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Lensing Magnification: A novel method to weigh high-redshift clusters and its application to SpARCS

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 نشر من قبل Hendrik Hildebrandt
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce a novel method to measure the masses of galaxy clusters at high redshift selected from optical and IR Spitzer data via the red-sequence technique. Lyman-break galaxies are used as a well understood, high-redshift background sample allowing mass measurements of lenses at unprecedented high redshifts using weak lensing magnification. By stacking a significant number of clusters at different redshifts with average masses of ~1-3x10^14M_sun, as estimated from their richness, we can calibrate the normalisation of the mass-richness relation. With the current data set (area: 6 deg^2) we detect a magnification signal at the >3-sigma level. There is good agreement between the masses estimated from the richness of the clusters and the average masses estimated from magnification, albeit with large uncertainties. We perform tests that suggest the absence of strong systematic effects and support the robustness of the measurement. This method - when applied to larger data sets in the future - will yield an accurate calibration of the mass-observable relations at z>~1 which will represent an invaluable input for cosmological studies using the galaxy cluster mass function and astrophysical studies of cluster formation. Furthermore this method will probably be the least expensive way to measure masses of large numbers of z>1 clusters detected in future IR-imaging surveys.

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89 - R. Buchs , C. Davis , D. Gruen 2019
Wide-field imaging surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey (DES) rely on coarse measurements of spectral energy distributions in a few filters to estimate the redshift distribution of source galaxies. In this regime, sample variance, shot noise, and s election effects limit the attainable accuracy of redshift calibration and thus of cosmological constraints. We present a new method to combine wide-field, few-filter measurements with catalogs from deep fields with additional filters and sufficiently low photometric noise to break degeneracies in photometric redshifts. The multi-band deep field is used as an intermediary between wide-field observations and accurate redshifts, greatly reducing sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects. Our implementation of the method uses self-organizing maps to group galaxies into phenotypes based on their observed fluxes, and is tested using a mock DES catalog created from N-body simulations. It yields a typical uncertainty on the mean redshift in each of five tomographic bins for an idealized simulation of the DES Year 3 weak-lensing tomographic analysis of $sigma_{Delta z} = 0.007$, which is a 60% improvement compared to the Year 1 analysis. Although the implementation of the method is tailored to DES, its formalism can be applied to other large photometric surveys with a similar observing strategy.
Many distant objects can only be detected, or become more scientifically valuable, if they have been highly magnified by strong gravitational lensing. We use EAGLE and BAHAMAS, two recent cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, to predict the probab ility distribution for both the lens mass and lens redshift when point sources are highly magnified by gravitational lensing. For sources at a redshift of two, we find the distribution of lens redshifts to be broad, peaking at z=0.6. The contribution of different lens masses is also fairly broad, with most high-magnification lensing due to lenses with halo masses between 10^12 and 10^14 solar masses. Lower mass haloes are inefficient lenses, while more massive haloes are rare. We find that a simple model in which all haloes have singular isothermal sphere density profiles can approximately reproduce the simulation predictions, although such a model over-predicts the importance of haloes with mass <10^12 solar masses for lensing. We also calculate the probability that point sources at different redshifts are strongly lensed. At low redshift, high magnifications are extremely unlikely. Each z=0.5 source produces, on average, 5x10^-7 images with magnification greater than ten; for z =2 this increases to about 2x10^-5. Our results imply that searches for strongly lensed optical transients, including the optical counterparts to strongly lensed gravitational waves, can be optimized by monitoring massive galaxies, groups and clusters rather than concentrating on an individual population of lenses.
We present a joint shear-and-magnification weak-lensing analysis of a sample of 16 X-ray-regular and 4 high-magnification galaxy clusters at 0.19<z<0.69 selected from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Our analysis uses wid e-field multi-color imaging, taken primarily with Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. From a stacked shear-only analysis of the X-ray-selected subsample, we detect the ensemble-averaged lensing signal with a total signal-to-noise ratio of ~25 in the radial range of 200 to 3500kpc/h. The stacked tangential-shear signal is well described by a family of standard density profiles predicted for dark-matter-dominated halos in gravitational equilibrium, namely the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), truncated variants of NFW, and Einasto models. For the NFW model, we measure a mean concentration of $c_{200c}=4.01^{+0.35}_{-0.32}$ at $M_{200c}=1.34^{+0.10}_{-0.09} 10^{15}M_{odot}$. We show this is in excellent agreement with Lambda cold-dark-matter (LCDM) predictions when the CLASH X-ray selection function and projection effects are taken into account. The best-fit Einasto shape parameter is $alpha_E=0.191^{+0.071}_{-0.068}$, which is consistent with the NFW-equivalent Einasto parameter of $sim 0.18$. We reconstruct projected mass density profiles of all CLASH clusters from a joint likelihood analysis of shear-and-magnification data, and measure cluster masses at several characteristic radii. We also derive an ensemble-averaged total projected mass profile of the X-ray-selected subsample by stacking their individual mass profiles. The stacked total mass profile, constrained by the shear+magnification data, is shown to be consistent with our shear-based halo-model predictions including the effects of surrounding large-scale structure as a two-halo term, establishing further consistency in the context of the LCDM model.
Mass measurements of astronomical objects are most wanted but still elusive. We need them to trace the formation and evolution of cosmic structure but we can get direct measurements only for a minority. This lack can be circumvented with a proxy and a scaling relation. The twofold goal of estimating the unbiased relation and finding the right proxy value to plug in can be hampered by systematics, selection effects, Eddington/Malmquist biases and time evolution. We present a Bayesian hierarchical method which deals with these issues. Masses to be predicted are treated as missing data in the regression and are estimated together with the scaling parameters. The calibration subsample with measured masses does not need to be representative of the full sample as far as it follows the same scaling relation. We apply the method to forecast weak lensing calibrated masses of the Planck, redMaPPer and MCXC clusters. Planck masses are biased low with respect to weak lensing calibrated masses, with a bias more pronounced for high redshift clusters. MCXC masses are under-estimated by ~20 per cent, which may be ascribed to hydrostatic bias. Packages and catalogs are made available with the paper.
112 - Bryan Gillis , Andy Taylor 2015
We present a derivation of a generalized optimally-weighted estimator for the weak lensing magnification signal, including a calculation of errors. With this estimator, we present a local method for optimally estimating the local effects of magnifica tion from weak gravitational lensing, using a comparison of number counts in an arbitrary region of space to the expected unmagnified number counts. We show that when equivalent lens and source samples are used, this estimator is simply related to the optimally-weighted correlation function estimator used in past work and vice-versa, but this method has the benefits that it can calculate errors with significantly less computational time, that it can handle overlapping lens and source samples, and that it can easily be extended to mass-mapping. We present a proof-of-principle test of this method on data from the CFHTLenS, showing that its calculated magnification signals agree with predictions from model fits to shear data. Finally, we investigate how magnification data can be used to supplement shear data in determining the best-fit model mass profiles for galaxy dark matter haloes. We find that at redshifts greater than z ~ 0.6, the inclusion of magnification can often significantly improve the constraints on the components of the mass profile which relate to galaxies local environments relative to shear alone, and in high-redshift, low- and medium-mass bins, it can have a higher signal-to-noise than the shear signal.
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