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Measurement of the coupling between applied stress and magnetism in a manganite thin film

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 نشر من قبل Surendra Singh
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We measured the magnetization depth profile of a (La1-xPrx)1-yCayMnO3 (x = 0.60pm0.04, y = 0.20pm0.03) film as a function of applied bending stress using polarized neutron reflectometry. From these measurements we obtained a coupling coefficient relating strain to the depth dependent magnetization. We found application of compressive (tensile) bending stress along the magnetic easy axis increases (decreases) the magnetization of the film.

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We measured the chemical and magnetic depth profiles of a single crystalline (La$_{1-x}$Pr$_x$)$_{1-y}$Ca$_y$MnO$_{3-{delta}}$ (x = 0.52pm0.05, y = 0.23pm0.04, {delta} = 0.14pm0.10) film grown on a NdGaO3 substrate using x-ray reflectometry, electron microscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy and polarized neutron reflectometry. Our data indicate that the film exhibits coexistence of different magnetic phases as a function of depth. The magnetic depth profile is correlated with a variation of chemical composition with depth. The thermal hysteresis of ferromagnetic order in the film suggests a first order ferromagnetic transition at low temperatures.
We measured the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization (Ms) of a (La1-xPrx)1-yCayMnO3 (x ~ 0.60, y ~ 0.33) film as a function of applied bending stress. Stress producing a compressive strain of -0.01% along the magnetic easy axis incr eased the Curie temperature by ~6 K and the metal-insulator-transition by ~4 K. Regardless of whether or not stress is applied to the film, magnetic ordering occurs at temperatures significantly higher than the metal-insulator-transition temperature. The magnetization of the sample at the temperature of the metal-insulator-transition is approximately the site percolation threshold for a two-dimensional spin lattice.
Despite the huge importance of friction in regulating movement in all natural and technological processes, the mechanisms underlying dissipation at a sliding contact are still a matter of debate. Attempts to explain the dependence of measured frictio nal losses at nanoscale contacts on the electronic degrees of freedom of the surrounding materials have so far been controversial. Here, it is proposed that friction can be explained by considering damping of stick-slip pulses in a sliding contact. Based on friction force microscopy studies of La$_{(1-x)}$Sr$_x$MnO$_3$ films at the ferromagnetic-metallic to paramagnetic-polaronic conductor phase transition, it is confirmed that the sliding contact generates thermally-activated slip pulses in the nanoscale contact, and argued that these are damped by direct coupling into phonon bath. Electron-phonon coupling leads to the formation of Jahn-Teller polarons and a clear increase in friction in the high temperature phase. There is no evidence for direct electronic drag on the atomic force microscope tip nor any indication of contributions from electrostatic forces. This intuitive scenario, that friction is governed by the damping of surface vibrational excitations, provides a basis for reconciling controversies in literature studies as well as suggesting possible tactics for controlling friction.
148 - Z. Q. Liu , Z. Huang , W. M. Lu 2012
The surface termination of (100)-oriented LaAlO3 (LAO) single crystals was examined by atomic force microscopy and optimized to produce a single-terminated atomically flat surface by annealing. Then the atomically flat STO film was achieved on a sing le-terminated LAO substrate, which is expected to be similar to the n-type interface of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), i.e., (LaO)-(TiO2). Particularly, that can serve as a mirror structure for the typical 2DEG heterostructure to further clarify the origin of 2DEG. This newly developed interface was determined to be highly insulating. Additionally, this study demonstrates an approach to achieve atomically flat film growth based on LAO substrates.
We performed resonant and nonresonant x-ray diffraction studies of a Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 thin film that exhibits a clear first-order transition. Lattice parameters vary drastically at the metal-insulator transition at 170K (=T_MI), and superlattice reflec tions appear below 140K (=T_CO). The electronic structure between T_MI and T_CO is identified as A-type antiferromagnetic with the d_{x2-y2} ferroorbital ordering. Below T_CO, a new type of antiferroorbital ordering emerges. The accommodation of the large lattice distortion at the first-order phase transition and the appearance of the novel orbital ordering are brought about by the anisotropy in the substrate, a new parameter for the phase control.
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