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Rashba spin-splitting control at the surface of the topological insulator Bi2Se3

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 نشر من قبل Andrea Damascelli
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The electronic structure of Bi2Se3 is studied by angle-resolved photoemission and density functional theory. We show that the instability of the surface electronic properties, observed even in ultra-high-vacuum conditions, can be overcome via in-situ potassium deposition. In addition to accurately setting the carrier concentration, new Rashba-like spin-polarized states are induced, with a tunable, reversible, and highly stable spin splitting. Ab-initio slab calculations reveal that these Rashba state are derived from the 5QL quantum-well states. While the K-induced potential gradient enhances the spin splitting, this might be already present for pristine surfaces due to the symmetry breaking of the vacuum-solid interface.

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We study the band structure of the $text{Bi}_2text{Se}_3$ topological insulator (111) surface using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We examine the situation where two sets of quantized subbands exhibiting different Rashba spin-splitting ar e created via bending of the conduction (CB) and the valence (VB) bands at the surface. While the CB subbands are strongly Rashba spin-split, the VB subbands do not exhibit clear spin-splitting. We find that CB and VB experience similar band bending magnitudes, which means, a spin-splitting discrepancy due to different surface potential gradients can be excluded. On the other hand, by comparing the experimental band structure to first principles LMTO band structure calculations, we find that the strongly spin-orbit coupled Bi 6$p$ orbitals dominate the orbital character of CB, whereas their admixture to VB is rather small. The spin-splitting discrepancy is, therefore, traced back to the difference in spin-orbit coupling between CB and VB in the respective subbands regions.
We study the manipulation of the photoelectron spin-polarization in Bi$_2$Se$_3$ by spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. General rules are established that enable controlling the spin-polarization of photoemitted electrons via light p olarization, sample orientation, and photon energy. We demonstrate the $pm$100% reversal of a single component of the measured spin-polarization vector upon the rotation of light polarization, as well as a full three-dimensional manipulation by varying experimental configuration and photon energy. While a material-specific density-functional theory analysis is needed for the quantitative description, a minimal two-atomic-layer model qualitatively accounts for the spin response based on the interplay of optical selection rules, photoelectron interference, and topological surface-state complex structure. It follows that photoelectron spin-polarization control is generically achievable in systems with a layer-dependent, entangled spin-orbital texture.
The topological insulator Bi2Se3 shows a Raman scattering response related to topologically protected surface states amplified by a resonant interband transition. Most significantly this signal has a characteristic Lorentzian lineshape and spin-helic al symmetry due to collision dominated scattering of Dirac states at the Fermi level E_F on bulk valence states. Its resonance energy, temperature and doping dependence points to a high selectivity of this process. Its scattering rate (Gamma=40 cm-1=5 meV) is comparable to earlier observations, e.g. in spin-polaron systems. Although the observation of topological surface states in Raman scattering is limited to resonance conditions, this study represents a quite clean case which is not polluted by symmetry forbidden contributions from the bulk
Motivated by recent photoemission experiments on the surface of topological insulators we compute the spectrum of driven topological surface excitations in the presence of an external light source. We completely characterize the spectral function of these non-equilibrium electron excitations for both linear and circular polarizations of the incident light. We find that in the latter case, the circularly polarized light gaps out the surface states, whereas linear polarization gives rise to an anisotropic metal with multiple Dirac cones. We compare the sizes of the gaps with recent pump-probe photoemission measurements and find good agreement. We also identify theoretically several new features in the time-dependent spectral function, such as shadow Dirac cones.
The surfaces of three dimensional topological insulators (3D TIs) are generally described as Dirac metals, with a single Dirac cone. It was previously believed that a gapped surface implied breaking of either time reversal $mathcal T$ or U(1) charge conservation symmetry. Here we discuss a novel possibility in the presence of interactions, a surface phase that preserves all symmetries but is nevertheless gapped and insulating. Then the surface must develop topological order of a kind that cannot be realized in a 2D system with the same symmetries. We discuss candidate surface states - non-Abelian Quantum Hall states which, when realized in 2D, have $sigma_{xy}=1/2$ and hence break $mathcal T$ symmetry. However, by constructing an exactly soluble 3D lattice model, we show they can be realized as $mathcal T$ symmetric surface states. The corresponding 3D phases are confined, and have $theta=pi$ magnetoelectric response. Two candidate states have the same 12 particle topological order, the (Read-Moore) Pfaffian state with the neutral sector reversed, which we term T-Pfaffian topological order, but differ in their $mathcal T$ transformation. Although we are unable to connect either of these states directly to the superconducting TI surface, we argue that one of them describes the 3D TI surface, while the other differs from it by a bosonic topological phase. We also discuss the 24 particle Pfaffian-antisemion topological order (which can be connected to the superconducting TI surface) and demonstrate that it can be realized as a $mathcal T$ symmetric surface state.
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