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What does strong gravitational lensing? The mass and redshift distribution of high-magnification lenses

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 نشر من قبل Andrew Robertson
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Andrew Robertson

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Many distant objects can only be detected, or become more scientifically valuable, if they have been highly magnified by strong gravitational lensing. We use EAGLE and BAHAMAS, two recent cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, to predict the probability distribution for both the lens mass and lens redshift when point sources are highly magnified by gravitational lensing. For sources at a redshift of two, we find the distribution of lens redshifts to be broad, peaking at z=0.6. The contribution of different lens masses is also fairly broad, with most high-magnification lensing due to lenses with halo masses between 10^12 and 10^14 solar masses. Lower mass haloes are inefficient lenses, while more massive haloes are rare. We find that a simple model in which all haloes have singular isothermal sphere density profiles can approximately reproduce the simulation predictions, although such a model over-predicts the importance of haloes with mass <10^12 solar masses for lensing. We also calculate the probability that point sources at different redshifts are strongly lensed. At low redshift, high magnifications are extremely unlikely. Each z=0.5 source produces, on average, 5x10^-7 images with magnification greater than ten; for z =2 this increases to about 2x10^-5. Our results imply that searches for strongly lensed optical transients, including the optical counterparts to strongly lensed gravitational waves, can be optimized by monitoring massive galaxies, groups and clusters rather than concentrating on an individual population of lenses.

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Cluster gravitational lensing surveys like the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields survey will detect distant galaxies 10-50 times fainter than any yet discovered. Using these surveys to measure the luminosity function of such faint, distant galax ies, however, requires that magnification maps built from the constraints of strongly-lensed images be accurate. For models that assume the cluster and nearby (correlated) structures are the only significant sources of lensing, a potential source of error in these maps comes from the fact that light rays also suffer weak deflections by uncorrelated large-scale structure along the line-of-sight, i.e. cosmic weak lensing (CWL). To demonstrate the magnitude of this effect, we calculate the magnification change which results when the same cluster-lens is placed along different lines of sight. Using a simple density profile for a cluster-lens at z~0.3-0.5 and the power spectrum of the matter density fluctuations responsible for CWL, we show that the typical magnifications of ~5(10) of sources at z=6-10 can differ by ~10-20(20-30)% from one line-of-sight to another. However, these fluctuations rise to greater than order unity near critical curves, indicating that CWL tends to make its greatest contribution to the most magnified images. We conclude that the neglect of CWL in determining the intrinsic luminosities of highly-magnified galaxies may introduce errors significant enough to warrant further effort to include this contribution in cluster-lens modeling. We suggest that methods of modeling CWL in galaxy-strong-lensing systems should be generalized to cluster-lensing systems.
The gravitational lens system CLASS B2108+213 has two radio-loud lensed images separated by 4.56 arcsec. The relatively large image separation implies that the lensing is caused by a group of galaxies. In this paper, new optical imaging and spectrosc opic data for the lensing galaxies of B2108+213 and the surrounding field galaxies are presented. These data are used to investigate the mass and composition of the lensing structure. The redshift and stellar velocity dispersion of the main lensing galaxy (G1) are found to be z = 0.3648 +/- 0.0002 and sigma_v = 325 +/- 25 km/s, respectively. The optical spectrum of the lensed quasar shows no obvious emission or absorption features and is consistent with a BL Lac type radio source. However, the tentative detection of the G-band and Mg-b absorption lines, and a break in the spectrum of the host galaxy of the lensed quasar gives a likely source redshift of z = 0.67. Spectroscopy of the field around B2108+213 finds 51 galaxies at a similar redshift to G1, thus confirming that there is a much larger structure at z ~ 0.365 associated with this system. The width of the group velocity distribution is 694 +/- 93 km/s, but is non-Gaussian, implying that the structure is not yet viralized. The main lensing galaxy is also the brightest group member and has a surface brightness profile consistent with a typical cD galaxy. A lensing and dynamics analysis of the mass distribution, which also includes the newly found group members, finds that the logarithmic slope of the mass density profile is on average isothermal inside the Einstein radius, but steeper at the location of the Einstein radius. This apparent change in slope can be accounted for if an external convergence gradient, representing the underlying parent halo of the galaxy group, is included in the mass model.
We simulate the effects of gravitational lensing on the source count of high redshift galaxies as projected to be observed by the Hubble Frontier Fields program and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in the near future. Taking the mass density pro file of the lensing object to be the singular isothermal sphere (SIS) or the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile, we model a lens residing at a redshift of z_L = 0.5 and explore the radial dependence of the resulting magnification bias and its variability with the velocity dispersion of the lens, the photometric sensitivity of the instrument, the redshift of the background source population, and the intrinsic maximum absolute magnitude (M_{max}) of the sources. We find that gravitational lensing enhances the number of galaxies with redshifts z >= 13 detected in the angular region theta_E/2 <= theta <= 2theta_E (where theta_E is the Einstein angle) by a factor of ~ 3 and 1.5 in the HUDF (df/d u_0 ~ 9 nJy) and medium-deep JWST surveys (df/d u_0 ~ 6 nJy). Furthermore, we find that even in cases where a negative magnification bias reduces the observed number count of background sources, the lensing effect improves the sensitivity of the count to the intrinsic faint-magnitude cut-off of the Schechter luminosity function. In a field centered on a strong lensing cluster, observations of z >= 6 and z >= 13 galaxies with JWST can be used to infer this cut-off magnitude for values as faint as M_{max} ~ -14.4 and -16.1 mag (L_{min} ~ 2.5*10^{26} and 1.2*10^{27} erg s^{-1} Hz^{-1}) respectively, within the range bracketed by existing theoretical models. Gravitational lensing may therefore offer an effective way of constraining the low-luminosity cut-off of high-redshift galaxies.
We introduce a novel method to measure the masses of galaxy clusters at high redshift selected from optical and IR Spitzer data via the red-sequence technique. Lyman-break galaxies are used as a well understood, high-redshift background sample allowi ng mass measurements of lenses at unprecedented high redshifts using weak lensing magnification. By stacking a significant number of clusters at different redshifts with average masses of ~1-3x10^14M_sun, as estimated from their richness, we can calibrate the normalisation of the mass-richness relation. With the current data set (area: 6 deg^2) we detect a magnification signal at the >3-sigma level. There is good agreement between the masses estimated from the richness of the clusters and the average masses estimated from magnification, albeit with large uncertainties. We perform tests that suggest the absence of strong systematic effects and support the robustness of the measurement. This method - when applied to larger data sets in the future - will yield an accurate calibration of the mass-observable relations at z>~1 which will represent an invaluable input for cosmological studies using the galaxy cluster mass function and astrophysical studies of cluster formation. Furthermore this method will probably be the least expensive way to measure masses of large numbers of z>1 clusters detected in future IR-imaging surveys.
143 - S. Dye , M. Negrello , R. Hopwood 2013
We have determined the mass-density radial profiles of the first five strong gravitational lens systems discovered by the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS). We present an enhancement of the semi-linear lens inversion method of Warren & Dye which allows simultaneous reconstruction of several different wavebands and apply this to dual-band imaging of the lenses acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope. The five systems analysed here have lens redshifts which span a range, 0.22<z<0.94. Our findings are consistent with other studies by concluding that: 1) the logarithmic slope of the total mass density profile steepens with decreasing redshift; 2) the slope is positively correlated with the average total projected mass density of the lens contained within half the effective radius and negatively correlated with the effective radius; 3) the fraction of dark matter contained within half the effective radius increases with increasing effective radius and increases with redshift.
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