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Millikelvin cooling of an optically trapped microsphere in vacuum

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 نشر من قبل Tongcang Li
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The apparent conflict between general relativity and quantum mechanics remains one of the unresolved mysteries of the physical world. According to recent theories, this conflict results in gravity-induced quantum state reduction of Schrodinger cats, quantum superpositions of macroscopic observables. In recent years, great progress has been made in cooling micromechanical resonators towards their quantum mechanical ground state. This work is an important step towards the creation of Schrodinger cats in the laboratory, and the study of their destruction by decoherence. A direct test of the gravity-induced state reduction scenario may therefore be within reach. However, a recent analysis shows that for all systems reported to date, quantum superpositions are destroyed by environmental decoherence long before gravitational state reduction takes effect. Here we report optical trapping of glass microspheres in vacuum with high oscillation frequencies, and cooling of the center-of-mass motion from room temperature to a minimum temperature of 1.5 mK. This new system eliminates the physical contact inherent to clamped cantilevers, and can allow ground-state cooling from room temperature. After cooling, the optical trap can be switched off, allowing a microsphere to undergo free-fall in vacuum. During free-fall, light scattering and other sources of environmental decoherence are absent, so this system is ideal for studying gravitational state reduction. A cooled optically trapped object in vacuum can also be used to search for non-Newtonian gravity forces at small scales, measure the impact of a single air molecule, and even produce Schrodinger cats of living organisms.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We report a weighing metrology experiment of a single silica microsphere optically trapped and immersed in air. Based on fluctuations about thermal equilibrium, three different mass measurements are investigated, each arising from one of two principl e methods. The first method is based on spectral analysis and enables simultaneous extraction of various system parameters. Additionally, the spectral method yields a mass measurement with systematic relative uncertainty of 3.0% in 3~s and statistical relative uncertainty of 0.9% across several trapping laser powers. Parameter values learned from the spectral method serve as input, or a calibration step, for the second method based on the equipartition theorem. The equipartition method gives two additional mass measurements with systematic and statistical relative uncertainties slightly larger than the ones obtained in the spectral method, but over a time interval 10 times shorter. Our mass estimates, which are obtained in a scenario of strong environmental coupling, have uncertainties comparable to ones obtained in force-driven metrology experiments with nanospheres in vacuum. Moreover, knowing the microspheres mass accurately and precisely will enable air-based sensing applications.
Laser-cooled atoms coupled to nanophotonic structures constitute a powerful research platform for the exploration of new regimes of light-matter interaction. While the initialization of the atomic internal degrees of freedom in these systems has been achieved, a full preparation of the atomic quantum state also requires controlling the center of mass motion of the atoms at the quantum level. Obtaining such control is not straightforward, due to the close vicinity of the atoms to the photonic system that is at ambient temperature. Here, we demonstrate cooling of individual neutral Cesium atoms, that are optically interfaced with light in an optical nanofiber, preparing them close to their three-dimensional motional ground state. The atoms are localized less than 300nm away from the hot fiber surface. Ground-state preparation is achieved by performing degenerate Raman cooling, and the atomic temperature is inferred from the analysis of heterodyne fluorescence spectroscopy signals. Our cooling method can be implemented either with externally applied or guided light fields. Moreover, it relies on polarization gradients which naturally occur for strongly confined guided optical fields. Thus, this method can be implemented in any trap based on nanophotonic structures. Our results provide an ideal starting point for the study of novel effects such as light-induced self-organization, the measurement of novel optical forces, and the investigation of heat transfer at the nanoscale using quantum probes.
Optomechanical systems explore and exploit the coupling between light and the mechanical motion of matter. A nonlinear coupling offers access to rich new physics, in both the quantum and classical regimes. We investigate a dynamic, as opposed to the usually studied static, nonlinear optomechanical system, comprising of a nanosphere levitated and cooled in a hybrid electro-optical trap. An optical cavity offers readout of both linear-in-position and quadratic-in-position (nonlinear) light-matter coupling, whilst simultaneously cooling the nanosphere to millikelvin temperatures for indefinite periods of time in high vacuum. We observe cooling of the linear and non-linear motion, leading to a $10^5$ fold reduction in phonon number $n_p$, attaining final occupancies of $n_p = 100-1000$. This work puts cavity cooling of a levitated object to the quantum ground-state firmly within reach.
We experimentally demonstrate the temporary removal of thermal photons from a microwave mode at 1.45 GHz through its interaction with the spin-polarized triplet states of photo-excited pentacene molecules doped within a p-terphenyl crystal at room te mperature. The crystal functions electromagnetically as a narrow-band cryogenic load, removing photons from the otherwise room-temperature mode via stimulated absorption. The noise temperature of the microwave mode dropped to $50^{+18}_{-32}$ K (as directly inferred by noise-power measurements) while the metal walls of the cavity enclosing the mode remained at room temperature. Simulations based on the same systems behavior as a maser (which could be characterized more accurately) indicate the possibility of the modes temperature sinking to $sim$10 K (corresponding to $sim$140 microwave photons). These observations, when combined with engineering improvements to deepen the cooling, identify the system as a narrow-band yet extremely convenient platform -- free of cryogenics, vacuum chambers and strong magnets -- for realizing low-noise detectors, quantum memory and quantum-enhanced machines (such as heat engines) based on strong spin-photon coupling and entanglement at microwave frequencies.
The analysis of uniformly longitudinally extended detector is performed and it is shown that the response of such a detector does not differ from the response of the Unruh detector, but the its excitation is caused not by the thermal bath, but by int eraction with the fluctuations of the quantum field by virtual quanta.
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