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Interplay between charge and magnetic orderings in the zero-bandwidth limit of the extended Hubbard model for strong on-site repulsion

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 نشر من قبل Konrad Kapcia
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A simple effective model of charge ordered and (or) magnetically ordered insulators is studied. The tight binding Hamiltonian analyzed consists of (i) the effective on-site interaction U, (ii) the intersite density-density interaction W and (iii) intersite magnetic exchange interaction Jz (or Jxy) between nearest-neighbors. The intersite interaction are treated within the mean-field approximation. One shows that the systems considered can exhibit very interesting multicritical behaviors, including among others bicritical, tricritical, tetracritical and critical end points. The analysis of the model has been performed for an arbitrary electron concentration as well as an arbitrary chemical potential in the limit of strong on-site repulsion. The phase diagrams obtained in such a case are shown to consist of at least 9 different states, including four homogenous phases: nonordered (NO), ferromagnetic (F), charge ordered (CO), ferrimagnetic (intermediate, I) and five types of phase separation: NO-NO, F-NO, F-F, CO-F, CO-I.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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68 - Igor N.Karnaukhov 2020
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314 - Yun Song , S. Bulut , R. Wortis 2008
We study the effect of strong correlations on the zero bias anomaly (ZBA) in disordered interacting systems. We focus on the two-dimensional extended Anderson-Hubbard model, which has both on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions on a square lattice . We use a variation of dynamical mean field theory in which the diagonal self-energy is solved self-consistently at each site on the lattice for each realization of the randomly-distributed disorder potential. Since the ZBA occurs in systems with both strong disorder and strong interactions, we use a simplified atomic-limit approximation for the diagonal inelastic self-energy that becomes exact in the large-disorder limit. The off-diagonal self-energy is treated within the Hartree-Fock approximation. The validity of these approximations is discussed in detail. We find that strong correlations have a significant effect on the ZBA at half filling, and enhance the Coulomb gap when the interaction is finite-ranged.
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