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Electrochemical ferroelectric switching: The origin of polarization reversal in ultrathin films

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 نشر من قبل Nicholas Bristowe
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Against expectations, robust switchable ferroelectricity has been recently observed in ultrathin (1 nm) ferroelectric films exposed to air [V. Garcia $et$ $al.$, Nature {bf 460}, 81 (2009)]. Based on first-principles calculations, we show that the system does not polarize unless charged defects or adsorbates form at the surface. We propose electrochemical processes as the most likely origin of this charge. The ferroelectric polarization of the film adapts to the bound charge generated on its surface by redox processes when poling the film. This, in turn, alters the band alignment at the bottom electrode interface, explaining the observed tunneling electroresistance. Our conclusions are supported by energetics calculated for varied electrochemical scenarios.

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129 - J. Y. Jo , D. J. Kim , Y. S. Kim 2006
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