consistent with other cosmological star formation rates, most likely reflecting an increase in gas abundance. The tails in the local sample look like bulge-free galaxy disks. Their photometric ages decrease from several Gyr to several hundred Myr with increasing z, and their surface densities are more constant than the surface densities of the heads. The far outer intensity profiles in the local sample are symmetric and exponential. We suggest that most local tadpoles are bulge-free galaxy disks with lopsided star formation, perhaps from environmental effects such as ram pressure or disk impacts, or from a Jeans length comparable to half the disk size.

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Tadpole galaxies, with a bright peripheral clump on a faint tail, are morphological types unusual in the nearby universe but very common early on. Low mass local tadpoles were identified and studied photometrically in a previous work, which we comple te here analyzing their chemical and dynamical properties. We measure Halpha velocity curves of seven local tadpoles, representing 50% of the initial sample. Five of them show evidence for rotation (sim 70%), and a sixth target hints at it. Often the center of rotation is spatially offset with respect to the tadpole head (3 out of 5 cases). The size and velocity dispersion of the heads are typical of giant HII regions, and three of them yield dynamical masses in fair agreement with their stellar masses as inferred from photometry. In four cases the velocity dispersion at the head is reduced with respect to its immediate surroundings. The oxygen metallicity estimated from [NII]6583/Halpha often shows significant spatial variations across the galaxies (sim 0.5 dex), being smallest at the head and larger elsewhere. The resulting chemical abundance gradients are opposite to the ones observed in local spirals, but agrees with disk galaxies at high redshift. We interpret the metallicity variation as a sign of external gas accretion (cold-flows) onto the head of the tadpole. The galaxies are low metallicity outliers of the mass-metallicity relationship. In particular, two of the tadpole heads are extremely metal poor, with a metallicity smaller than a tenth of the solar value. These two targets are also very young (ages smaller than 5 Myr). All these results combined are consistent with the local tadpole galaxies being disks in early stages of assembling, with their star formation sustained by accretion of external metal poor gas.
Tadpole galaxies have a head-tail shape with a large clump of star formation at the head and a diffuse tail or streak of stars off to one side. We measured the head and tail masses, ages, surface brightnesses, and sizes for 66 tadpoles in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF), and we looked at the distribution of neighbor densities and tadpole orientations with respect to neighbors. The heads have masses of 10^7-10^8 Msun and photometric ages of ~0.1 Gyr for z~2. The tails have slightly larger masses than the heads, and comparable or slightly older ages. The most obvious interpretation of tadpoles as young merger remnants is difficult to verify. They have no enhanced proximity to other resolved galaxies as a class, and the heads, typically less than 0.2 kpc in diameter, usually have no obvious double-core structure. Another possibility is ram pressure interaction between a gas-rich galaxy and a diffuse cosmological flow. Ram pressure can trigger star formation on one side of a galaxy disk, giving the tadpole shape when viewed edge-on. Ram pressure can also strip away gas from a galaxy and put it into a tail, which then forms new stars and gravitationally drags along old stars with it. Such an effect might have been observed already in the Virgo cluster. Another possibility is that tadpoles are edge-on disks with large, off-center clumps. Analogous lop-sided star formation in UDF clump clusters are shown.
Tadpole Galaxies look like a star forming head with a tail structure to the side. They are also named cometaries. In a series of recent works we have discovered a number of issues that lead us to consider them extremely interesting targets. First, fr om images, they are disks with a lopsided starburst. This result is firmly established with long slit spectroscopy in a nearby representative sample. They rotate with the head following the rotation pattern but displaced from the rotation center. Moreover, in a search for extremely metal poor (XMP) galaxies, we identified tadpoles as the dominant shapes in the sample- nearly 80% of the local XMP galaxies have a tadpole morphology. In addition, the spatially resolved analysis of the metallicity shows the remarkable result that there is a metallicity drop right at the position of the head. This is contrary to what intuition would say and difficult to explain if star formation has happened from gas processed in the disk. The result could however be understood if the star formation is driven by pristine gas falling into the galaxy disk. If confirmed, we could be unveiling, for the first time, cool flows in action in our nearby world. The tadpole class is relatively frequent at high redshift - 10% of resolvable galaxies in the Hubble UDF but less than 1% in the local Universe. They are systems that could track cool flows and test models of galaxy formation.
Colors and magnitudes were determined for 69 chain galaxies, 58 other linear structures, 32 normal edge-on galaxies, and all of their large star formation clumps in the HST ACS field of the Tadpole galaxy. Redshifts of 0.5 to 2 are inferred from comp arisons with published color-evolution models. The linear galaxies have no red nuclear bulges like the normal disk galaxies in our field, but the star formation clumps in each have about the same colors and magnitudes. Light profiles along the linear galaxies tend to be flat, unlike the exponential profiles of normal galaxies. Although the most extreme of the linear objects look like beaded filaments, they are all probably edge-on disks that will evolve to late Hubble type galaxies. The lack of an exponential profile is either the result of a dust scale height that is comparable to the stellar scale height, or an intrinsically irregular structure. Examples of galaxies that could be face-
367 - Ilian T. Iliev 2010
We present the first detailed structure formation and radiative transfer simulations of the reionization history of our cosmic neighbourhood. To this end, we follow the formation of the Local Group of galaxies and nearby clusters by means of constrai ned simulations, which use the available observational constraints to construct a representation of those structures which reproduces their actual positions and properties at the present time. We find that the reionization history of the Local Group is strongly dependent on the assumed photon production efficiencies of the ionizing sources, which are still poorly constrained. If sources are relatively efficient, i.e. the process is photon-rich, the Local Group is primarily ionized externally by the nearby clusters. Alternatively, if the sources are inefficient, i.e. reionization is photon-poor the Local Group evolves largely isolated and reionizes itself. The mode of reionization, external vs. internal, has important implications for the evolution of our neighbourhood, in terms of e.g. its satellite galaxy populations and primordial stellar populations. This therefore provides an important avenue for understanding the young universe by detailed studies of our nearby structures.
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