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Nucleon polarization in the process $e^+e^-to Nbar{N}$ near threshold

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 نشر من قبل A. I. Milstein
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
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The process $e^+e^- rightarrow Nbar N$ is studied nearby a threshold with account for polarizations of all initial and final particles. The nucleon polarization $bm zeta^N$ reveals a strong energy dependence due to that of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors $G_E(Q^2)$ and $G_M(Q^2)$ caused by the final-state interaction of nucleons. It is shown that the modulus of the ratio of these form factors and their relative phase can be determined by measuring $bm zeta^N$ along with the differential cross section. The polarization degree is analyzed using Paris $Nbar N$ optical potential for calculation of the form factors. It turns out that $|bm zeta^N|$ is high enough in a rather wide energy range above the threshold. Being especially high for longitudinally polarized beams, $|bm zeta^N|$ is noticeable even if both $e^+e^-$ beams are unpolarized.

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Using recent BABAR, CMD-3 and SND data, the sum of $e^+e^- to 3(pi^+pi^-), 2(pi^+pi^-pi^0), pbar{p}, nbar{n}$ cross sections is obtained. Unlike $e^+e^- to 3(pi^+pi^-)$ and $e^+e^- to 2(pi^+pi^-pi^0)$ processes, no structures in total cross section a re found near the $Nbar{N}$ threshold within the limits of measurement errors.
We use the Paris nucleon-antinucleon optical potential for explanation of experimental data in the process $e^+e^- rightarrow pbar p$ near threshold. It turns out that final-state interaction due to Paris optical potential allows us to reproduce avai lable experimental data. It follows from our consideration that the isoscalar form factor is much larger than the isovector one.
The energy dependence of the cross sections of $pbar p$, $nbar n$, and meson production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the vicinity of the $pbar p$ and $nbar n$ thresholds is studied. The proton-neutron mass difference and the $pbar p$ Coulomb interacti on are taken into account. The values of the cross sections are very sensitive to the parameters of the optical potential. It is shown that the commonly accepted factorization approach for the account of the Coulomb interaction does not work well enough in the vicinity of the threshold due to the finite size of the optical potential well.
We consider the $pi^+pi^-pi_0gamma$ final state in electron-positron annihilation at cms energies not far from the threshold. Both initial and final state radiations of the hard photon is considered but without interference between them. The amplitud e for the final state radiation is obtained by using the effective Wess-Zumino-Witten Lagrangian for pion-photon interactions valid for low energies. In real experiments energies are never such small that $rho$ and $omega$ mesons would have negligible effect. So a phenomenological Breit-Wigner factor is introduced in the final state radiation amplitude to account for the vector mesons influence. Using radiative 3$pi$ production amplitudes, a Monte Carlo event generator was developed which could be useful in experimental studies.
444 - R. Baldini , S. Pacetti , A. Zallo 2008
Unexpected features of the BaBar data on e+e- in baryon-antibaryon cross sections are discussed. These data have been collected, with unprecedented accuracy, by means of the initial state radiation technique, which is particularly suitable in giving good acceptance and energy resolution at threshold. A striking feature observed in the BaBar data is the non-vanishing cross section at threshold for all these processes. This is the expectation due to the Coulomb enhancement factor acting on a charged fermion pair. In the case of e+e- in proton-antiproton it is found that Coulomb final state interactions largely dominate the cross section and the form factor is |G^p(4M^2_p)|~1, which could be a general feature for baryons. In the case of neutral baryons an interpretation of the non-vanishing cross section at threshold is suggested, based on quark electromagnetic interaction and taking into account the asymmetry between attractive and repulsive Coulomb factors. Besides strange baryon cross sections are compared to U-spin invariance predictions.
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