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Preference Elicitation in Prioritized Skyline Queries

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 نشر من قبل Jan Chomicki
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Preference queries incorporate the notion of binary preference relation into relational database querying. Instead of returning all the answers, such queries return only the best answers, according to a given preference relation. Preference queries are a fast growing area of database research. Skyline queries constitute one of the most thoroughly studied classes of preference queries. A well known limitation of skyline queries is that skyline preference relations assign the same importance to all attributes. In this work, we study p-skyline queries that generalize skyline queries by allowing varying attribute importance in preference relations. We perform an in-depth study of the properties of p-skyline preference relations. In particular,we study the problems of containment and minimal extension. We apply the obtained results to the central problem of the paper: eliciting relative importance of attributes. Relative importance is implicit in the constructed p-skyline preference relation. The elicitation is based on user-selected sets of superior (positive) and inferior (negative) examples. We show that the computational complexity of elicitation depends on whether inferior examples are involved. If they are not, elicitation can be achieved in polynomial time. Otherwise, it is NP-complete. Our experiments show that the proposed elicitation algorithm has high accuracy and good scalability

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Effective techniques for eliciting user preferences have taken on added importance as recommender systems (RSs) become increasingly interactive and conversational. A common and conceptually appealing Bayesian criterion for selecting queries is expect ed value of information (EVOI). Unfortunately, it is computationally prohibitive to construct queries with maximum EVOI in RSs with large item spaces. We tackle this issue by introducing a continuous formulation of EVOI as a differentiable network that can be optimized using gradient methods available in modern machine learning (ML) computational frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). We exploit this to develop a novel, scalable Monte Carlo method for EVOI optimization, which is more scalable for large item spaces than methods requiring explicit enumeration of items. While we emphasize the use of this approach for pairwise (or k-wise) comparisons of items, we also demonstrate how our method can be adapted to queries involving subsets of item attributes or partial items, which are often more cognitively manageable for users. Experiments show that our gradient-based EVOI technique achieves state-of-the-art performance across several domains while scaling to large item spaces.
Course assignment is a wide-spread problem in education and beyond. Often students have preferences for bundles of course seats or course schedules over the week, which need to be considered. The problem is a challenging distributed scheduling task r equiring decision support. First-Come First-Served (FCFS) is simple and the most widely used assignment rule in practice, but it leads to inefficient outcomes and envy in the allocation. Recent theoretical results suggest alternatives with attractive economic and computational properties. Bundled Probabilistic Serial (BPS) is a randomized mechanism satisfying ordinal efficiency, envy-freeness, and weak strategy-proofness. This mechanism also runs in polynomial time, which is important for the large problem instances in the field. We report empirical results from a first implementation of BPS at the Technical University of Munich, which allows us to provide important empirical metrics such as the size of the resulting matching, the average rank, the profile, and the popularity of the assignments. These metrics were central for the adoption of BPS. In particular, we compare these metrics to Random Serial Dictatorship with bundle bids (BRSD). The BRSD mechanism is used to simulate the wide-spread First-Come First-Served (FCFS) mechanism and it allows us to compare FCFS (BRSD) and BPS. While theoretically appealing, preference elicitation is a major challenge when considering preferences over exponentially many packages. We introduce tools to elicit preferences which reduce the number of parameters a student needs to a manageable set. The approach together with BPS yields a computationally effective tool to solve course assignment problems with thousands of students, and possibly provides an approach for other distributed scheduling tasks in organizations.
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Similarity join, which can find similar objects (e.g., products, names, addresses) across different sources, is powerful in dealing with variety in big data, especially web data. Threshold-driven similarity join, which has been extensively studied in the past, assumes that a user is able to specify a similarity threshold, and then focuses on how to efficiently return the object pairs whose similarities pass the threshold. We argue that the assumption about a well set similarity threshold may not be valid for two reasons. The optimal thresholds for different similarity join tasks may vary a lot. Moreover, the end-to-end time spent on similarity join is likely to be dominated by a back-and-forth threshold-tuning process. In response, we propose preference-driven similarity join. The key idea is to provide several result-set preferences, rather than a range of thresholds, for a user to choose from. Intuitively, a result-set preference can be considered as an objective function to capture a users preference on a similarity join result. Once a preference is chosen, we automatically compute the similarity join result optimizing the preference objective. As the proof of concept, we devise two useful preferences and propose a novel preference-driven similarity join framework coupled with effective optimization techniques. Our approaches are evaluated on four real-world web datasets from a diverse range of application scenarios. The experiments show that preference-driven similarity join can achieve high-quality results without a tedious threshold-tuning process.
90 - Jan Chomicki , Joyce Song 2005
We study here preference revision, considering both the monotonic case where the original preferences are preserved and the nonmonotonic case where the new preferences may override the original ones. We use a relational framework in which preferences are represented using binary relations (not necessarily finite). We identify several classes of revisions that preserve order axioms, for example the axioms of strict partial or weak orders. We consider applications of our results to preference querying in relational databases.
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